After knowing your body fat rate, let’s talk about several ways to reduce fat, which is easy for everyone to do.

The way to control the calories is to make the ingredients light and mainly cook.

In the process of a certain stage, you may encounter many puzzles, and the effect of reducing fat is not so ideal.

Keep walking for an hour every day.

Unless you can order a fat reducing meal, you can bring your own food.

Fitness professionals know that if you want to have clear muscle lines, you must first carry out fat reduction training.

A foreign organization has released a data that you can lose 10 kg if you step on a bicycle for 100 hours.

When taking the bus to work, you can get off one stop in advance and take two more steps.

However, one thing to explain is that swimming is different from running.

In addition, after we lose fat, our skin will lose elasticity.

Seventh: Why should strength training be mentioned again? Because strength training is essential to the success of perfect fat reduction.

For example, when working, you can move more, go to the toilet, pour water, go out to smoke, etc.

There are also some friends who use dynamic bikes to reduce fat.

Only when the body fat rate drops to a certain extent, the shaping and muscle strengthening training is effective.

The normal body fat rate for men should be 12% – 20%, and that for women should be 17% – 25%.

Second, the staple food of dinner, rice, should be halved and takeout should be refused.

Sixth: Walk+hyperactivity If you are too heavy, you are not recommended to do any of the above exercises.

The biggest reason for belly meat growth is diet.

Or take less elevators of two floors and climb stairs instead.

The last one is to rest.

To reduce the body fat rate, you need to know your own body fat rate first.

They ride dynamic bikes for 45 minutes each time, 4-5 times a week, and in half a month, they can lose about 5 kg.

Many people will encounter some bottlenecks in the process of body fat reduction.

In addition to walking, you also need to move more.

When the physical strength is not fully recovered, practice circularly and have a rest.

At least the dynamic bicycle can let you ride while watching TV.

If you do strength training at the same time, your flesh will be strong and your lines will be more beautiful.

It is not unreasonable to go to bed early and get up early for good health..

In terms of continuous fat burning, hiit is also better.

Second: when it comes to aerobic exercise, many studies have shown that hiit training is the best at present.

If you don’t get enough rest every day, you will be either too fat or too thin.

Therefore, it is very important to ensure more than 7 hours of sleep every day.

An hour of running can only burn more than 700 calories, but a hour of hiit can burn more than 900 calories.

However, the way to reduce fat is nothing more than diet control+aerobic exercise+strength training.

To see the abdominal muscles clearly, the body fat rate should be controlled below 14% for men and 19% for women.

Only when your basic metabolism rises can you consume fat without moving.

Next, Cheng sir will introduce several methods to help you reduce the body fat rate scientifically and effectively.

Take away food is mostly over caloric.

The proportion of lean meat in three parts and vegetables in seven parts is generally not more than 600 calories.

And the fat burning effect of jogging is not so strong.

Many people have tried different methods to reduce fat, but they have not achieved ideal results.

As long as you develop the habit of hyperactivity, you will burn a lot of calories every day.

It must be every day.

If you run outdoors, it’s also boring to run alone.

Unlike ordinary aerobic exercise, which requires 30-40 minutes to have a good fat burning effect, HIIT can quickly increase our heart rate in a short period of time, start to burn fat, and can continue to burn fat for a long time after training.

Although it has been said to let you exercise and make you more active, you should ensure rest when you need to rest.

Therefore, if you can’t control your diet after swimming, it may not only have no effect on reducing fat, but also make you fatter.

In fact, there is no very fast way to reduce fat.

Fifth: Swimming is a very good aerobic exercise, but not everyone has the conditions to swim.

HIIT, high-intensity interval training, in a word, is to change the intensity of training.

First of all, it has high requirements for the venue.

So if you can swim, swimming is also a good choice to reduce fat.

You can eat enough for lunch, but you need to control the calories.

running waist packs

So if you want to reduce fat, diet control is the top priority.

If it’s a treadmill, it doesn’t feel as comfortable as a dynamic bicycle.

Here are some more effective and convenient aerobic exercises.

Fourth: Why put jogging in the fourth place? Because running looks easy, but the motivation to keep going is not so strong.

Because the heart rate of walking itself is not too high, it only reduces fat by increasing energy consumption, so you need to adhere to it every day to improve your basic metabolism in a disguised way.

Third: Riding a bicycle is also a very good sport.

Strength training can increase your muscle mass and improve your basic metabolism.

First: diet control causes us to gain weight.

Body fat rate is the proportion of fat in your body to your weight.

Eighth: Pay attention to rest.

Or if you don’t want to do any of the above sports and just want to walk to reduce fat, it’s OK.

After running, you will feel thirsty and have a large demand for water, while after swimming, you will feel hungry and have a large demand for meat and carbon water.

The effect is really obvious.

Although it seems a bit unreliable, after all, everyone’s resistance is different after 100 hours.

In addition to controlling your diet, the only thing you can do is walk.

First of all, the speed of eating should be slowed down.

But it can at least show that cycling is also a very effective way to reduce fat.

By KingWay