running sling bag

However, from the perspective of the pyramid structure of running ability, these two items are at the top of the pyramid of running ability, which is called marathon specific endurance in professional terms.

Poor technique and poor running posture make it easy to get hurt when running faster and faster.

Some people think that running fast and running much is the ultimate embodiment of running ability.

The support of running technology is the physical health level at the bottom of the pyramid, specifically, joint flexibility, stability and core control (these physical ability elements are the premise of forming good running technology, and also provide the physical basis for marathon specific endurance).

Only by laying a solid foundation can we lay a foundation for lasting and healthy running.

That is to say, first lay a solid foundation for the level of physical health, and then pay attention to running technical training on this basis to form a scientific and reasonable running posture.

Only good running technology can lay a good foundation for obtaining marathon specific endurance.

And good marathon specific endurance should be based on other more basic abilities (joint flexibility and stability and core control).

Such runners are more likely to be injured or suffer from chronic strain all the time, or their improvement is relatively slow.

This is because poor joint flexibility, stability and core control greatly reduce the running economy; And because there is more running, the joint load is large and the ability of the joint to bear the load has not been effectively strengthened, so it is easy to have various injuries.

How should runners systematically improve their running ability? Is it enough to run more? How can running effectively avoid injuries? Such problems may be puzzling many runners.

To answer these questions, instead of telling you to pay attention to this and that in the form of “treating headache and foot pain”, we should answer these questions with systematic thinking and methodology based on the basic theory of sports science.

Such runners are very common, which shows that they only attach importance to running at ordinary times, while ignoring basic flexibility, stability and core control training.

As the saying goes, sharpening a knife does not hurt the firewood cutter.

The middle layer of the pyramid is the so-called running technology.

However, the pyramid model of running ability of some runners is not ideal.

With the physical foundation, you can carry out systematic running training to gradually improve the cardiorespiratory function, so that you can systematically improve your running ability, and in this process, it also greatly reduces the incidence of running injuries…

The most common situation is shown in the following figure.

Generally, runners do not need to emphasize running distance and pace too much at the beginning of running, but should first strengthen joint flexibility, stability and core control.

Yes, if you can’t run fast or far, you can’t talk about running ability.

How should runners systematically improve their running ability? First of all, we should understand what elements make up a runner’s ability.

After years of training, such runners have good specific endurance and running skills, but poor joint flexibility, stability and core control.

By KingWay