
Fortunately, the three patients were sent to the hospital in time.

Once the body cannot adapt to this change during vigorous exercise, causing normal physiological dysfunction, it may cause abnormal rise in body temperature, resulting in heatstroke.

Choose a time when the temperature is relatively low, choose a well ventilated environment, and wear fast drying clothes with good ventilation.

when the patient was sent to the hospital, and the temperature was not particularly high.” Ye Songfu, the emergency attending physician of the three patients with heat stroke and the deputy chief physician of the emergency department of internal medicine of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Xiamen medical college, recalled that the three patients with heat stroke had experienced mental disorders, confusion and even coma when they were sent to the hospital on the morning of July 2.

Before that, patients may have symptoms such as heat cramp and heat failure, that is, discomfort such as muscle twitching and mental depression.

Do you also get heat stroke when you run at 5 o’clock in the morning? The three heat stroke patients were recruited when they participated in the team building long-distance race at 5 a.m.

(2) Why can’t you run early in the morning while the weather is cool, or avoid heat stroke? “Heat stroke should be prevented not only from high temperature, but also from high humidity.” Ye Songfu said that people naturally associate the words “summer” and “heat” when they say heat stroke, but in fact, there have been cases of heat stroke in late autumn or even winter.

Frequent population: it is often seen in people who work and exercise with high intensity in high temperature and humidity environments, such as sanitation workers, construction workers, traffic police, firefighters, etc.

when the temperature had not yet risen, why did they still cause heat stroke? “It was only more than 8 a.m.

If your temperature rises abnormally, you must stop and take cooling measures.

Once it causes organ failure, even if it is cured, there will be serious sequelae.

In order to avoid overheating and heatstroke, it was specially scheduled to start running at more than 5 a.m.

In addition, these three patients have not received tolerance training, and their heat production and heat dissipation functions are unbalanced, which leads to heat stroke.

“If you feel unwell, you should stop exercising immediately and go to a cool place to cool down and replenish water.” Ye Songfu said that heat stroke is the most serious disease in severe heatstroke.

84% – 100% of cases have no sweat.

If you have a lot of sweating, pale face, fatigue, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, fainting and other symptoms, and do not improve after cooling, go to a doctor immediately.

When running, you’d better go together.


This is just like the computer in the high temperature environment of continuous operation, which is prone to slow down or even crash.

After temperature measurement, it was found that the central temperature of the three patients reached 39.8 ℃, 40.2 ℃ and 41 ℃ respectively.

In essence, the cause of heat stroke is that the heat in the body accumulates in organs or muscle tissue and cannot be distributed in time.

Ye Songfu immediately intubated the three people to cool down, drained the blood in the arteries and veins out of the body for cooling and then reflux, so as to achieve the effect of reducing the central body temperature.

Factors such as hot weather or exercise will raise body temperature; However, high humidity environment, dysfunction of sweat glands and poor ventilation of clothes will lead to insufficient heat dissipation capacity.

Through this treatment, the body temperature can drop by 1 ℃ per hour, and the body temperature of the three people has basically returned to normal at noon that day.

Once you find that your partner faints due to heat stroke (burning skin, hyperthermia), call the emergency number for a certain time and try to use various methods to cool down quickly and effectively.


(4) When summer comes, the air temperature and humidity are high, which is the high incidence period of heat stroke.

This is the most important for the treatment of heat stroke and the golden rule to improve the success rate of treatment..

“The central body temperature is so high that it is easy to cause organ failure, which is very dangerous.” Ye Songfu said that heat stroke is a fatal disease with high mortality.

At the same time, pay attention to stop and rest.


On the same day, the factory organized a five kilometer long run as a group construction activity.

High temperature weather will affect the body’s self-regulation mechanism of body temperature, especially when the air humidity is also high, the heat dissipation mechanism of sweat evaporation will be blocked.

After the patient’s condition was stable, ye Songfu learned that the three patients were employees of a nearby factory.


The initial manifestation of the disease is abnormal behavior or seizures, followed by delirium, coma, etc.

Clinically, it can be divided into two types: exertional and non exertional (Classic) heat stroke.

Replenish water in time.

When running, you can pour water on your head or wet towel to cool down.

(3) Heat stroke is a fatal emergency characterized by high temperature and disturbance of consciousness.

Non labor (Classic) heat stroke, mortality rate: 70% – 80% of people with multiple occurrences: heat stroke that occurs after maintaining for several days in a high temperature and poorly ventilated environment is mainly seen in the obese, frail elderly or people with chronic diseases and low immunity.

in severe cases, hypotension, shock, arrhythmia and heart failure, pulmonary edema and brain edema may occur.

How should runners prevent heat stroke during summer training? 1.

Once you feel unwell, you must stop in time and don’t hold on.

Symptoms: there will be hyperhidrosis, hypotension, and even purple patches on the skin due to disseminated intravascular coagulation in the body.

Symptoms: dry and hot skin and redness.


At this time, they should be vigilant and seek medical treatment at the first time.

At the beginning of July, the continuous rainfall has just come to an end, and the air humidity is high, especially the water vapor transpiration in the morning, which is very detrimental to heat dissipation; Although the temperature in the morning is not high, running for a long time produces a lot of heat.

Heat stroke is the most serious type of heat stroke.


running elastic headwear

You can use a bracelet or watch to detect your temperature.

When running, it’s best to bring some water by yourself, so that you can replenish water freely.

Labor induced heat stroke, mortality rate: more than 50%.

There will also be rhabdomyolysis, hypocalcemia, acute renal failure and other diseases.

By KingWay