In short-term and high-intensity exercise, phosphogen system is the main energy supply system.

running sling bag

As a person who has successfully reduced fat through running, he said he was puzzled that running is so popular now, the threshold is low, and the requirements for venues and professional skills are not high.

Muscles can use all energy materials, but the time, sequence and relative ratio vary with exercise conditions, not synchronously.

You must run for more than 30 minutes to be useful.”.

Again, after 2min of exercise, a large amount of aerobic energy supply begins, and the oxidation of fat also begins.

Basal metabolism (BM) refers to the minimum energy needs of all organs of the human body to maintain life.

If you are only running at ordinary times, the longer you run, the fat burning efficiency will gradually decline..

It sounds reasonable, but this statement is also wrong! Because it takes 3.5 hours for normal people to consume all the sugar in their bodies.

We often say aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise, which are divided according to the proportion of energy supplied by different energy supply systems in exercise.

In fact, in any case, even if you lie at home for a day, the three energy supply systems are also working, and the body is also consuming accumulated fat, because each of us has basic metabolism.

Although the longer the aerobic exercise takes, the more calories it consumes, aerobic exercise is not the only option to reduce fat.

Finally, we can calculate that sugar in the human body can provide 2020 calories.

Therefore, it is obviously wrong to use up glycogen before consuming fat.

However, the energy consumed by basic metabolism alone is very limited after all.

Every time a friend asks me how to lose weight, my answer is eight words: scientific diet, regular exercise.

Glycolysis system is divided into fast glycolysis and slow glycolysis.


> > > Phosphogen system phosphogen system is mainly powered by phosphocreatine within 0-30s after the start of exercise.

In addition, many people say that the reason why fat burning starts after 30 minutes is that it is the turn to consume fat after the glycogen in the muscle is consumed first.

After 30 minutes, the energy supply ratio of fat begins to be greater than sugar.

> > > > Glycolysis system glycolysis system mainly supplies energy for the body 6s-3min after the start of exercise.


> > > Aerobic oxidation system the aerobic oxidation system mainly oxidizes sugar, carbohydrate, fat and protein to supply energy to the body within 2 minutes after the start of exercise.

Aerobic exercise is not the only option.

Every 1g of sugar can decompose 4 calories.

When you start exercising, glycogen and fat are powered together, but the proportion of the two is slightly different at different stages.

In the first 6 seconds of running, most of the energy is supplied by phosphate; After 6 seconds, the glycolysis system began to supply energy for exercise, and the function of Pro phosphate decreased; At 30 seconds, glycolysis becomes the main energy supply system; After 2 minutes, the oxidation system began to supply energy for exercise, and the glycolysis energy supply gradually decreased.

In fact, as long as you can achieve the goal of consuming more calories than consuming calories every day, all sports can be done.

This is a good explanation for why hitting the wall is easy to happen in 3-3.5 hours during the marathon, because at this time, when the body’s glycogen is exhausted, obvious physical exhaustion will occur.

Glycogen and fat are consumed at the same time.

How could he be “rejected by roll call”? My friend said, “running is the most useless way to lose weight.



It requires a lot of oxygen.

Glycolysis system is mainly involved in medium and high intensity exercise.

The body’s own sugar content is about 505g (5g blood glucose comes from the blood, 100g liver glycogen from the liver, 400g muscle glycogen from the muscle), and these sugars can be used as consumption to provide heat.

Next, we take running as an example to illustrate the relationship between exercise time and the three energy supply systems.

My friend said that eating can be controlled, but what else can I recommend besides running.

This should be another long-running “running rumor” after “running Baili only hurts the knee”.

Fast glycolysis is an anaerobic reaction, while slow glycolysis is an aerobic reaction.

Sorry, this pot of running is also not back! Because your fat has been burning since the first minute of running! What’s going on? Before we explain this problem, it is necessary to understand how fat is burned during exercise? Three functional systems the human body has three major energy supply systems: “phosphogen system”, “glycolysis system” and “aerobic oxidation system”.

It is right to say that the longer you run, the more calories (fat) you consume, but it is obviously wrong to say that fat will burn after 30 minutes of running, because the proportion of fat energy supply just reaches the peak in 30 minutes.

To be clear, there is basically no single energy supply in exercise.

At 30 minutes, the two are the same (the energy supply ratio of sugar and fat accounts for half respectively).

According to the explanation in the book “sportsphysiology fox, EdwardL”, in the first 30 minutes of aerobic exercise, the energy supply ratio of sugar is greater than fat.

It turned out that the reason why many people didn’t want to run was “30 minutes to burn fat”.

The measurement method is the energy metabolic rate when the human body is in a state of wakefulness and extreme silence, and is not affected by muscle activity, environmental temperature, food and mental tension.

After he said this, I suddenly had a headache.

What is the concept of 2020 calories? Let’s take another example: a 60kg runner can consume 600 calories an hour at a pace of 6 minutes / km, that is, it takes 3.5 hours to consume all the sugar in the body.

By KingWay