Generally, one to two days of rest a week, there is no need to run seven days a week


Not only has your speed not decreased, but also your speed has improved significantly


This is beneficial in the long run


Although the training intensity of amateur runners is not as strong as that of professional athletes, they also need to adjust their physical condition through proper rest


After the signs of injury appear, immediately reduce the speed or stop running, seemingly lost a planned running opportunity, but avoid the regret of not running after injury


Every runner will inevitably face injury


When exercising, we should always pay attention to the physical condition


Originally, it was to pursue speed, but “if you want speed, you can’t reach it.”


What running needs to fight is the gravity produced by the weight of the runner


To some extent, rest is even considered as important as training


Rest is an important part of muscle tissue reorganization, if the lack of rest, muscle tissue has been in a state of destruction, no reorganization, will cause muscle damage


The improvement of speed and the extension of time in running break the original balance of the body, and it is easy to damage the weak parts


When running, you should be relaxed and relaxed


You can’t run better without rest


The obvious disadvantage of doing so is that when people are tired, they don’t know what the reason is


Some professional athletes also experience the benefits of rest when they have to stop after injury


Running injury, many times because do not know how to rest, do not know how to avoid injury


Rest needs real relaxation


 this unexpected discovery makes athletes gradually consciously use rest to recover their physical ability, and then improve their performance


Compared with other antagonistic sports, running is much safer


For older runners, rest has another meaning: don’t run too often, especially for runners over 50, and don’t run more than twice a year


Runners’ excessive pursuit of distance or speed is the ideological source of injury


During the rest period, we should also pay attention to the influence of daily life style on rest


After a lot of practice or never exercise, a certain part of the body will appear sore, this feeling will disappear after a period of time, this is just a vague and uncertain pain, not injury


Running all the year round can make the micro tissue in the body produce large or small scars


Be kind to your body, and your body will repay your understanding


The most vulnerable part of this process is the leg


When they run again after a break, they find that their physical ability is improved


This injury has caused a sharp decline in my athletic ability


Running is a circulatory process in which muscle tissue is constantly destroyed and reorganized


This is also a small act of being kind to your body, which will be rewarded in the future


In the past, there was a wrong saying that “it’s good to exercise every day”


If the rest time is filled with other life contents, such rest will lose its significance


Rest can also take some non sports means to help the body eliminate fatigue


In the later running, once I found the omen of injury, I would immediately slow down and adjust the running movement


Life lies in sports, but sports also need self-discipline


If you continue to run after injury, you can only cause more serious injury to this part


The cost of actively avoiding injury is much less than the cost of recovering after injury


As the saying goes, you can’t work better without rest


The other three are endurance, speed and strength


It’s the same with running


The official account is welcomed by all accounts.


The technical cause of injury is excessive exercise or incorrect running posture, but the root is in the runner’s mind


This injury made me have a kind of indifferent attitude to running, no longer to pursue speed as the goal


A few years ago, in an exercise of morning running, in order to achieve my expected goal, I insisted on running the whole course with injuries, resulting in the injury of the ankle joint of my right leg, resulting in the inability to run for more than a year


When the pain accumulates and becomes persistent pain, the body is damaged


They often attribute it to illness, and as a result, they lose confidence in exercise


Knowledge of sports is restricted to professional communication


Click [running is running] 👆 Run together! Rest is regarded as one of the four elements of running


If these can not alleviate the pain, I would stop without hesitation


I’ve experienced the pain of trying to run and not being able to run after being injured


For the sake of achievement or instant pleasure, the cost of body is not worth the loss


Rest is not equal to complete stop running, you can do other types of low-intensity training, such as cycling, slow swimming and other aerobic training instead of running


If your body is really tired, you can even take a three-day break


Deep massage of muscle tissue is an effective method


Experienced sports massage experts can quickly restore your physical fitness through deep massage, improve running performance and prolong sports life


That’s why sometimes when you run after a rest, you feel that your physical ability has improved a lot


Running is running


A lot of exercise and fast running will make the injury come earlier


Endless running can lead to muscle damage


Professional books are read


For most runners, rest is a reluctant thing


If you understand this, you won’t feel weak because you haven’t exercised for a day or two


It is best to have a day of complete rest without exercise, so that the body does not attack the hidden damage can be effectively restored


Only by giving up the utilitarian idea of blindly pursuing speed and distance and returning to the original intention of pursuing happiness and health, can runners be free from harm


The reorganized tissue is stronger than the original one


This is the right way to keep fit


I’ve learned from injuries, too


After all, fitness is the goal, and achievement is only a by-product


At this time, the best way is to stop the movement, at least stop the movement of the injured part


When your body is excited, you should also pay attention to any signs that may cause injury


Misled by it, most runners are used to running every day


Even if your long-distance running ability is naturally good, too many long-distance running competitions will shorten your sports career


By KingWay