I had an 8:00 meeting in the morning, so I couldn’t help it.

Cycling is equivalent to warming up, and riding back after running is equivalent to rest, so I can take a bath at home.

I thought it was very suitable for me.

Even the meituan app told me that I spent more than 100 yuan on cycling this month, but I only used the money of my monthly card.

Suddenly, I found that there were several obvious boundaries in this panorama, one was the tree on the left, the other was the stone bench in the middle, which made the whole panorama seem to be made up of several pictures.

athletic compression socks

Maybe it’s because I’ve been in Hong Kong for a long time.

It’s also about why you want to ride a bike to run, because you don’t think you can run far for the time being.

But now everyone actually uses the deposit free method.

I usually didn’t get up until 6:30 to 7:00 to run.

I can’t help feeling it’s worth it.

There are a lot of fitness people in the park, and the greening is also very good.

After I came back, I found that sharing bicycles is really convenient and cheap.

With a monthly card less than 20 yuan, I can ride more than 100 times a month (running in the morning: cycling to the park – cycling back from the Park, fitness in the afternoon: cycling to the gym – cycling home).

I tried to click to return the deposit.

Running really makes people feel very comfortable.

It really came back, which is a bit like ill gotten gains…

Just now, when I checked my meituan bike, I found that I had a deposit of 300 yuan that had not been refunded in my meituan bike.

If you run to the park, you may not want to run any more, so you have to walk back.

This time, I had to struggle to get up as soon as the 6:00 alarm clock rang.

Today is a special day, especially when “my monthly bike sharing card expires and I need to buy a new one”.

I came up with the idea of going to the park by bike.

By KingWay