Wu Kai from the emergency medical department made a preliminary diagnosis of heat stroke.

Tan was very excited and excited.

It is easier to get sunstroke when exercising in this weather.


Tan, 33, developed the habit of running three years ago.

She actively signed up for the event.

This is just like that the computer is prone to slow down or even crash in the high temperature environment of continuous operation.

Recently, her company held an 8-kilometer happy running activity.

Tan, from Yuelu District, Changsha City, was sent to the emergency medical department of the second people’s Hospital of Hunan Province for treatment due to heatstroke after running two kilometers.

Tan had tachycardia of 140 times / minute, and her blood pressure dropped significantly to the degree of shock.

After inquiring about the medical history and physical examination, Dr.

Zhouqibing reminded citizens who like sports that when the average temperature of the day is more than 30 ℃ and the relative humidity is more than 73%, they need to prevent heatstroke, because when high temperature and high humidity conditions exist at the same time, the incidence of heatstroke will increase significantly.

After resting for 5 minutes, she suddenly fainted, vomited and breathed rapidly, and then her body temperature rose rapidly to 39.5 ℃.

High temperature and high humidity are the two major environmental factors leading to heatstroke.


According to Dr.

She took the lead as soon as she started running.

The first aid team of the Department quickly carried out physical cooling and infusion and rehydration for her.


Tan recovered her mind and her condition gradually eased.


Zhouqibing, director of the emergency medical department, said that people usually think that it is only exposure to the sun that is easy to get sunstroke, but in fact, it is also easy to get sunstroke on sauna days when the sun is not visible.

After emergency symptomatic treatment, Ms.

In recent days, Hunan has been continuously rainy, and the air humidity is very high; With the synchronous rise of temperature, people who like sports should pay attention.

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On the day of the competition, Ms.

However, after running for 2 kilometers, she suddenly felt unwell all over the body, with headache and dizziness.

Wu Kai, if you take strenuous exercise in a high temperature and humidity environment without appropriate rest and safeguard measures, you are prone to heatstroke, and heat stroke is the most serious type of heatstroke.

Wang, a colleague, said that she was delirious, pale and sweating profusely, which frightened everyone.

Recently, Hunan has more rainy weather, and the temperature has risen, and the air humidity is very high.

Especially when the air humidity is also high, the heat dissipation mechanism of sweat evaporation will be blocked.

Tan thought that after three years of practice, she should have no problem getting a place.

In the emergency medical department of the second people’s Hospital of Hunan Province, Ms.


Scan the QR code and join the running circle.

Once the body fails to adapt to this change during vigorous exercise, resulting in normal physiological dysfunction, it may cause abnormal rise of body temperature, leading to heatstroke.

Wu Kai pointed out that high temperature weather will affect the body’s self-regulation mechanism of body temperature.

By KingWay