If you often have cramps during exercise, you can take a blood test to see if it is caused by lack of certain nutrients


Such as winter swimming, winter outdoor exercise


When you have cramps on the way to running, stretching slowly can effectively improve the pain


Cramps mainly occurred in the lower leg (54%), front thigh (44%) and back thigh (33%)


Excessive loss of electrolytes can lead to muscle spasm


Stretch the front side of the thigh, lift the cramped foot, bend it back, stand on one foot, hold the foot board with the same hand and pull it to the hip until the quadriceps feels the stretch


Most of the main causes of muscle cramps are accompanied by physical stimulation caused by changes in the external environment


Muscle contraction can cause cramps


Replenish water in time before training or competition (especially when the body needs to continue to exercise for more than an hour) and during exercise (especially in hot and humid weather)


Eating high acid food is easy to cause cramps


Keep the other leg upright for 20 seconds, relax and repeat


The results show that: in the 160 km race, about 14.3% of the players had muscle cramps, and 26.8% of the players felt that their muscles were about to cramp, but no cramps occurred


Generally speaking, the calf gastrocnemius is the most prone muscle to spasm, followed by the plantar flexor digitorum brevis and flexor pollicis longus


Cramps can cause the muscles of the body to fail to complete the normal movement within a few minutes, and often when cramps occur, the body will have a sense of urgency / pressure


Do you know all the little things about running cramps? Little secretary’s recommendation – yesterday’s message activity of running books has ended


The cramp is very sudden


When the faint twitch feeling spreads on the leg, the speed and strategy are all forgotten, which greatly affects the performance and mood of running


Continuous rapid muscle contraction in normal sports training or competition, muscle contraction is too fast, relaxation action is not sufficient, uncoordinated cause muscle spasm, novice sports runners are more common


Then slowly bend the front knee and move the weight forward until you feel the calf muscles being pulled


Muscle spasm, commonly known as cramp, is one of the recognized natural enemies of runners


For 20 seconds, relax and repeat


Cold stimulation is affected by temperature, excitability increases, easy to make muscle tonic contraction


Especially in the state of local muscle fatigue, continuous intense exercise or sudden tension action is particularly easy to cause spasm


Supplement all kinds of essential nutrients from your daily diet


Stretch the leg without cramps and step forward


Electrolytes are related to muscle excitation


Pay attention to a balanced diet


Professor explored the muscle cramps of some competitors in a 100 mile super marathon


Drinking water every 20 minutes is very effective in preventing cramps


Press the cramped leg firmly on the ground


Increase the amount of exercise should not be too hasty, should abide by the principle of increasing 10% per week


Muscle fatigue state body fatigue affects the normal physiological function of muscle, fatigue muscle blood circulation and energy metabolism has changed, there is a lot of lactic acid accumulation in muscle, lactic acid on muscle contraction material effect, leading to spasm


Stretch the cramped leg at the back of the thigh, stretch it straight forward, only touch the heel to the ground, let the toes face up, bend the knee of the other foot for half squat, press the upper edge of the cramped leg knee with hands overlapping, and press slightly for 20 seconds, then relax the hands, and then continue


The effective way to prevent cramps is to avoid and eliminate the inducing factors closely related to cramps


Cramps are spontaneous, persistent and accompanied by pain


Excessive loss of electrolytes, a lot of sweat in exercise, especially long-term strenuous exercise or high-temperature season exercise, electrolytes excreted with sweat


Before regular exercise, do full preparatory activities, stretch the muscles of legs, waist, back, neck and arms


Sports medicine, an international famous academic journal, once published a research report by Professor Hoffman of the Department of physical medicine and rehabilitation of University of California


When exercising in cold environment, muscle spasm is easy to occur if there is no or insufficient preparatory activity or cold


If you don’t choose a little partner to send books, you can buy your own “no injury running method” Author: Meng di


As a matter of fact, cramps can also be classified into: sporadic (strenuous exercise without sufficient warm-up), idiopathic (such as cramps during sleep at night) and symptomatic (caused by other diseases)


By KingWay