In addition, the state of the body is getting worse and worse.

Life lies in exercise, which can make the body healthier and stronger, enhance the body’s immunity, promote metabolism, help the digestion and decomposition of sugar and fat, and play a role in reducing weight and preventing diseases.

In winter, the ultraviolet rays are not very strong, so you can choose the time you like to exercise.

In order to delay aging and maintain youth forever, many people begin to stick to clock in.

During the running process, the face will sweat a lot, and the sweat contains a certain amount of salt.

Although they can lose weight soon, they are easy to grow old and are not very good for health.

The body will run more and more tired, and the body will become worse and worse, looking older.

01 if you keep running for a long time, you will lose weight, but you will “look old”? Listen to the doctor’s explanation.

There will be no large energy consumption caused by long-time exercise, and no health benefits caused by too short exercise time.

Mastering suitable exercise methods for young people, aerobic exercise and strength exercise are good exercise methods, such as running and push ups, but for middle-aged and elderly people, aerobic exercise is good exercise methods, such as swimming, jogging, yoga, Taijiquan, etc.

Exercise time should be determined in combination with your physical condition.

If you run fast for a long time, a lot of oxygen will enter your body, accelerating the aging of body cells.

Many people are busy with work and family and neglect their health.

If their skin is exposed to ultraviolet radiation for a long time, melanin will precipitate, resulting in color spots and wrinkles on their faces.

If you exercise too much, your body will bear more pressure, your muscles will strain, your bones will wear out, and your body will feel very tired, which will not only affect your appetite, but also be detrimental to your body’s nutritional supplement.

Many outdoor sports people think about running without sun protection.

I didn’t pay attention to the combination of work and rest.

Although it is said that running can exercise muscle strength and make the skin better, it is necessary to control the amount of exercise, feel the body sweating slightly, and it becomes a little difficult to speak, that is, to control the time within half an hour to an hour.

02 in order to prevent you from getting older as you exercise, it is important to master the five skills.

Antioxidants such as vitamin C and vitamin E can fight against oxygen free radicals generated during exercise and help delay aging.

Do a good job of preparation before exercise.

If you often drag your tired body to run, you will get older and older.

It is recommended that you start exercising when you are young and restrain yourself through long-term weight loss or exercise programs to delay the aging of the body…

Running is a national sport suitable for men, women and children.

If the heart rate is unstable and the body’s heart rate will accelerate during running, it will turn aerobic exercise into anaerobic exercise.

Without sun protection, our skin needs to be protected.

Death will accelerate the aging speed, making you look older.

They are thin, but they are getting old.

Running is a kind of aerobic exercise.

Running can consume physical strength, generate more calories, speed up blood circulation, improve metabolism, and help expel toxins and wastes from the body.

What’s the matter? Let’s listen to the doctor’s explanation.

Many people keep running for a long time.

After exercise, replenish water and vitamins in time.

The time for exercise should be chosen according to the situation.

In spring and summer, the morning and noon sunshine are more dazzling, and the ultraviolet rays are stronger.

Make a long-term exercise program many people exercise to lose weight.

This substance also has certain effects on the skin.

Therefore, exercise in the afternoon or early morning can reduce the local stimulation brought by the sun.

It is more appropriate for adults to exercise for half an hour every day.

these exercises are good for protecting cardiovascular, respiratory and endocrine systems.

running beanie

Running can also promote the secretion of body hormones, prolong the decline of brain nerves, delay brain aging, and lose weight.

This is because running is an aerobic exercise.

If you have back pain and muscle pain after exercise, it means that the exercise intensity is too high.

It is said that sports make people young.

Warm up before exercise, add some energy appropriately to avoid hypoglycemia during exercise.

It is mainly related to the following three points.

By KingWay