More than ten thousand steps a day, as well as insist on sending running path screenshots, are the best proof of self-discipline


Even strong social media influence may put runners under more pressure


This phenomenon is commonly known as “running knee”


The pain is most obvious when the thigh is completely bent or straightened


To form a healthy sense of exercise is the correct concept of exercise that every fitness person should form


More young runners begin to suffer from physical injuries


But the longer they keep running, the longer they will run, because their bodies want to pursue higher stimuli


■ iliotibial tract inflammation leads to pain in the lateral knee, sometimes including the hip joint


So far, the microblog’s “running, clocking and Chaohua” has reached 220 million readers and 23000 posts


For example, a study in the Canadian Journal of applied physiology research also shows that overtraining syndrome is a problem that 65% of long-distance runners encounter


The World Health Organization estimates that in Europe, about 600000 people die each year from inactivity and unhealthy lifestyles


For example, running is the most simple and effective way


Popular running clock in running clock in is a kind of self-discipline, in addition to the formation of sports achievement, to some extent, is also the source of power


The friction between iliotibial tract and lateral femoral condyle produces pain, which is the most common cause of lateral knee pain in runners


In the United States, running challenges have been popular for some time


Streak runner is used by the American Running Association (usrsa) to describe a runner who runs every day


Overtraining syndrome, accompanied by the following and kinds of phenomenon: often cold: in the process of exercise, the release of stress hormones in the body, temporarily inhibit the immune system


According to usrsa, the distance must be at least 1.6 kilometers, the average Orienteering time is 10 to 15 minutes, and there is no rest day


Although in order to get healthy, they ignore healthy life


Mark covert, a runner at usrsa, runs every day for 45 years


Under the stimulation of social network and psychological compulsion, long distance running every day is no longer a healthy exercise, but more like addictive behavior


Source: instagram social network is becoming the driving force of running clock in


This applies not only to strength training, but also to endurance training, such as running.


Due to repeated joint friction and excessive pressure on joint muscles during running, pain occurs near the knee


And the trend is spreading through social networks


Even if there are physical injuries, psychological pressure, still continue to run


From wechat steps to show off the running path in the circle of friends


There is no doubt that the various punch in activities of social networking sites are one of the shortcut to promote the healthy development of groups


But in the popular running clock, there is also the accumulation of physical and mental burden


In the official ranking list of usrsa, runners can register as long as they provide specific running records


Continuous high load exercise will lead to a vicious circle, more likely to make irrational decisions: excessive exercise will lead to cognitive control fatigue, and tend to make more impulsive decisions


But if the interval of exercise training is too short, it will release more stress hormones and further weaken the function of immune cells


Runners often suffer from overtraining, and are often accompanied by potential hip abductor weakness


If we just ignore the physical pain, it will lead to the failure of injury prevention, prolong the healing process, and even worsen the injury


Because local high pressure is strong, it will bring chronic damage to lower limb joints, muscles, bones and other tissues


Excessive exercise can also deplete the mind


As a self-discipline performance, running clock out is popular


Overtraining, accumulated physical and mental burden “we need to run every day, bad weather, injuries, emergencies can not stop us.” This is the advertising campaign of usrsa


Overloaded exercise can cause physical effects, and related emotional stress can also play a role


Every day, runners from all over the world clock in, covering 52 countries


According to association rules, striped runners must clock in at least 1.6 kilometers a day


But when self-discipline develops into self compulsion, running brings the accumulation of physical and mental burden


According to a study by the Norwegian University of science and technology, social networks have a significant impact on motivation for exercise and fitness


Although in these 45 years he had a fracture and had an operation


Emotional instability, irritability: it’s not just muscles that are tired by the load of exercise


“Gymsquareacademy” is a brand new column launched by us


People who often watch relevant content are more likely to exercise than those who don’t watch any sports content


There is no doubt that regular physical exercise can prevent these risk factors


In fact, the daily injury rate of runners is 30% – 80%, which can lead to a variety of serious diseases


Regular exercise is undoubtedly good for health


The college includes: training popular science, online courses, fitness science and innovation courses


Sleep disorders: moderate exercise can prevent sleep problems, but many athletes will have sleep problems in the intensive training stage


The most direct cause of iliotibial tract syndrome is the tension and inflammation of iliotibial tract


Research published in the top sports medicine journal, the British Journal of sports medicine, points out that iliotibial band syndrome, which is characterized by pain in the lateral knee joint, ranks first on the list of injuries for runners


Author / BiWen audit / gymsquare academy running is almost everyone’s first step of fitness


Even in the gym after 7 o’clock every night, there are not many vacant treadmills


For example, he is keen on swiping the wechat step count and showing off the running path of the circle of friends


In addition, the British Journal of addiction research and theory reported in 2006 that participants with exercise dependence would show anxiety, anxiety, emotional tension and sleep disorders if they did not exercise


The data were published in the Harvard University Journal


If you sit with your knees bent for a long time, go down stairs or take a small slope, the knee pain will be more obvious


Of course, most runners run far more than that


But the other side of the double blade


This applies to almost all orthopedic injuries or infections and other immune diseases


The main function is to fix the knee joint and maintain the stability of the thigh muscle group


Similarly, the risk that is often ignored in the process of using the treadmill lies in the repeated exercise for a long time and the high impact force in the process of exercise


Many people are also forced to exercise intensively because of the pressure of social network


Over the years, he has accumulated about 240000 kilometers


As one of the typical causes, it includes iliotibial tract syndrome, characterized by lateral pain of knee joint, which is caused by tension and inflammation of iliotibial tract


It takes professionalism and user orientation as the starting point, and exports original fitness content to head fitness coaches and fans


Many runners use apps to record their runs and then post them on instagram with tags like “streaklunning.”


Because it increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure


The effect of fitness comes from the regeneration of the body


Iliotibial fasciculus is a fascial fasciculus, which is located in the thickened part of the lateral fascia lata around the thigh, located on the lateral side of the thigh and connected from the gluteus maximus to the calf


By KingWay