
In fact, these practices are wrong.

Gravity shock may occur in severe cases.

Therefore, do not immediately eat a lot of cold drinks after exercise.

In winter, you must quickly change into dry clothes, carry dry towels to wipe off sweat at any time, and quickly put on your coat after you stop exercising.

During exercise, especially during intense exercise, the motor nerve center is in a highly excited state.

At the same time, during exercise, the blood in the whole body is also redistributed, and the needs of the moving organs are more intensively supplied, while the supply of the organs in the abdominal cavity is relatively reduced.


In fact, eating too many sweets after exercise will cause a large consumption of vitamin B1 in the body, and people will feel tired and loss of appetite, which will affect the recovery of physical strength.

Many athletes take a bath immediately after practice or competition, thinking that this can not only decontaminate but also eliminate fatigue.

don’t take a bath immediately.

On the one hand, it reduces the oxygen content, which is not conducive to paying off the “oxygen debt”, and it is difficult to eliminate body fatigue.

During exercise, the body’s metabolic process is strengthened, the subcutaneous blood vessels dilate and sweat a lot.

At this time, drinking alcohol will make the body absorb alcohol faster and enter the blood, which will do more harm to the liver, stomach and other organs than usual.

After strenuous exercise, people’s physical function will be at a high level.

Take a cold bath immediately after exercise, so that a large amount of heat generated in the body can not be well distributed, forming internal heat and external cooling, which destroys the balance of the human body, so it is easy to get sick.

do not smoke after exercise.

The practice shows that the relaxation and finishing activities can not only make the athlete’s cerebral cortex excited and faster heartbeat and respiratory rate, but also restore the quiet state before exercise through appropriate relaxation exercises, walking, relaxation massage, breathing rhythm relaxation exercises, etc., but also help to restore muscle fatigue, reduce acid swelling discomfort, and avoid dizziness, fatigue, nausea Vomiting, dizziness and other adverse phenomena.

However, if you squat down to rest immediately after the fitness exercise, it will hinder the blood reflux of the lower limbs, affect the blood circulation, and deepen the body fatigue.


Therefore, after each exercise, we should do a good job in relaxation exercise, so as to facilitate the recovery of the body and improve the fitness effect.

Therefore, it is best to eat more foods containing vitamin B1 after strenuous exercise, such as vegetables, liver, eggs, etc.

After doing these children’s shoes, you should pay attention to them.

Drinking beer after exercise is also bad.


Therefore, after each exercise, the breathing rhythm should be adjusted and some low calorie activities should be carried out, such as walking slowly, doing a few relaxation exercises, or simply taking a deep breath to promote the blood of the limbs to flow back to the heart, so as to help pay off the “oxygen debt”, speed up the recovery of physical fitness and eliminate fatigue.


Some people feel comfortable eating sweets or sugar water after strenuous exercise and think that it is good to eat more sweets after exercise.

do not eat immediately.

It will increase uric acid in the blood, greatly stimulate the joints and cause inflammation…


1 Do not squat and rest.

On the other hand, when the human body inhales such foggy air, it will affect the gas exchange in the human alveoli, resulting in chest tightness, asthma, dyspnea, dizziness and fatigue due to insufficient oxygen supply after exercise.

Sports often make people sweat profusely.

At this time, it is appropriate to supplement a small amount of boiled water or salt water.

Under its influence, the parasympathetic nervous system, which manages the activities of internal organs, strengthens the inhibition of the activities of the digestive system.

do not drink alcohol to relieve fatigue.

If you eat in a hurry, it will increase the burden of digestive organs, cause functional disorders, and even cause a variety of diseases.

It needs 20-30 minutes after the end of exercise to recover.

However, at this time, the human digestive system is still in a state of inhibition, and the digestive function is low.

For a long time, it can cause fatty liver, liver cirrhosis, gastritis, gastric ulcer, dementia and other diseases.

During exercise, the blood vessels on the body surface will dilate, the body temperature will rise, the pores will dilate, and the perspiration will increase.

If you try to quench your thirst for a while and indulge in a large number of cold drinks, it is very easy to cause gastrointestinal spasm, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and gastrointestinal diseases.

You can also ask your partner to help you walk when you are really tired.

In fact, this practice is not scientific.

don’t indulge in cold drinks.


With the consumption of a large amount of water, they will always feel thirsty and in urgent need of water after sports.

If you feel tired after exercise, you can squat or sit down and think it can save energy and rest.

After stopping exercise, this situation will continue for a period of time.

running rucksack

Taking a cold bath immediately after exercise does more harm than good.

Therefore, you should pay special attention.

Inhale a large amount of smoke mixed with the air in the lungs.


don’t “omit” the relaxation and finishing activities.

If you take a hot bath immediately at this time, the blood will not be enough to supply other important organs.

The above factors make the peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract weakened and the secretion of various digestive glands greatly reduced.

It is appropriate to take a warm bath.

For example, the blood supply to the heart and brain is insufficient, and you will feel dizzy, nausea, general weakness, and even induce other diseases.

it is not suitable to eat a lot of sugar.

do not suddenly drop the body temperature.

In summer, if you go into an air-conditioned room immediately after exercise or take a cool nap at the air outlet, or use cold water to cool down, your skin will tighten and stop sweating, resulting in physiological disorders such as temperature regulation, and decreased immune function, leading to colds, diarrhea, asthma and other diseases.

Now let’s take stock of the nine things you can’t do immediately after exercise.

Because during exercise, the blood flow to the muscles increases and the heart rate increases.

The correct method is to take a rest after exercise, and then take a bath after the pulse is stable.

This is a very common practice.

Most young people like to buy some cold drinks to quench their thirst.

After our running and fitness, many people like to drink a cold drink to quench their thirst, or take a hot bath immediately to make themselves feel more comfortable.

By KingWay