The World Health Organization (who) issued a statement on the wearing method of masks, which mentioned that if the masks become wet, they should be replaced immediately.

If I jog, I can even talk to people around me.

The landlord proposes to control the heart rate during running without taking care of other indicators such as the pace.

If your area has no new cases and is not a disaster area, your running route is close to nature and there is very little flow of people, outdoor running is also feasible, but it is not running with a mask, but with a semi mask.

running rucksack

Xue Liang, director of the national fitness research center of Zhejiang Institute of sports science, said that some athletes sometimes wear masks to practice in order to reserve their physical fitness.

The figures updated every day remind us that it’s not over yet and we can’t take it lightly.

I really want to run outdoors.

Under the same intensity (I think the heart rate is the same and the intensity is the same), the pace decreases.

During the test, the landlord has been monitoring his heart rate and obtained a set of running data with / without masks: on December 17, he ran for 1 hour with 3m-3200 half mask, controlled the average heart rate of 141, the pace of 645 and the speed of 8.9; On December 11, I ran without anything for 1 hour, controlling the average heart rate of 140, the pace of 613 and the speed of 9.7.


Why not recommend running with masks? In terms of sports types, running, as an aerobic exercise, has many characteristics.

Of course, if you are the great God among the great gods, take it as if I didn’t say it.

The elite who are based on exercise and amateur can train in this environment.

Do not reuse disposable masks.

It can also be explained that wearing a mask does have an impact on the pace.

However, it should be emphasized that such training time should not be too long.

Naturally, people will feel that it doesn’t matter to wear masks for running outdoors.

However, the oxygen consumption of jogging is continuously provided by the breathing process, and the total oxygen consumption is much larger than you think.

In special times, one or two masks are spent on running at a time.

Basically, the risk is not high if they are more than 2 meters apart.

It should be feasible to stop in time for any discomfort.

Fast walking replaces running, which is safer and healthier while exercising..

What about the uncontrollable runner? There have also been incidents in which people have been punished for running outdoors without masks before.

Respiratory infectious diseases are mainly transmitted by droplets.

Are you willing to use them like this? In extraordinary times, the hardest hard currency to buy is a mask.

It’s not hard at all.

This is true from the appearance.

Masks are hard to buy.

If you want to reuse the mask, the most important thing is to protect its filtering ability.

At the same time, a large amount of water vapor and sweat generated during exercise will accumulate in the mask, which is easy to get wet and breed bacteria.

Xiaobian feels that it is really too extravagant, and it will increase the risk of infection, which is not worth the loss.

Therefore, choosing a running route is a very important part.

Ordinary masks are not good.

At the same time, feel the physical feedback.

When you exercise with masks, your oxygen metabolism and oxygen consumption are much more than that at ordinary times, that is to say, the training has a certain intensity: if you don’t adapt at ordinary times, it will increase the risk of exercise, especially the risk of exercise and cardiovascular disease.


You can also wear a mask to take a walk outdoors or walk fast for 30 minutes (the step frequency can be set to 100-120 steps / min).

Therefore, it is considered that the mask is only suitable for short-term outdoor low-intensity sports, and the judgment standard is that the mask is not wet; Slightly more intense running still needs to use a half mask for basic protection.

Of course, Xiaobian will not give a solution.

Wearing such a mask is harmful to our health.

To be honest, in some cases, running with a mask is better than not running.

On this premise, running with a mask for a long time is likely to lead to poor breathing, affect cardiopulmonary function, and even lead to hypoxia, dizziness and other symptoms.

The conclusion is: compared with running with masks (3m-8210v with breathing valve) and half masks (3m-3200, 3m1211), the masks are light and the masks are slightly heavy in terms of wearing comfort; From the sense of suffocation during running, the mask is slightly suffocated, mainly because the water vapor in the exhalation condenses into droplets when it is cold, the sense of suffocation is aggravated, and the mask breathing is smooth.

The ventilation volume during exercise is 20-25 times that at ordinary times.

During running, the respiratory reserve capacity is mobilized to accelerate breathing and increase ventilation.

Which one consumes more oxygen than jogging or basketball? Some runners may answer without thinking, of course basketball! I’m out of breath after a game.

However, in the fierce sport of playing basketball, the oxygen that cannot be supplied can rely on the anaerobic respiration of muscle cells to provide energy compensation, and the total oxygen consumption is less.

We must have strong protective N95 or medical surgical masks.

In addition, at this time, the humidification and heating effect of nasal mucosa degenerates, and the fragile nasal mucosa loses its original protective function and reduces various defense capabilities of the body.

However, when running, it will exhale and inhale harder than usual, and the pressure generated when inhaling is greater than usual, which will reduce the barrier function of the surgical mask.

To this end, Xiaobian found a divine post with the measured data of runners in 2016 on the running Bible website: the landlord monitored the heart rate and compared the running conditions with / without masks for several times.

At this time, the body’s oxygen demand and vital capacity are significantly increased, so as to exercise cardiopulmonary function and make it stronger.


The most frequently asked question recently is whether you can go out for a run during a special period.

By KingWay