Q7 what is “running economy”? ▶ Running economy refers to the situation of saving physical strength and energy during running.

The cushioning performance of excessively worn running shoes will be greatly reduced, which is easy to cause injuries to runners.

The ratio of sprint training to interval time is 1:2 or 1:3.

Through long-term persistent training, you can gradually improve the economy of running.

Multiple groups of exercises can be repeated, so sprint is also known as “repeated running”.

Can compression leg cover help restore? ▶ Some studies have shown that compression leg sleeve can promote blood circulation and recovery because it can provide gradient pressure.

Long term running training, paying attention to the comprehensive application of different training methods and improving muscle elasticity will help to improve the economy of running.

Is there local fat reduction? ▶ It doesn’t exist.

The heart rate can generally reach 79% ~ 87% of the maximum heart rate.

Running is beneficial to restrain fatigue, promote basic metabolism, reduce fat and shape, and benefit the body and mind.

Do you need to eat to prevent hypoglycemia before morning running? ▶ You don’t have to eat before morning running.

Such a loss outweighs the gain should be avoided as far as possible! Therefore, before running, you need to learn about running.

Exercise can only strengthen the muscles in that part, not reduce the fat in that part.

Even if you don’t eat, hypoglycemia generally won’t occur, but it’s recommended to drink some water before morning running.

At the same time, you need to carry out appropriate rehabilitation training to strengthen the muscle strength around the knee joint, that is, the rest treatment rehabilitation Troika goes hand in hand…

Q9 what is “marathon pace running”? ▶ Marathon pace running is another form of aerobic running.



Therefore, using compression leg covers after running a marathon will help.

It is slightly more intense than easy running.

Q10 what is “sprint”? ▶ As the name suggests, sprint is an anaerobic run at your maximum speed.

When you reduce fat, the body fat will be reduced to a certain extent, and your face, chin, stomach, arms and legs will become thinner.

Running is one of the most popular sports! It is not only a physical exercise, but also represents a positive attitude towards life.

compression toe socks

After more than 1000 kilometers, the wear of running shoes will usually be more serious.

The duration of sprint training ranges from more than ten seconds to two minutes.

Q8 # how to improve the economy of running? ▶ The economy of running is affected by training years, environment, physiological factors and biomechanical factors.

However, many runners know little about running, which leads to more or less problems during running, and even compensation.


How long should running shoes be replaced? ▶ Generally, the service life of running shoes is 600 ~ 800 kilometers.


At the same speed, the lower your heart rate, the lower your oxygen uptake, and the easier you run, indicating that your running economy is better.

Fat burning is not selective.


As long as you start exercising, sugar and fat will be consumed.

Q12 what should I do if I have knee pain? ▶ First, you need to rest, and then go to the sports medicine department or rehabilitation medicine department of the hospital to follow the doctor’s advice and carry out corresponding treatment.

After half an hour, the energy supply proportion of fat will increase, but the increase is very limited.

Don’t wait until the sole is completely flat and the upper is rotten before changing running shoes.

Let’s give you a wave of “12 little knowledge about running”! Let’s learn about it ~ Q1 does running need warm-up and recovery? ▶ Pre run warm-up and post run recovery are an integral part and standard process of running training.

Running without warm-up and recovery is incomplete.

It is commonly used in marathon races, so it is called “marathon pace running”.

Q11 what are the biggest benefits of running for your body? ▶ Running can bring many benefits to health, the biggest of which is to improve cardiopulmonary function.

Do you start to consume fat after half an hour of exercise? ▶ “Fat consumption starts half an hour after exercise” is an outright pseudoscience.

The American Heart Association has listed cardiopulmonary function as one of the five vital signs together with respiration, heartbeat, body temperature and blood pressure, which shows the importance of cardiopulmonary function.

By KingWay