It is wrong to only pay attention to the calories consumed by each activity.

If you only run for 5 minutes, it’s a little too wasteful.

However, mm runners with thick and strong legs are not suitable.

As long as the preheating is sufficient and the stretching is in place, the lower leg can invest in the “weight loss Hongwen war” in the best form.

Fasting will make you unable to work hard, while fullness will be due to the concentration of blood in the digestive tract.

The more important question than choosing when to run is: don’t run on an empty stomach or when you’re full.

The level of 20 minutes basically won’t make people feel difficult to adhere to, and this time can also change the metabolism of the body, breathe smoothly, naturally and easily.

The best time is 2 to 3 hours after a meal.

Many mm runners will land on the ground with the forefoot, which is easy and effortless.

Can be compared to a race, remember which runner’s calf muscles are too strong? Aerobic activities burn fat.

If the goal is lower, it can be set as 20 minutes first.

However, it will form an excessive burden on the calf and knee, and the muscles will improve faster…

Running is definitely a weight loss method for men, women, old and young.

If you want to run a little longer, gradually extend it to 30 minutes, 40 minutes.

So, when is the best time of day to run? How long is the best time to run? The best time to run for people who lose weight, running in the morning and evening is actually a good choice.

People who like running in the morning can go to work before going to the company, while those who prefer running at night can go home.

Running at the time suitable for themselves is the best.

The accurate way to prevent the calf from becoming thicker is to land on the ground with the heel, and then jog with the whole sole of the foot.

Especially before running, stretching the legs is particularly important.

Heel landing running is the most important skill to lose weight.

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If you can run for an hour, you are a great professional! Pay attention to doing warm-up activities before warm-up activities.

But it’s not easy to change your clothes and get ready.

Ordinary jogging moderation is very suitable at 6-8km / hr.

Running time as long as their physical condition and physical strength can adapt, in fact, there is no problem how long they run.

Strenuous exercise will be harmful to your health.

When running on an empty stomach in the morning, it’s best to drink some sports drinks to help digestion and supplement physical strength about 30 minutes in advance, or you can eat a banana.

It should be noted that it is wrong to think that the more intense the activity, the better the result of weight loss.

I believe it is no longer popular.

Once the intensity is increased and accelerated, the heat consumed is indeed increased.

It is healthy and environmentally friendly! It’s very suitable in your own community or in a beautiful park.

The time to really burn fat starts after 30 minutes of continuous activity, so running needs to stand up for more than half an hour.

By KingWay