He was intelligent and studious since childhood.

He read the books of politics, graduated from Waseda University, a first-class school in Japan, and later became a civil servant.

Beijing tnf1002012, dysprosium Muyi recruited Caotai team, self appointed event director, and successfully held the first utmf.

The vast majority of applicants must not only meet the qualification, but also be selected by drawing lots in order to get the opportunity to participate.

First pick the important ones and say them.

In 2012, Deng chenjin and Wu Xiuhua became the first Chinese male and female runners to complete the race respectively.

Dysprosium Muyi, a famous runner, was born in 1968.

In 2009, he set the fastest record of Asian runners and maintained it for nine years.

In contrast, utmf has a lower probability of miss.

Basically, the island country in the East, where the mountainous area occupies a large proportion of the land area, is no exception.

In 2012, Wu Xiuhua (above left), founder and event director of 100km in Hong Kong.

Subsequently, the team of Chinese runners grew year by year, reaching nearly 200 in 2018.

He was very serious and down-to-earth, meticulous in environmental protection details, and became famous again in the first World War.

In terms of operation concept, you take the Mont Blanc tourist trail as the basis and go around for a week; Then I’ll take the tourist trail of Mount Fuji as the basis and go around for a week.

Japanese runners won the men’s and women’s championship.

Utmf 2019 is a highlight moment for Chinese people in the international 100 mile mountain cross-country race.

In 2011, he put forward the plan, but it was not settled for various reasons.

It was necessary to constantly climb mountains and face changeable weather.

This Shanzhai style competition is the entrepreneurial project of kaburak itsuyoshi, a Japanese mountain cross-country runner and a top expert.

At present, it has become the most famous 100 mile mountain cross-country race in Asia and recognized by elite runners all over the world.

31:34:25 in 2013, Luo Xiping, founder and event director of West Lake mountain race..

35:22:48 in 2013, Cai Yu, founder and event director of chaigu Downes series cross-country race.

In 2017, it was forced to close down due to the rainy season for many years and the authorities’ sudden strengthening of environmental protection policies; Even if the competition rules of dysprosium Muyi have been refined to force contestants to collect feces and take them to the designated location for disposal, they still failed to pass the examination.

After that, the race was forced to modify the route and no longer ring mount fuji for a whole week.

In 2016, there was a sudden heavy rain before the game.

From the name, we can see that this race is the product of copying the world’s largest 100 mile mountain cross-country race – the extreme cross-country race around Mont Blanc (UTMB) in Europe.

40:48:22 in 2013, Xue Qianyao, founder and event director of Ninghai 100 and other cross-country events.

However, the altitude range of the two is quite different, with utmf between 500-2000 meters and UTMB between 1000-2500 meters.

In 2007, he became the first Japanese to complete UTMB, and in 2008, he became the first Japanese to run for 24 hours.

Running entrepreneurship incubator} interestingly, among the Chinese runners who participated in and completed utmf, several later chose running to start a business, or were running practitioners before participating in the competition.

He never fell out of the top 10 until 2012.

At that time, the total length of the two competitions was about 160 kilometers, and the cumulative climb was about 9000 meters.

Dysprosium Muyi also founded another popular cross-country race in Japan – birui Mountain International cross-country race in 2015.

After becoming famous in the first World War of UTMB and becoming one of the elite runners, dysprosium Muyi spent less time on his daily work and gradually began to plan to replicate a UTMB in Japan.

In almost every country, there are some runners who choose to run and start a business because they love running.

In the above video, the two appeared many times.

calf sleeves running

Most of the time, hundreds of people participate every year; At most, there are less than 2000 in a year, less than nearly 3000 people in 100 miles of UTMB.

In 1997, he became famous in mountaineering and long-distance running competitions all over Japan.

In terms of numbers, it is also surprisingly similar.

Subsequently, he resigned from public office and concentrated on the game.

On the eve of the 2022 race, dysprosium Muyi specially sent a document to mourn the late Chinese runner Liang Jing.

From 2009 to 2011, he also came to China for three times to participate in Beijing tnf100 kilometers, won two championships and many Chinese fans.

In addition, Zhang Minyi won the 5th place for women.

The performance of the two “post-90s” is eye-catching.

Due to the close geographical distance and relatively easy to apply for travel, utmf is welcomed by the majority of Chinese runners.

However, due to the difference between tourism reception capacity and environmental carrying capacity, the scale of utmf is much smaller.

Nowadays, the two competitions have set qualification requirements.

UTMB dysprosium Muyi has participated in UTMB six times, the most recent one in 2019.

However, the good times did not last long.

He ranked third, which is also the highest record of Asian runners in this race so far.

Topographic map of Japan in April 2012, Japan held the first 100 mile mountain cross-country race in Asia, the extreme cross-country race around Mount Fuji (utmf).

Top experts can complete within 20 hours and take less than 46 hours as effective results.

From 2020 to 2021, the competition was suspended due to the epidemic; It was restarted in 2022 and held from April 22 to 24.

Anyway, there are ready-made mature route plans, so there is no need to dig your brains to open the way.

For safety, it had to be cancelled at the last minute.

He was “the child of others’ family” since childhood.

Liang Jing and Xiang Fu Zhao created the best results and the highest ranking of Chinese runners in utmf – men’s runner up and women’s champion respectively.

By KingWay