The muscles feel hard, the muscles are obviously overstretched, the elasticity of the muscles is also significantly reduced, and the flexibility and flexibility of the joints are greatly reduced.

If you straighten your knees and only rely on muscle contraction to complete the action, it will become a funny zombie jump.

If it takes longer, a good rest should also be an important part of running training.

Regular muscle contraction will increase local pressure, produce local inflammatory factors, hinder the discharge of metabolic waste, and muscle fatigue.

If you feel less stretch in the early 3 months of running, your knee muscles may feel more tense, but you may feel more tense after running for 3 months.

If you stretch less or no after running, it will lead to the decline of muscle elasticity and the rigidity of sports posture.

Generally, after running or exercise, let the body cool down (jog) for a while, and then start stretching when the heart rate drops to about 120.

In the long run, it is naturally easy to cause sports pain.

At this time, the muscle still has heat and elasticity, and the breath of heart and lung tends to be stable.

When we exercise, we often need constant force to keep specific muscle groups in contraction.

The running time was about 1 hours, but the stretching time lasted nearly half an hour after the run.

This indicates that you have developed running strain pain, which will cause great trouble for your normal running.

Good muscles should be soft but elastic, so that we can meet all kinds of challenges.

A complete running training includes: warm-up before running, running training, stretching after running and nutritional supplement.

Without stretching, your body will be destroyed step by step.

Xiaobian once participated in a professional running training camp.

Therefore, stretching can effectively relieve the tension of muscles, ligaments and joints, accelerate the recovery of the body, eliminate fatigue and make the muscle lines look better.

What are the benefits of stretching after running? Stretching is to improve the state of too stiff and tight muscles through specific actions, exercise the stretching ability of muscles and tendons, increase muscle elasticity and joint flexibility, and store more elastic potential energy during exercise.

For example, when we want to jump up a step, bend our knees and squat down to quickly lengthen the thigh muscles, and then the muscles rebound and contract rapidly to make the body jump up.

Human muscles have contractility and extensibility.

Incorrect movement posture will lead to the continuous superposition of impact force in the process of movement, resulting in sports injury and pain.

Before running, we usually use dynamic warm-up actions, which should not be confused with stretching after running, such as opening and closing jump, forward lunge, high leg lifting, back kick (heel to hip), and step running.

Since then, Xiaobian has to stretch after every run, even running 3 kilometers or 2 kilometers.

After stretching and rolling the foam shaft, Xiao Bian’s body did feel very comfortable and fatigue was almost gone.

Generally, when you sweat a little, you can start formal running training..

If you know a little about running, you know that stretching is very important for running.

Through the cooperation between different muscles and the cooperation of stretching and contraction, our body can obtain the ability of movement.

At this time, the stretching effect is the best, and the stretching is static.

Introduced the importance of stretching, but some friends may still think that running did not stretch before, and now there are no problems such as pain? Maybe you’re lucky, but let’s see how not stretching after running destroys your body step by step.

calf sleeves running

You have to reduce your running or interrupt your running.

Pain itself can also lead to muscle protective spasm, further aggravate muscle tension and create a vicious circle.

If you run for six months without stretching after running, the shortening of muscle length may be more obvious, the muscle elasticity will further decline, and the muscle tension will continue to increase.

You may know later.

If you do not stretch after running for one year in a row, your muscle performance will be greatly reduced.

Don’t stretch after one run # if you don’t stretch your muscles after running, your muscles are not elastic enough, in a tense state, your joints are stiff, and it takes a long time to relieve your fatigue.

If you want to know whether a runner is professional or not, it’s not to see whether he runs fast or his posture is not standard, but to see whether his stretching action after running is not standard and whether the time is long enough.

However, muscles have memory.

At this time, if you run for a long distance, such as 10-20 kilometers, you may have joint pain in the middle and later stages, and the pain and fatigue on the second day after running are more obvious than before.

1 month running without stretching} if you have started running, running 2-3 times a week, and haven’t formed the habit of stretching after running, you won’t feel much, but your muscles have begun to tighten.

Long-term exercise not only enhances the muscle contraction ability, but also shortens the muscle length, weakens the stretching ability and reduces the flexibility, which directly affects the stretching and flexibility of sports, such as heavy and rigid running posture.

At this time, you may feel a dull pain in your joints after running for 3-5 kilometers.

Why stretch? Before you answer this question, you need to understand how muscles work.

Today I’ll tell you about stretching after running.

Although many professional coaches and media have painstakingly warned friends who love running to pay enough attention to stretching after exercise, it is still normal to drink a few drinks and go home after running.

After stretching, the foam shaft was used to relax the muscle deeply.

Stretching is not only the key to improve muscle movement ability, but also the guarantee of sports safety.

Since stretching is so important, can you really stretch? 1、 Do static stretching after running and dynamic warm-up stretching before running.

By KingWay