Straighten your right foot, point your toes and push your hips forward.

Inhale, stretch your body upward, and place your hands on your hips.

Run hard and yoga soft.

Keep your back straight, extend forward and exhale.

Bend the upper body forward, keep the abdomen close to the left front leg and support the ground with both hands.

running sling bag Long press to copy this message, open the pole sound search and view the product details! Please pay attention to the subscription number “run with you” reply: yoga video Number “run with you” live class every Tuesday / Thursday night at 18:30 – everyone is buying – buy professional yoga equipment of various brands, and directly click on the following figure ▼▼▼▼▼“.

Press your left foot firmly on the ground, straighten your right foot and lean forward, and straighten your hips.

Or copy the following paragraph and turn on the “APP:9a:/” tiktok.

(video duration: 51 seconds) how to better stretch the rear thigh muscles after running? Yoga can be used – Crescent: 1 Start in standing or downward dog pose.

Keep breathing for 2 ~ 3 times.

Inhale, take a big step forward with your left foot, keep the palm of your left foot close to the ground, bend your left knee, and don’t exceed the front of your left foot.

Click on the vibrated shopping cart, read yoga and meditation, tiktok.


By KingWay