or two hours after breakfast.

Sweat can expel some carcinogens and other toxins such as lead, benzene, sulfur and phenol from the body, so as to greatly reduce carcinogens in the body.

In addition, researchers found that incidence rate of cancer was low in those who kept running everyday, and they could often survive with cancer before receiving treatment.

In this case, you can let the patient enter the lake and check in bed in order, which is suitable for your physical strength and physical activities.

However, he still didn’t give up himself and insisted on fighting the disease.

The longer you stay in bed, the longer it will take to recover your physical strength.

Later, he took part in marathon running with his cancer body.

He Ming, an anticancer patient, was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer in 2016.

Why did this result happen? Researchers have found that when we run, we often lead to an increase in adrenaline secretion in the body.

The best time for running is suggested to be 8:00-12:00 a.m.

A group of people who lack exercise are not only high incidence rate of cancer, but also have high mortality rate.

In life, Chinese people have become more and more fond of running.

The stronger the metabolic capacity, the better it can delay the canceration of aging cells.

At this time, running can improve the running efficiency and reduce the possibility of injury.

So running is good for cancer prevention.

to 12:00 a.m.

However, in order to avoid the spread of cancer cells and enhance the body’s resistance, some cancer patients will go running before and after operation, but does running really have such an obvious effect? Why has running become the first choice for cancer friends? If cancer patients stay in bed for a long time, their long-term static body will “become ugly”, straighten their joints and atrophy their muscles.

Those who adhere to this sport may have their original intention to lose weight or want to improve their immunity.

Some people analyzed that after jogging, the daily oxygen supply is 8 times that of normal.

China holds thousands of marathons every year, which has really set off a running fever in China.

On the contrary, if a person often sits still, his metabolic ability is weak and his body is easy to get fat.

Is running really worth loving? Because the exercise method of running is very simple.

As the saying goes, life lies in exercise.

and 14:00-18:00 p.m.

Obesity is the cause of many diseases, and obese people are twice as likely to suffer from cancer as ordinary people.

Men, women, young and old can run.

calf sleeves running

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Originally, the doctor estimated that he would not live for half a year, but after marathon exercise, he has been healthy and alive after completing more than 60 marathons.

In addition, when running at any time, you should pay attention to fully warm up before exercise and do a good job of relaxation and stretching to avoid injury.

The food consumed in breakfast has been basically digested, which can improve the energy required for exercise and will not cause dyspepsia.

After half a day’s daily work, the muscles and ligaments of the human body have been fully activated, the heart rate and blood pressure are in a stable state, and the amount of exercise the body can bear is higher than other times.

What happened to the patients who ran for a long time? The British charity walks Association and Mcmillan cancer aid organization point out that if you can run 1 miles a day and walk in 20 minutes, you will have obvious benefits for breast cancer, prostate cancer and colon cancer, and the highest risk of death is 50%.

When he was first diagnosed with advanced cancer, the doctor said there was almost no room for treatment.

From 14:00 to 18:00 in the afternoon, the bladder meridian is active.

You can exercise just by stepping on two legs, and it is applicable to a wide range of people.

At this time, the sun has risen, the air is fresh and the oxygen content is high, which is the golden time for exercise.

In addition, sports will increase human sweating.

At this time, the replenishment caused by running is conducive to detoxification.

With the improvement of health awareness, many people have started running.

When the patient is in good condition and can get out of bed for activities, it can carry out sports with a large amount of activities, so as to prevent bone diseases, prevent the formation of sores and blood tests, enhance the desire of patients and improve the quality of life.

Sweat can excrete carcinogens such as lead, strontium and beryllium from the human body, and improve the ability of the human body to produce white blood cells.

Usually run from 8:00 a.m.

Jogging can also make people sweat.

Scientifically speaking, cancer patients should not only participate in physical exercise, but also have this exercise program that is of great significance to cancer patients, such as jogging.

This excess adrenaline can also promote our immune system to secrete natural anti-cancer cells – natural killer cells.

Exercise is the only way of low-cost health care regardless of venue, time and time.

Reading extension: when is the best time to run? Generally, there is no specific time limit for running.

Long-term adherence to exercise will certainly bring certain benefits to the body, whether healthy people or cancer patients.

A study lasting 35 years found that running can inhibit the growth rate of tumors and have a certain anti-cancer effect.

At the same time, it can also make it difficult for cancer cells in the body to gain a firm foothold in a certain internal organ, transfer and spread.

It can be said that he has created a “medical miracle”! Running improves the metabolic capacity of the body.

In fact, many friends don’t understand it.

By KingWay