It is said that having children is equivalent to a happy rebirth.

After giving birth, they recovered quickly, even preparing for a second child was quite easy.

the will must not be exercised.

Some girls come back to work after maternity leave.

However, through certain exercises, we can strengthen the muscle strength of abdominal, back and pelvic floor muscles, enhance elasticity, make joint ligaments more relaxed and flexible, twist the asymmetric pelvis, increase the space of birth canal, make the baby pass through the birth canal more smoothly and shorten the labor process.

When inhaling, first contract the anus and then the urethra to lift the pelvic floor muscles.

Many mothers work hard, but they don’t use it in ideas.

After about 30 minutes, the subjective physical strength score reaches 13 ~ 14 points, which means that the exercise effect has been achieved.

Will it hurt the baby? Is it convenient enough? Is it not good for pregnant women to be too tired? Even if you don’t worry yourself, your family will worry, so most pregnant women don’t exercise much during pregnancy.

They insist on exercising as usual during pregnancy and can give birth smoothly.

2022 is the year of the tiger of the Chinese zodiac.

In addition to routine simple aerobic exercises such as walking and swimming, you can also do the following exercises during pregnancy to promote natural childbirth: 1 Pelvic floor muscle training preparation: urinate and empty the bladder before exercise.

Birth dance (also known as welcome dance) this is a dance specially designed for pregnant women.

Many people look forward to a lovely little tiger this year.

Both are novice mothers.

Promote sleep, improve the mood of pregnant mothers and alleviate prenatal depression; If there is low back pain and edema, appropriate exercise is also a good choice.

At present, many of them are improved versions, but they are basically carried out around breathing exercises, neck exercises and shoulder, waist and gluteal muscle training, and these movements are integrated into soft music [5].

The survey of 3482 pregnant women in Norway shows that only 14.6% of pregnant women follow the exercise guidelines, and one third of them exercise less than once a week [1].

Tips: if vaginal bleeding, regular and painful uterine contraction, amniotic fluid outflow, dyspnea, dizziness, headache, chest pain, leg and foot pain, fatigue and instability occur during exercise, stop exercise immediately [3,4].

Preparation: generally, you can warm up before exercise, and do 5 minutes of low-intensity warm-up exercise with dance scarf and waist chain.

They still have round stomachs and strong limbs.

The opinion of committee 650 of the American obstetrics and Gynecology Association clearly points out [3, 4]: physical exercise during pregnancy has less risk and more benefits.

It is worth noting that when pregnant women have congenital heart disease, restrictive lung disease or did it? Cervical cerclage, rupture of fetal membrane, continuous bleeding, placenta previa, etc.

They can’t see that they have just been promoted to mabao.

She is just a woman like the wind But when you are pregnant, you will always worry about sports safety.

Exercise can also promote spontaneous labor.

They still have smooth faces and slender limbs.

If conditions permit, the doctor can also determine the exercise plan after comprehensive evaluation.

running beanie

Generally speaking, exercise for 2.5 hours (150 minutes) a week, or moderate intensity aerobic exercise for about 30 minutes three to four times a week is enough.


Wait, be sure to see a doctor regularly, and then decide whether to exercise according to the doctor’s advice [3, 4].

There will be a feeling of urination in 3 ~ 5 seconds, and then exhale to relax [6].

It’s very hard.

If it appears anemia, hypertension and type 1 diabetes are poorly controlled.

Action: put a small pillow on your back, lie flat, bend your knees slightly apart, concentrate, breathe deeply, breathe slowly, and find the feeling of holding your urine or pinching your ass.

For example, Chen Yihan is an energetic girl and a woman who runs all kinds of time during pregnancy.

In fact, this is not just the case in China.

But some girls and children are two years old.

[3, 4]: reduce the incidence rate of gestational diabetes and hypertension.

Why is the gap so large? In fact, in order to keep fit, exercise during pregnancy and postpartum is very important.

Pregnant women without pregnancy complications should be encouraged to do aerobic exercise before, during and after pregnancy.

Of course, Chen Yihan’s exercise style is not suitable for everyone.

Three deep breaths of the limbs, three deep rotations of the waist and three deep rotations of the chest muscles.

Let’s talk about it today.

Exercise those things during pregnancy ~ I often hear some “immortal” pregnant mothers around me.

Some sports, such as football, basketball, skiing, surfing, diving, skydiving and so on, are not suitable for pregnant women..

We should determine the exercise style according to our own situation.

You should determine the amount of exercise according to your physical condition.

However, adequate studies have confirmed that moderate intensity aerobic exercise in healthy pregnant women will not cause harm to infants, abortion, stillbirth or other risks [2].

Of course, the more exercise, the better.

On the one hand, having children is very painful, on the other hand, we have to work hard to cooperate with the doctor.

Children are not born, but consume most of their physical strength.

(Note: it is recommended that pregnant women wear sports watches, and the maximum heart rate monitored should not exceed (220 years old) X65% ~ 75% beats / min, for example, the maximum heart rate of pregnant women aged 30 should not exceed 133 beats / min) finally, I need to say: not all exercises during pregnancy are suitable.

Note: – the score of subjective body feeling in the evaluation of moderate intensity exercise should be 13 ~ 14 (a little difficult); Or oral test: when exercising, as long as you can talk, you can bear the amount of exercise [3, 4].

[5]。 Besides promoting natural childbirth, regular aerobic exercise during pregnancy has many other benefits.

In addition, some studies have shown that through childbirth dance training, pregnant women can have confidence in their body and believe in women’s charm and childbirth instinct, which will help pregnant women reduce stress and tension.

The trouble is that after having children, they may be fat and stupid.

Help to prevent preeclampsia; Reduce excessive weight gain during pregnancy and postpartum recovery time.

By KingWay