Pay attention to step-by-step in the process of exercise and don’t blindly pursue quick effects.

In short, if you want to reduce blood pressure through exercise, you should also divide the situation.

Exercise usually lasts about 30 minutes.

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For people on the edge of high blood pressure or just touching the basic line, running is a good way to exercise.

Exercise for hypertension is special.

If your blood pressure is around 130 / 90, or no more than 159 / 99, and your body has no other problems, you can adjust your blood pressure through exercise.

We all know that running has many benefits.

However, the body can sweat slightly during exercise to avoid sweating.

Warm up before exercise.

For people who are not in good health, it is not recommended to do some vigorous exercise.

So is this statement reliable? Is running reliable in lowering blood pressure? If you want to adjust your blood pressure by running, it depends.

The study found that the average systolic blood pressure decreased by about 4MMHG and the average diastolic blood pressure decreased by about 2.6mmhg for people who insisted on moderate intensity exercise every day.

Generally speaking, it is recommended that you do it in the afternoon or evening, or half an hour to an hour after dinner.

It’s best to do aerobic exercise for half an hour to an hour at a time.

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Many elderly people choose to run in the morning, but when they get up in the morning, their blood pressure will be at a peak.

But it is unreasonable to rely solely on exercise to reduce blood pressure.

For people with hypertension, it is best to focus on aerobic exercise.

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When does hypertensive patient exercise better? Although exercise is a good habit, we should also pay attention to choosing the right time and method.

For those with better physical strength, you can choose sports with higher intensity.

In addition to controlling blood pressure through exercise, we should also pay attention to develop good eating habits, reduce salt intake, eat less high-fat and high calorie foods, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, eat a light diet, control weight, sleep on time, maintain high-quality sleep, avoid staying up late, maintain a optimistic attitude and maintain stable blood pressure…

In addition to exercise, we should also pay attention to controlling the intensity of exercise.

running beanie

There are many ways to exercise.

At this time, exercise can easily lead to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular problems.

Some people say that running for 30 minutes a day is equivalent to taking antihypertensive drugs.

When blood pressure continues to rise, it will bring a lot of discomfort to the body, so patients with hypertension will regulate blood pressure by controlling diet and exercise.

Although it is not much, it also shows that running helps to control blood pressure.

If the body is in good condition and the cardiopulmonary function is normal, the intensity can be indicated when the heart rate reaches 220 after exercise, but for the elderly, the intensity should be lower.

At the same time, we should control the intake of salt, quit smoking and alcohol, and keep a happy mood, so as to stably control blood pressure and avoid harm to the body.

Hypertension has become a common problem.

It is not suitable to exercise when the blood pressure fluctuates greatly.

After getting used to it, you can gradually increase the intensity and prolong the exercise time.

For the middle-aged and elderly people with poor physical strength, exercise for about 10 minutes is enough.

By KingWay