Secondary is caused by certain diseases or drug diseases.

According to the national survey results, the overall prevalence of dyslipidemia in Chinese adults is as high as 40.4%, and shows a gradual younger trend.

After lowering blood lipids, atherosclerosis can be alleviated, which will bring down blood pressure and reduce the incidence rate of heart disease.

Especially for people who often sit in the office, running, as a whole-body exercise, can alleviate vision fatigue, constipation and improve shoulder discomfort.

Cabbage is rich in potassium ions, sodium ions, vitamins and cellulose.

In fact, it is not.

Because of sudden and urgent, high incidence rate and high mortality rate, it is a serious threat to human health.

Primary dyslipidemia accounts for the vast majority, which is caused by the interaction between genetic defects and environmental factors.

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02 can running reduce blood fat? It must be possible.

Every 100g of cabbage contains about 65 calories.

Coronary heart disease: coronary artery is an artery that provides blood for the heart.

Hypertension: hypertension, hyperlipidemia and hyperglycemia are called “three highs”.

It can also help body building and reduce fat, and also promote blood flow.

[concanavalin]: concanavalin has a very good effect on reducing blood fat, beauty and weight loss.

Asparagus has very low calories.

[cabbage]: the heat of cabbage is not high.


Hyperlipidemia is very harmful to people’s health.

It is very suitable for people with three high blood pressure.

Elevated blood lipids can also induce fatty liver and, in severe cases, fatty liver cirrhosis.

Fatty liver: as the name suggests, fatty liver is the accumulation of too much fat around the liver.

Exercise is good for lowering blood fat, especially running, and can consume body fat during running.

03 doctor: these three kinds of food are often eaten, which helps smooth blood vessels [asparagus]: as a common vegetable in life, asparagus is not only delicious, but also conducive to human health.

Eating cabbage can stabilize the ejection ability of the heart and reduce blood lipids.

Many people mistakenly believe that hyperlipidemia is only a disease that occurs with age.


When the blood lipid rises, it will hinder the blood flow, resulting in the accumulation of plaques in the arterial wall, which will affect the normal flow of blood and easily cause cerebral infarction.

Elevated blood lipids will also induce hypertension, which is also a high-risk factor for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases caused by hyperlipidemia have become the “fatal killer” of people’s health.

01 complications of hyperlipidemia 1.

The dietary fiber contained in concanavalin can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and reduce blood lipid, which is especially suitable for patients with arteriosclerosis and cardiovascular disease…


To prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, we must first ensure that the three highs are within a reasonable range.

Cerebral infarction: cerebral infarction is a common symptom in cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

With the improvement of our living standards, the blood lipid in the body also increases.

Eating asparagus can not only regulate the metabolic capacity of the body, but also play an adjuvant role in reducing blood pressure and blood lipid.

If the increase of blood lipid in the body is not controlled, the blood circulation will be blocked, resulting in cardiac ischemia, and finally bring a series of diseases.

Because patients with hyperlipidemia usually have no significant performance, it takes a certain time to treat a series of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, such as clan coronary heart disease and stroke, so it is easy to ignore the damage caused by hyperlipidemia.

Therefore, if you want to prevent coronary heart disease, you must first ensure that your blood lipid level is within a stable range in order to reduce the mortality caused by myocardial infarction.

Therefore, people must pay attention to the harm caused by high blood lipid to the body.

Every 100g asparagus contains 20 calories.

By KingWay