It is not easy because the sudden start or end of the action will lead to the tearing of the muscles around the joint and damage the cartilage near the knee.

In addition, regular exercise helps the knee adapt to the human body, so regular exercise for about 30 minutes a day can also maintain the knee.

Therefore, it is necessary to warm up before exercise.

What are the causes of knee injury? Proper and moderate running will not cause damage to the knee, and may also be able to maintain the knee, while long-term inactivity will also damage the knee, which is the so-called “use in, waste out”.

It can be said that most people do not have the habit of warming up before exercise.


And the “knee” has been investigated.

According to the research, the pressure on the knee during running is about 7 times that of walking, so the heavier the weight, the greater the force on the knee and the more serious the injury.

You need to stop the exercise immediately and consult a doctor in time.

Choose sports reasonably and exercise regularly.

Many people treat sports as a “compulsory course” in life.

Once there is discomfort or pain, it means that there is a serious problem in the joint.

Pay attention to weight control.

For the knee joint, the healthy exercise methods are swimming and cycling, because most of the weight of the human body is concentrated in the hip, and the pressure on the knee joint is relatively small.

For example, some sports that are easy to damage the knee joint should be done less, such as climbing stairs, climbing mountains, standing for a long time, squatting for a long time, etc.

Correct running posture and reasonable running arrangement are the necessary conditions for healthy running.

If the human body is compared to a car, running without warm-up is like driving without hot engine in winter.

When the human body is standing or moving, the knee joint bears all the weight of the whole upper body and thigh of the human body.

However, running is also fastidious.

Special attention should be paid to timely calcium supplement to prevent joint problems..

Therefore, running without warm-up will experience the same problems as the car engine, and the wear and tear will increase.

When the knee has to “save use” exercise, you should pay attention to the reaction of the knee and joint.

Congenital dysplasia congenital dysplasia, which requires patients to pay special attention during exercise, exercise selectively, and minimize the burden on the knee.

When driving without hot car in winter, you will hear the sound of clicking.

In fact, many times, it is the neglect of warm-up that causes knee injury.

In addition, improper diet is another cause of knee injury.

Overweight and improper diet, the knee joint is the “bearing” of human body operation.

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If the running posture is incorrect or exceeds the burden of the human body, running may become an unhealthy way of exercise, which will not only damage the knee cap, but also damage the cervical spine and lumbar joints, and even cause paralysis.

From a young age, we should pay attention to the following four points, and do and cherish the “knee”! 1.

The incidence rate of the knee joint is the highest in the whole body osteoarthritis, and the “old leg is bad” means this.

Without the assistance of oil lubrication, the operation of the engine will be limited.

However, because the knee joint plays an important role in human movement, its smart structure is convenient for people to easily solve many movement problems.

Because osteoporosis is equivalent to that the foundation of the house is not firm, which will have an adverse impact on the whole bone.

Calcium supplement is not only a matter for children and the elderly, but also for ordinary adults.

Do not warm up before running or warm up improperly.

Incorrect exercise posture most knee injuries are caused by some wrong postures in daily life, such as running stairs, irregular squats and so on.

Many athletes have to end their careers because of this injury.

It can be said that among all sports injuries, knee injury is the most common and the results are the most serious.

When the human body squats, if the knee is bent and the hip is lower than the knee, it is very easy to cause knee injury.

People who smoke and drink more often tend to cause joint redness, swelling, pain and even gout.

If we want to slow down the aging of our knees, we should “save money” in our daily life.

Maintaining weight can reduce the burden on the knee and reduce the wear of the knee, so as to protect the knee.

That’s the case.


In sports, running can be said to be a healthy way of exercise, and because it is aerobic exercise, it is the main way for many people, especially women, to lose weight and exercise.

In this way, joint synovial fluid can secrete more, which will accelerate the smooth operation of the joint.

Pay attention to calcium supplement.

from the above point of view, moderate regular exercise is helpful for knee maintenance, but excessive exercise will cause fatal injury.

Excessive weight is bound to cause additional burden and injury to the knee.

Studies on excessive exercise have found that knee injuries often occur at the end of the day, when people are often tired and inattentive.


In the long run, more serious consequences may occur.

For people over the age of 40, the annual calcium loss rate will accelerate with the increase of age, especially women after menopause.

Nowadays, people pay more and more attention to body shape and health.


If it is excessive fatigue exercise, it is more likely to cause injury.

As long as prevention is done in advance to avoid some exercise habits that damage the knee joint: 1.


However, it is also more fragile and vulnerable to injury because of its precision and dexterity.

They should pay no attention to it and think that warm-up is optional.

Don’t ignore the discomfort.


Moreover, excessive exercise for a long time is very easy to cause knee swelling and pain.

The 4 point is to exercise attention and take the line.

However, for running, knee joint injury can be eliminated in the process of running.


If there is a problem, you must receive regular treatment instead of looking for a local massage or sticking a plaster; In fact, our knees, like people, have a long life.

By KingWay