His face is covered with mud and he jokes happily in pain.

▼ the challenge journey is very hard.

Over time, many such photos have been saved in her microblog.

It’s not just talk.

May you wash away all the lead and return as a girl…

▼ I believe that all those who have seen “adventure with bell” will be moved by her strong optimism and tenderness.

Zhang Junning is free and easy like a playful girl who doesn’t know the world.

When she travels to a place, she takes a “jump” photo as a souvenir.

During college, she took a two-year break from school to make movies, but she took over some small roles.

It’s not surprising that such a woman attracts Peng Yuyan! Yan Mingjun and the goddess of beauty can’t stop being sexy when they practice in the gym.

She always remains curious about life and looks independent.

Many girls say that she has lived the way she most wants to be.

Think of running as a way to get to know every city.

Is it a vase to grow beautiful? Zhang Junning is a Xueba.

Know the world, so don’t be sophisticated, experience the world and keep innocence.

Looking at her microblog, nine out of ten photos are in sports.

All I can think of is Zhang Junning.

Mei Lanfang in Mei Lanfang ▼ the chivalrous and tender woman in embroidered spring knife ▼ in each work, she can find accurate checks and balances in the role, express her emotions just right, and conquer the hearts of millions of fans with her powerful acting skills.

Life should start with love.

Daily life seems to revolve around a circle.

Although she was not a professional, she did her best in every film and television work, and many male stars praised her for her hard work.

Zhang Junning admitted that it was sports that enabled her to find more fun and comfortable areas of life.

Most women are afraid of age.

In 2015, her journey began with the exploration of the Antarctic and ended with the aurora of the Arctic.

The collagen on her face is not like 36 years old.

She also participated in many marathons.

Each challenge was extremely difficult, but she did not shrink back.

In 2010, Zhang Junning successfully obtained the master’s degree from National Central University by part-time work and part-time study.

There is no image at all.

In this world, you can grow anywhere and go anywhere.

But most of Zhang Junning’s microblogs are plain face photos.

She looked soft and weak, but she was stubborn and strong in her bones.

She has always had her own todolist.

It’s okay ▼ during the physiological period of the program recording, there’s no affectation, and take care of the teammates along the way.

She said: going to the National Central University for further study was also my childhood dream.

When many traffic stars act to find substitutes, She took part in the challenge variety show “adventure with bell”.

30 years old may be another kind of life for many people.

Without beauty and filter, she is still online.

It’s clear that you’re injured, so you should help the teammates deal with the wounds first.

They are afraid of aging, wrinkles and loss of vitality.

In fact, no matter how flashy the reality of the entertainment industry is, there are still so many different female stars who do not rely on gossip to become famous or airport show.

Zhang Junning, the goddess in Peng YuYan’s heart, sent a microblog @ Peng Yuyan.

Xu Hui, who is treacherous in the legend of Wu Meiniang ▼ Hailan, who is clear-cut in the story of Ruyi ▼ the touching warmth of crying in the warm string ▼ Bai Lingyun, who is resourceful in the alliance of military teachers ▼ sun Kewei, who is tough outside and soft inside in the late night canteen ▼ participated in the film and television program “I am an actor”.

Measuring every city she has visited with her feet, she welcomes her arrival with ten kilometers.

Peng Yuyan replied to the goddess and was suspected of “announcing” his relationship.

Zhang Junning loves sports.

But Zhang Junning still has a full sense of girliness.

compression socks running

They live in their own simple world and are spotless.

Obviously, you can rely on your appearance, but you have to rely on your talent.

After completing her studies, she began to act attentively, carefully pondered and analyzed each role, and often recited her lines late at night.

With his excellent acting skills, he won the unanimous praise of the three tutors.

The fans immediately lined up and waited for the hammer with watermelon popcorn.

People who love life will also be treated well by life! The time is short and the world is far away.

Maybe it’s because of Xueba’s character.

Sports, like travel, go deep into the bones.

She challenged hunger 30, went to Tibet to turn mountains, parachute jumping in Australia, and adventure in Guizhou forest industry Zhang Junning once said: the meaning of life is to do what you love, not to live with it.

She is confident and not timid in front of anyone.

Climbing, the first one to go up ▼ eat live insects, swallow ▼ dive with eyes closed, knock to the bleeding teeth to comfort the teammates.

Whether it’s work or life, it has become a fixed model, but some people can live 30 years old better than 20 years old.

In the era of the popularity of Meitu software, it seems that you can’t show your beauty without sending a repaired self photo.

She started running at the age of 25 and has been running for 11 years.

The body and soul always have to be on the road.

“You can laugh wantonly and live hard.” I can live like an 18-year-old at the age of 36.

Like Zhang Junning, she keeps a low profile and works hard to be herself.

May you run away for half your life and return as a teenager.

Gu Manzhen, whose emotion is as delicate as a textbook in half life fate ▼ the intellectually elegant Mrs.

Zhang Junning said that traveling is an opportunity for her to “return herself to zero”.

Up to now, she still keeps the habit of running outdoors three times a week.

On the way to becoming a monk, she decided to continue her further study.

By KingWay