JACC and BMJ journal research shows that long-lasting and regular runners are half as likely to die of cardiovascular disease as those without running habits.

Careful study shows that the seemingly general “health” can also be divided into many branches: a stronger heart, stronger muscles, healthier bones, better immunity…

Besides appearance, running makes people more energetic and energetic than making them younger.

Changes in the brain continue in a spiral.

Is running really that magical- 01 – running and health if you enter the question “what are the benefits of running” in the search engine, almost every one of the countless results will point to this answer – running is good for health.

In other words, running can improve people’s brain activity, make their thinking more agile, and be more handy in dealing with stress and aging.

People with running habits often tell you that running can effectively release pressure, relieve anxiety and make you feel happy.

Correct running posture and appropriate intensity can make your joints more flexible and bone mineral density higher after running.

After monitoring the sleep of these subjects, it was found that all people improved their sleep efficiency (sleep time / time in bed) and wake up after falling asleep, and the sleep quality of those who finished exercising 4 hours before going to bed was also improved.

Aren’t you kidding? In fact, according to a study of 100000 runners, running does not increase the risk of osteoarthritis, even among marathon runners.

At the same time, the process will last for several hours.

Finnish scientists found that by scanning and comparing the brains of runners and non runners, they found that the gray matter area of runners’ brains was more developed, which was closely related to the speed of brain processing information.

A study published in the European Journal of Applied Physiology shows that proper exercise does help sleep.

It can reduce anxiety and pain sensitivity and also bring pleasure.

In fact, this is not the case.

Brain chemicals that make you feel good and help you stay motivated work faster under the influence of exercise..

A series of problems such as “sleeping late”, “unable to sleep” and “not enough sleep” are bothering many people.

This is because after 20 minutes of continuous exercise, your brain will secrete endorphins and endogenous cannabinoids.

The physiological reactions that cause this effect are diverse and complex, involving hormone secretion, temperature regulation and other mechanisms, but we only need to know that if you keep running, you can really sleep better- 03 – running and cold age sweat wash pores, accelerate metabolism and make skin natural and delicate; The fat disappears, the muscle lines are clear, and the figure becomes slim; Daily diligent practice, weekend mountain climbing outing, more flexible action.

To find out whether exercise before going to bed would affect sleep, the researchers divided 18 eligible subjects into two groups and asked them to end an hour of moderate intensity exercise four hours and two hours before their habitual bedtime.

Compared with their peers, runners undoubtedly always look more “frozen age”.

That running helps improve heart function.

In fact, running can also improve sleep.

For another example, I always heard that “running Baili only hurts the knee”, claiming that running is good for bones and joints.

At the same time, the improvement of physical fitness and endurance enable the body to provide sufficient support for various activities.

Is it pseudoscience? In fact, running can enhance the systolic and diastolic capacity of the human heart, increase the density of cardiac capillaries and improve the function of cardiac regulation.

“If you want to be strong, run!” “If you want to be fit, run!” “If you want to be smart, run!” This sentence was engraved on Mount Olympus in ancient Greece, where the legendary god lived.

Within a few hours after running, people produce feedback such as reducing stress, completing more things, and actively interacting with others.

running shin sleeves

It seems that they are only free in the morning and evening.

Running in any form less than 50 minutes a week (5-10 minutes a day) can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease death by 30%.

In fact, runners are only half as likely to have knee arthritis as walkers.

At the same time, developed muscles can better protect your bones and joints- 02 – running and sleep we came to the conclusion in the article on sleep and running a while ago: if you sleep well, you can run well.

For example, I believe many people have seen news like “sudden death of runners”.

The sleep survey results released by the China sleep research association show that the incidence of insomnia in Chinese adults is 38.2%.

In real life, running seems to be praised as “altar”.

On the other hand, Harvard professor erig Hagman mentioned in exercise changes the brain that aerobic exercise such as running can provide nutrients to the brain, enhance neural links and significantly improve our mental state- 04 – running and decompression are different from the impression that running 800 meters is very painful.

The former relieves pain and stress and brings pleasure, while the latter is chemically no different from marijuana.

But modern people want to take a walk.

There are some articles, both soul chicken soup and personal statements, which makes it difficult for us “senior spectators” who have been surfing the Internet world for a long time to have a trace of suspicion of being fooled.

In addition, as the number of runs increases, the brain will also produce a reward mechanism and gradually strengthen it.

Speaking of running promoting sleep, many people will think that morning running means “getting up early and ruining the day”, while night running will make people too excited to sleep.

By KingWay