Outdoor sports should maintain a longer social distance.

He appeared on the track two months later and announced his withdrawal after only 50 kilometers.

He recovered within five days.

This is a fact that needs no taboo, especially N95 masks.

N95 mask has good tightness, which will lead to incomplete smooth breathing.

For those who love outdoor sports, these four ICU doctors have made suggestions and advice that COVID-19 will not “forgive” anyone who loves sports, and the excellent resting heart rate is not a healthy vane to maintain the epidemic.

Almost anyone can easily infect COVID-19, and runners are no exception.

During running, the respiratory reserve capacity is mobilized to accelerate breathing and increase ventilation.

After entering the human body, New Coronavirus is a test of the human immune system.

The research paper published in the Flemish newspaper entitled “walking, running and cycling: the 2 edition of social distance”, published in Belgian Flemish newspaper, argues that COVID-19’s ability to travel outdoors is far ahead of people’s expectations.

02 running enhances immunity, and runners are more likely to recover from illness? But the good news is that running won’t help you avoid infection, but it will help you recover better.

Even in severe cases, the survival rate of patients with previous running experience will be higher.

Your immunity is the strongest defense line of your body! 03 it may be difficult for people with severe illness to fully recover their motor function.


After 42.195 kilometers, the risk of respiratory infection of runners is six times higher than that of non runners, and the pressure of high-intensity exercise on the immune system will last for several weeks.

When the epidemic broke out in Europe and America, most people did not attach importance to the terrible spread of COVID-19.

Take the marathon as an example.

Proper endurance exercise can indeed improve the immune system and help sports lovers better cope with respiratory epidemics.

There is a rumor on the Internet that runners are in good health and are less likely to infect the new crown.

47 year old Wang Qian was infected with Xinguan in a literary performance, and her husband who took care of her wife was also infected.

When a runner interviewed the Los Angeles Times in early March, he said proudly, “people who exercise regularly like us basically don’t have much risk.” Covid-19, a professional runner Runner, sWorld interviewed four doctors who fought against the new crown pneumonia virus in the intensive care unit of Boston, a place of running sacred land.

During the epidemic period novel coronavirus pneumonia is a better way to cure the disease and to improve the body recovery.

The former leads to acid-base imbalance in the body and respiratory acidosis; The latter makes the body’s blood oxygen level drop, which may seriously lead to hypoxia damage to important organs..

However, it is difficult to recover the whole body movement function of severe patients who need to be treated by “mechanical ventilation” or external respiratory equipment.

During treatment, experts found that if your body has good aerobic capacity, your recovery process will be more smooth.

Therefore, runners, don’t take the new crown lightly because they are in good health all year round.

At the UTMB at the end of August this year, the French player Xavier, who had a high voice for winning the championship, was infected with the new championship at the end of June.

Novel coronavirus pneumonia is a natural condition for Wang Qian’s husband, who runs more than 1000 kilometers a year and has good cardiopulmonary function.

It should be noted that Dr.

Even if these “effective safety distances” are maintained, it is also necessary to avoid following people directly, and to switch the left and right distances.

They will also face psychological effects, such as depression and mild cognitive impairment.

At this time, the body’s oxygen demand and vital capacity are significantly increased.

A certain amount of exhaled gas will stay in the space formed by the mouth and nose.

Wearing a mask is particularly suffocating.

Many people leave lasting sequelae, limiting their physical ability.

Hurry to get your little book and listen to the class carefully! 01 is it more difficult for runners to infect the new crown if they exercise regularly? With regard to this rumor, the first answer is negative.

In the past month, the epidemic situation has revived all over the country, and the increasing number of patients affects everyone’s heart.

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Repeated inhalation will lead to the increase of carbon dioxide level and the decrease of oxygen content in the body.

When running outdoors, try to keep a distance of 10 meters.

Another label was amateur athletes.

At the same time, COVID-19 has an amazing ability to disseminate in the home.

Wearing masks can not only protect us, but also affect normal breathing.

Do you also need to wear a mask when running repeatedly? Do you want to wear a mask when exercising outdoors? If you don’t wear a mask, you’re worried about the risk of infection.

Corey Harding, deputy director of the heart and lung exercise laboratory at MIT, stressed in an interview that some of the critically ill patients he treated had marathon experience.

In terms of sports types, running, as an aerobic exercise, has many characteristics.

Although stronger resistance can help sick runners recover faster, if you are a severe patient, the situation may be different.

Based on the data from the simulation test, the research team recommends that runners should maintain a distance of at least 10 meters in the outdoor.

According to their experience, only half of the patients in rehabilitation can fully return to normal within one year.

In the current severe epidemic situation, it should be noted that when runners complete a high-intensity training or in the recovery stage after running, their bodies are more vulnerable to infection.

Before there is no specific medicine, keep exercising and increase your body’s resistance.

The reason why he can recover quickly is also because he runs all year round, has good health and strong resistance.

But is it really the case? If COVID-19 is infected, will it affect the movement function and damage the running performance? Do I wear a mask when I go out for a run under the epidemic? About your questions about the epidemic situation, dongniu will make it clear today.

By KingWay