Legs shoulder width apart, knees flexing 90 degrees.

Shen Zhaozhe is a senior runner.

This kind of running posture will lead to excessive wear of patella and symptoms such as patellar pain.


Adjust the suspension system so that the height of the handle is in the middle of the lower leg.

The gluteus medius is located on the outside of the hip.


If the knee leans inward to the side of the big toe of the foot, that is, the knee buckle, you can basically judge that the gluteus medius is weak.

The upper plane of the front thigh tends to be parallel to the ground, and the knee of the rear leg stops when it is about to touch the ground.

Swap the front and rear legs and repeat..

It is a deep muscle, which is mostly covered by the gluteus maximus.


Many runners are prone to iliotibial tract syndrome, which is also due to the compensatory effect caused by insufficient training of gluteus medius muscle.

Return to the starting position.

What is the gluteus medius? Our gluteal muscles can be divided into gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and gluteus minimus.

Lower the barbell until it is flush with the patellar tendon or slightly lower than the knee joint, extend the hip and return to the original position according to the same route.

The gluteus medius muscle starts outside the iliac wing and ends at the greater trochanter of femur.


Put one foot on the slide mat, lower your upper body, sit your hips back, and slide one leg of the slide mat outward away from the midline of your body.

Slide the sliding pad so that one leg is completely straight and the other leg is fixed.

Return to the starting position.


When it comes to running, usually many runners will twist their hips or swing their pelvis during running.


The rear hip is extended and the front knee is flexed until the upper thigh is parallel to the ground.

Specific exercise methods can refer to the following actions/ Slide cushion hip bridge / you can increase the exercise intensity by sliding your legs at the same time.

This is because the gluteal muscles are underdeveloped and cannot exert force to stabilize the pelvis.

The body returns to the upright position through the extension of the hip joint and knee joint of the lower limb on the side without sliding pad, and the lower limb on the side of sliding pad returns to the starting position by using the same route as when descending/ Romanian hard pull / you can limit the load of the spine by using the Kettlebell as the load.

Stand with two legs one in front and one behind, the same width as the hip.

In addition, many runners will also have knee buckle during running, which is also because the middle gluteal muscle is underdeveloped, resulting in leg adduction and internal rotation, resulting in “X-shaped leg”.


Return to the initial position.

What is the relationship between gluteus medius and running? If gluteus maximus is the “engine”, then this neglected gluteus medius can be called “stabilizer”.

After obtaining a master’s degree in track and field of physical education and training from Beijing University of physical education, he came to the Training Bureau of the General Administration of sports as a physical training and participated in the physical function training of major events such as the London and Rio Olympic Games.

After a simple observation and test, he mentioned a muscle that many runners tend to ignore – the gluteus medius.

In the whole movement process, the knee joint always remains stationary and maintains the angle of micro flexion/ Slide cushion hip bridge / hold a Kettlebell in front of the chest to increase the training intensity.

In addition to physical discomfort and pain, others are anxious because they can’t run.

Place the barbell on your upper back and shoulders.

Because the iliotibial tract has the same function as the gluteus medius muscle, which is to maintain the abduction of the legs.

Lie down with your face up and your feet on the slide cushion.

The tension of the iliotibial tract will produce outward tension on the patella and aggravate the patellar pain.


But why do you still have problems with your running volume and quality training? With this question, Fang Xudong, a columnist for runner’s world, asked Mr.

Shen Zhaozhe, the translator of youth long-distance running training and the editor in chief of the action manual of physical function training.


Both feet contact the ground horizontally, the center of gravity is concentrated on the ankle, and the included angle between the upper torso and thigh is reduced through hip flexion to maintain the neutral position of the spine.

The shaking of the pelvis will lead to problems in force transmission and greatly affect the efficiency of running.



Tighten your hip muscles and stand up.

Due to the underdevelopment of the gluteus medius muscle, the iliotibial tract plays a more important role in maintaining the stability of the abduction of the legs and the knee joint, resulting in excessive use and tension.

athletic compression socks

The hip muscles that are exercised and relaxed at ordinary times refer to the gluteus maximus, which plays an important role in pushing the ground during running.

Step the other leg in a split position.

How to detect your gluteus medius is very simple.

How to prevent running injuries? In addition to the factors of running technology such as running posture, landing mode, running volume and intensity, more and more runners also realize and start physical quality training, such as core training, knee joint training and so on.

Place one foot in the sling.

How to strengthen the gluteus medius? If you want to strengthen the gluteus medius, you should first relax and activate the gluteus medius, inner thigh muscles, tensor fascia lata and so on.

Repeat on the opposite leg/ Slide mat side lunge / you can hold a Kettlebell in front of your chest to increase the training intensity.

Therefore, they will shake during running.

After several times, observe the foot doing the squat.

Bend the knee joint of the other leg until the upper part of the thigh is parallel to the ground.

Repeat a certain number of times and exchange the positions of the front and rear legs/ Split leg squat / you can hold a Kettlebell in front of your chest to increase the training intensity.

Running is an important research and practice direction for him.

Do one foot squat with your toes forward.

It is an important muscle to stabilize the pelvis and knee joint.

Landing on the ground with the soles of the front feet, bend the knees of the front legs and rear legs to lower the center of gravity of the body.

Click the blue word above and remember to pay attention to us! A little bit of running age friends, how many will have some injury experience.

By KingWay