Such as muscle strain, knee injury and overtraining syndrome.

People naturally lose muscle as they age, and regular strength training can help you avoid falling too fast.

As we grow older, the body will have these changes: the size and number of muscle fibers begin to shrink, cardiovascular endurance begins to decline, strength, coordination and balance will also decline, especially for runners over the age of 40, we should pay more attention! Today, let’s take a look at what middle-aged runners should pay attention to at ordinary times! 01 you need new goals.

07 injury prevention and recovery if you are a new runner and are not familiar with running, or you have not participated in this sport for a long time, please go to the hospital for examination in advance to ensure that you are healthy enough to take vigorous exercise.

Putting down the expectations of youth and avoiding comparing the older self with the younger self is a good way to maintain happiness in middle age.

As long as you train reasonably and run scientifically, you can run at any time! For middle-aged new runners, it is important to maintain a moderate increase in exercise time and intensity.

In short, running slowly can ensure that you build health and strength while minimizing the risk of injury.

If you don’t train according to your physical habits, you may get injured.

We usually can’t train and compete at the same level as when we were young.

Unfortunately, this is a fact of our lives.

05 improving balance, simple leg and core movements (such as squats, planks, push ups and lunges) can greatly improve your running performance and injury tolerance.

And please be patient.

As a long-distance runner, you need to know more about step-by-step than young runners.

Although running has certain benefits for people of any age.

Your legs, back, hips and shoulders will be stiffer than when you were young, especially when you wake up or sit for a long time.

If you’ve just started running, your weekly training schedule can look like this: day 1: 20 minutes of strength training, day 2: 20 minutes of easy running, day 3: rest day, day 4: 30 minutes of cross training activities, day 5: 30 minutes of relaxation activities, day 6: day 7: 45 minutes of jogging, adjust expectations and choose realistic goals, And be proud that you are still an active and determined runner.

In addition, increased muscle strength will help your muscles absorb more impact during running, so as to reduce the pressure on your joints.

If you stretch or do yoga regularly, especially after running, you can maintain or even improve your flexibility.

Age does not mean hindrance.

Alternatively, perform some basic yoga balance movements, such as tree pose, Eagle pose or King dancer pose.

04 increase strength training strength training is good for runners of any age, but these benefits are more important for older runners.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t set goals to motivate yourself and bring a new sense of achievement.

Therefore, be sure to know your current exercise ability and physical limits in advance, so as to make corresponding running plans.

As we grow older, we lose muscle strength and aerobic ability.

Improving balance is not only helpful for running, but also necessary for everyone with age.

The simplest way is: you can improve your balance by standing on one leg for 30 seconds.

click 馃憜 Paying attention to the “running professor” and updating the running dry goods every day is a good way to improve cardiovascular health.

03 step by step is very important.

But that doesn’t mean you can run too much or exercise more often.

A sudden increase in speed or distance usually leads to injury or pain.

You may need to take new steps to prevent injuries, such as regular massage, foam shaft and more rest days.

If you start running when you are young, it may be difficult to admit that you already need to slow down.

A convenient rule of thumb is that the weekly increase in intensity or distance should not exceed 10%.

With the popularization of the concept of sports health, running is gradually recognized by more and more people.

In addition, you should make sure to warm up properly before running, especially in the case of competition or hard exercise.

If the balance is good, the possibility of falling is small; If you train specially, you can restore your balance more easily.

02 know your sports ability before starting running, you should understand some basic physical effects of aging: Generally speaking, people’s physical fitness usually reaches the peak at the age of 20-30.

In addition, regular inspection is also very necessary for middle-aged runners! If you feel hurt or suffer from trauma, please stay proactive and don’t ignore these body signals.

But you know what? In fact, running has a great impact on muscles and joints.

When you were in your 20s, leg pain prevented you from working for days.

06 improve flexibility over time, everyone’s muscles and tendons will lose some elasticity.

running shin sleeves

Even the best athletes will begin to show signs of decline in sports ability once they reach their 40s.

Start by walking for 5 to 10 minutes or jogging, then do some dynamic stretching.

It really takes longer for the injury to recover.

Whether you’re training for a marathon or trying to develop a running habit, it’s important to set training goals that are appropriate for your age and current fitness level.

In fact, many runners come into contact with running at this age.

Now it may take weeks to recover..

According to scientific analysis, people are more likely to suffer from physical overuse after middle age.

By KingWay