► [point] keep your back naturally straight during the action.

The 10th lunge ► keep your body in a standing position, step forward with your right foot, and squat with your left foot behind, just like a lunge.

11T push up ► an advanced version of push up with one hand.

► you must rest for 10 seconds after each training action, and then proceed to the next group of actions.

The sixth squat ► keep your feet about the same width as your shoulders, raise your head and keep your chest straight, straighten your hands forward, squat down with your hips sitting back, and keep your hips parallel to the ground.

► American research found that hict training for 5 days a week for 6 weeks can not only achieve the effect of muscle training, but also significantly reduce body fat.

Your knees must not exceed your toes, and the back root and sole of your feet should bear the weight of your whole body evenly.

► [point] when supporting the ground with one hand and holding the other hand up, pay attention to balance.

It only needs a chair and a wall, and can be trained at any time.

Instructions for movement training ► each movement must last for 30 seconds, and the training times are 15-20 times (which can be adjusted according to personal conditions).

It does not need any equipment.

You can’t pull your head hard when doing the whole.

When leaving the chair, let the foot (right foot) lifted first go down first.

► [point] seems to be standing still, but you should put your knees close to your chest as much as possible.

► stand up with your hands on your heels, and then slowly support your elbows with your hands on your heels.

► [point] when pushing down, keep the back of the body parallel and remember not to raise your ass! Volume 4 abdomen ► put your hands next to your ears, not the back of your head.

► according to an article published in the Journal of health and fitness, as long as 7 minutes of 12 action high-intensity circular exercise, its effect is better than hours of running or aerobic exercise.

► [point] the thigh is 90 degrees from the lower leg.

Use the strength of the side waist and abdomen to lift the body up and support the upper body, but the hips should also be off the ground and the feet should be straight..

Step 5 ► prepare a fixed chair that is not easy to shake, or practice this action on the steps.

Second, sit in a space chair ► find a wall, stick your back to the wall, sit in the air and imagine yourself sitting in an invisible chair.

First do a push up, then support one hand on the ground and lift the other hand up.

► [point] lunge should pay attention to keeping his back natural and straight, and his knees must not exceed the toes.

You need to do 2-3 rounds.

Pay attention to the relative position of the knee and toe.

According to your personal situation, you can improve the speed of leg lifting in a short time.

It has the effect of burning fat and reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

You can complete a group of actions in about 7 minutes, but you don’t finish the work after only one round.

Lift it as high as possible.

What is high intensity circular exercise (hict)? ► high intensity circle ­ It training (hict) is a combination of aerobic exercise, resistance training and muscle strength exercise, combined with high-intensity and very short rest time to improve cardiopulmonary function and muscle strength.

There are two 90 degrees between the thighs and lower legs of his front and rear feet.

The first opening and closing jump ► stand at attention in the ready position, jump up, open your feet at the same time, clap your hands above your head, and then jump back to the standing position.

seamless bandana

During exercise, try to focus on using your abdominal muscles to work forward and upward, and just keep your back a little off the ground.

► complete 12 actions as a group.

Finally, use the power of his front feet to return his body to the standing position.

To avoid cervical injury, exhale when bending and inhale when straightening.

It is retracted, and the left and right sides can be exchanged for action.

Lift one foot first.

► [point] beginners can try to put their feet inward and maintain a half sitting posture for training, which can reduce the burden.

7-minute training menu ► this group of 7-minute scientific sports is a combination of 12 groups of movements.

► [point] pay attention to the coordination between the left and right sides.

If the left foot is lifted first for the first time, it can be carried out by changing feet every other time.

► [point] keep your lower back close to the ground, but don’t do sit ups as usual.

The 12th side stick ► support the ground with one hand.

After standing on the chair with the right foot, follow up with the left foot and maintain balance.

► [point] keep your hands perpendicular to your body, keep your back straight, and don’t tilt your hips! Ninth, lift your knees high in place ► open your feet the same width as your shoulders, lift your knees in place, keep your body stable and breathe normally.

It consumes more calories than running.

Push up on the third floor ► open your fingers, face forward, open your elbows naturally, straighten your feet, close your lower abdomen, press your body down to the chest and face as close as possible to the ground, and then prop up and return to the ready position without touching.

The 8th stick pose ► the upper body is supported by the elbow, which is perpendicular to the lower part of the shoulder.

Tighten the abdominal core, support the body with the abdominal muscle as the center, keep the pelvis horizontal and the knee straight.

This exercise takes the training of “training2 as a space chair” as the axis to improve.

By KingWay