3 leg resistance training resistance training is the training to improve strength through resistance.

If they are infringed or deleted! Special runner Li Li Li answers running problems for runners online for free, healthy running, prevention of running injuries, one-on-one guidance, long press to scan, add immediately (for prevention, you can consult at any time), forward and share this article, let’s grow together and make progress with each other! Those girls who asked me “can you run with thick legs?” look, which long-distance or sprint athlete has thick legs in the Olympic Games? Sometimes there will be the illusion of thick legs in hyperemia.

√ check whether your knee joint is parallel to the axis of the machine and adjust the position of the rear pad.

For runners, the importance of thigh muscles is self-evident.

02 prone leg bending (CAM instrument) preparation 1 Lie prone on the bench 2 The thighs, hips, abdomen and chest are flat on the bench 3 The knee hangs on the edge of the bench 4 Put your ankles under the cushion 5 Achilles tendon contact pad 6 Hold the edge or handle of the cushion and move 1 Slowly bend the knee joint during the whole movement 2 Hip on cushion 3 Exhale when bending 4 Pause at the bending position 5 Return to the initial position when inhaling 6 Chest against bench 7 Keep going up and down until the exercise is finished × Mistake when you bend your knee, your hips leave the bench.

They are relatively large muscles in the whole body.

It’s a big mistake to bend your neck and keep your head close to your body! —– running micro assistant ◆ running without core strength is playing rogue? (including a full set of actions) ◆ running for 1 hour can prolong the life of 7 hours! is that true? ◆ running has these benefits! I regret not knowing earlier..

√ correct and keep the knee straight – but not locked up throughout the exercise.

When stretching the rear muscles after exercise, be sure to pay attention to: the back should be as straight as possible, and the stomach should be close to the body.

√ correct the upward push and extension of the triceps of the lower leg and focus on the feet.

No attention? Stretch out your finger and point here — runner running micro assistant running micro assistant thigh muscles include quadriceps femoris (front of thigh) and hamstring (back of thigh).

Persistent exercise can effectively increase muscle and improve legs Muscle strength and explosive power provide you with strong strength support when you are running 01 sitting knee extension (convex turbine) preparation 1 Sit in a chair 2 The ankle is behind the cushion The foot surface is close to the ankle pad 4 Sit up straight with your back against the back cushion 5 Head up, facing forward 6 Hold the seat edge or handle and move 1 Slowly extend your knee in full range 2 Exhale while stretching 3 Pause briefly in the extended position 4 Return to the starting position when inhaling 5 Keep your hips in contact with the seat 6 Keep going up and down until the end of the exercise × Error: the knee joint does not contact the front edge of the seat.

√ check that your knees are parallel to the axis of the machine and keep your hips and chest in contact with the bench.

seamless bandana

* this article is for reference only.

If possible, your knees are in contact with the front of the seat.

Some materials come from the network.

03 standing posture heel lifting preparation 1 Place the shoulder under the shoulder pad 2 Both feet are shoulder width apart, with the forefoot on the front edge of the pedal Keep the knee straight 4 Lower the heel until it is lower than the pedal, with a slight stretching feeling.

They are related to our running, jumping, quick start and quick braking, and are also responsible for lateral, backward, push, pull Rotation and kicking also play a role in stabilizing the upper body in most movements.

Exercise 1 Push the front foot on the ground and raise the heel as high as possible Exhale during elevation 3 Keep the knee straight 4 Pause at the highest position 5 Inhale when returning to the starting position 6 Do not move your body or bend your knees 7 Continue to raise and lower the heel until the end of the exercise × Error: the knee bends or stretches during exercise.

× Mistake: in the ascending phase, your ankles turn out or your knees turn out.

Strong thighs can improve running efficiency, reduce damage and make you run easier.

By KingWay