
When running in low temperature in winter, the flexibility of human muscles, ligaments and joints will be reduced, the range of joint activity will be reduced, and the extension of ligaments will be reduced, Including nerve reaction time will also increase.

Fasting = hypoglycemia.

Warm up before running is particularly important.

Precautions for winter running, however, in this special climate environment, adhering to winter running also requires some scientific skills and health concepts.

Some runners even choose to hibernate in winter and hardly run.

The maximum oxygen uptake capacity represents the limit of a person’s aerobic exercise, so it is very important for endurance performance, which can help to improve running speed and create a higher level of physical fitness.

02 increase oxygen uptake after running for a certain period in low temperature weather, it can enhance the body’s oxygen uptake capacity.

In fact, the body is easy to accumulate fat in winter.

06 conducive to bone health, winter sunshine is particularly precious, and outdoor sports in winter sunshine can fully enjoy sunbathing.

If you stop exercising, you may change from thin waist to fat.

When the weather is cold, the sense of humidity and stuffy heat will be reduced.

Don’t take it off until it’s hot.

Welcome to leave a message and share the reasons, feelings and gains of running in winter! * this article is for reference only.

When running, you can also supplement water appropriately.

Half an hour before running, you can drink about 200-300 ml of boiled water to improve the body’s heat regulation ability.

Write in the end: I believe that for mature runners, running in winter is not a big problem, but for small white runners, they often reduce outdoor running in winter because of inertia and fear of cold.

Season should not be a reason to interrupt running, not to mention the above benefits of winter running.


When running in the cold season with low temperature, the body will secrete more endorphins stimulated by the cold mechanism, which will also make the body have a sense of happiness and happiness, so running in winter is easier to be happy! 05 enhance resistance winter running can enhance the cold resistance and resistance, accelerate the body’s metabolism, increase the antibodies against diseases in the blood, and enhance the body’s resistance to diseases.

At the same time, combined with the positive effect on bones brought by the stress impact of running on bones, it can be beneficial to bone health to the greatest extent.

03 good weight loss effect running in winter, because in the cold environment, the body will burn more calories to maintain body temperature.

This has become a creed of many professional runners, because winter running training can better improve the runner’s cardiopulmonary function and muscle strength.

After adhering to weekly systematic training, the performance will improve when the horse running season comes next year, This has been validated by many runners around.

Under the same amount of exercise, running in winter will consume 3% ~ 7% more calories, so friends who want to lose weight must stick to exercise! 04 it’s easier to be happy.

Running is not good.

The cold wind is biting, the snow is flying, and the temperature is freezing.

For a sweating constitution, you can add salt to the water to supplement salt and maintain the acid-base balance in the body.

It’s really too cold.

Morning running is usually before breakfast.

If you want to keep running, you must first have enough warm-up before running, and move your wrists, ankles, waist and neck.

You can also carry drinks with electrolytes to prevent muscle spasm.

Some materials come from the network.

In the cold season, wear windbreaker / gloves to prepare for sudden cooling.

You can drink a sports drink before running and supplement water / sugar.

This has become a great reason for some people not to run.

Once you go out for running, your body becomes frozen.

I hope you who love running can overcome the weather with willpower and continue to run on the road! Moreover, if you insist on running for 3 years in winter, there are many unexpected gains: 01 winter training improves the performance, and the winter trainer will win the world.

The ultraviolet rays in the sunlight can be absorbed by the human body to convert cholesterol in the blood into vitamin D, which can promote the body’s absorption of calcium.

athletic compression socks

If they are infringed or deleted!..

Precautions for running in the morning and at night in winter.

Don’t take it off in a hurry.

It’s still comfortable in the house.

For long-distance running training with large amount of running, sugar can be added to the water to prevent dizziness, night sweat and other phenomena caused by low blood sugar.

As long as you are not particularly hungry, don’t eat energy bars.

Here, I summarize my experience and share it with you: 1.

Reasonable drinking water is easy to cause dry throat, nasal cavity and mouth when running in winter.

By KingWay