> > > Become a “slave” of watches < < many people often care about factors such as time, distance and speed, but fitness experts say that running without watches can make running a pleasure.

Generally speaking, the most suitable number of heart rate rhythms for physical exercise is: (220 age) × About 60%.

Physical exercise should be carried out step by step, and the following items should be recorded in the diary every day: 1.

Poor, good and excellent people over 50 run less than 1.5km, 1.6-2.4km and more than 2.5km every 12 minutes respectively.

Five kinds of wrong running are no longer healthy > > > buy the wrong shoes < < everyone's feet are different.

compression sleeve shin splints

When you run, you can measure it properly.

> > > Element 2: swing arm < < swing arm is to maintain the balance and coordination of the body during running, so as to make the body swing more naturally and more in line with the rhythm of human movement.

People who usually lack exercise often exercise too much once they decide to start regular exercise, which will lead to adverse consequences.

Some people emphasize that you should pay attention to the correct posture, but if you forcibly change your running posture, it will make your running posture unnatural.

According to the above records, it is not difficult to analyze the amount of exercise and make necessary adjustments to exercise in time.

At this time, if you can use your will to prop up your spine, it is actually very simple for you to improve your hunchback condition.

At the beginning of exercise, the speed of running is limited to no uncomfortable feeling, and the distance of running is appropriate to no feeling of exertion.

Lower limb muscle pain may occur after running, which is a normal reaction.

Test 1: hamstring flexibility < < use a stretching rope or a circular towel to stretch the hamstring straight (as shown in the figure above), try to make a leg 90 degrees to the body, keep it for a few seconds, and then change the leg..

People in the age group of 30-39 years old run less than 1.5-1.8 kilometers in 12 minutes, indicating that their exercise level is poor; If it can reach 1.8-2.6 kilometers, it means that the level of exercise is good; If you can exceed 2.6 kilometers, you will reach an excellent level of exercise.

If the pulse rate is too fast, you must reduce the amount of exercise.

Self feeling before, during and after exercise; 3.

Because in the six days of interrupted running, the body tissue has consumed all the benefits of running.

When swinging the arm, just remember that the front does not leak the hand and the back does not leak the elbow, and naturally swing with the steps.

For example, jogging should be repeated.

To choose shoes suitable for yourself, you should choose shoes suitable for your foot type in a professional running shoe store under the guidance of professionals.

You should face up to your own situation and exercise.

> > > Element 4: Breathing < < breathing during running is far-reaching and long.

> > > Recording is beneficial < < don't fantasize about achieving ideal results in the short term.

> > Running is too heavy and too fast < < running is composed of many slamming on the floor, so we must start with a slow pace, and then work hard gradually to improve gradually.

Of course, if you are ill, never run, but in other cases, you should overcome “inertia” and stick to exercise.

Whether there is a desire to continue to participate in exercise; 5.

For people in the age group of 40-47, those with poor exercise level run less than 1.6 kilometers every 12 minutes; 1.7-2.4km for good; The excellent person is more than 2.5km.

> > > Do exercises that exceed your physical fitness < < do you think other people's training plans are also suitable for you? In fact, they are not.

This is a kind of protection for ankles and knees to prevent periostitis.

Group 1 pay attention to running and fitness is more beneficial > > > self-control < < all those who participate in fitness running should pay attention to persistence and step by step, especially to control the amount of exercise.

Only by establishing a good foundation can you gradually increase the content of exercise.

> > > Pay too much attention to running posture < < don't worry about how you look when running, just run out.

Therefore, run no less than three times a week.

In addition, it is particularly important to learn “self-control”.

Appetite and sleep status; 4.

Five elements: the more you run, the easier it is > > element 1: landing buffer < < If you have carefully observed others running, you will find that many people are on the ground with full soles and have a loud sound when landing.

If it is too heavy and too fast at the beginning, it will often lead to pain and injury.

> > > Element 5: heart rate < < jogging, as a healthy aerobic exercise, should be distinguished from fast running.

Generally, nasal inhalation and mouth breathing are used.

> > > Element 3: keep your head up and chest up < < keeping your head up and chest up during running helps to improve your respiratory and circulatory system and establish a normal state of memory.

If you only run once a week, no matter how long you run, it won’t do much good.

> > > Grade test < < in order to determine the grade of your exercise level, you can take some tests after three to four months of running exercise.

This phenomenon will disappear after a few days of exercise.

Unsuitable shoes often hurt your legs.

Mouth inhalation and mouth breathing can be used when physical strength is seriously reduced.

The nature, content, duration date and time of each exercise; 2.

Pulse beat.

Generally speaking, the pulse beat should not exceed 120 times / min after 5 minutes of running and 100 times / min after 10 minutes of running.

The test takes the distance of 12 minutes as the starting point for calculating the grade.

Because sometimes the desire to run will suddenly disappear, it is necessary to distinguish between “can’t run” and “don’t want to run”.

Because your body is constantly consuming energy during running, which is prone to fatigue.

Only regular exercise can improve the level of exercise.

When running, the correct action is to land on the ground with your empty foot, and then transition to the full sole of your foot.

By KingWay