Some people don’t want to run in public because they think they will look slow, stupid, too fat and too old to other runners or people driving by.

It’s easier to run after trying to improve your core and leg strength.

However, just because you are tired or tired, it may not be a pity to miss all the magic of running.

Are you bored? Are your legs tired? Are you easily out of breath? Are you self-conscious about running? Consider the reasons why you didn’t like running in the past and start planning measures to solve these problems.

Don’t worry about what others think.

If you breathe too shallow, you will not feel relaxed, but will feel bored.

Some beginner runners tend to give up early because they can’t get into the rhythm and feel out of breath.

5 running with others and running with a team or a partner is one of the best ways to keep running motivated.

Breathe properly.

Keep a sense of humor.

2 eliminate boredom even long-term runners will feel bored when running, especially when running on the treadmill.

So try these strength training for runners.

Rewarding yourself regularly is likely to improve your motivation and speed up your running progress.

You will find that you are not alone, running is not the whole of their life, and there are more interesting things waiting to be excavated.

So today we offer some small details to improve your running enthusiasm, so that you can stick to it.

Strength training surprisingly, I’ve talked to a lot of people who say that increasing muscle can increase the fun of running.

Try to change it.

You will pay more attention to the fun you get from social interaction and gradually forget the things you don’t like running most.

To get the maximum amount of oxygen, you should inhale through your mouth and nose, and then exhale through your mouth.

Take steps to enhance your confidence, such as practicing the correct running posture and preparing some running equipment, so that you will feel more comfortable.

Whether you’ve always disliked running or occasionally found yourself hating running, you can connect these words with those who hate running (or at least laugh at it).

If you always run on the treadmill or on the same route, try doing some speed training or playing some puzzles while running to change your daily life.

Be proud of your efforts to improve your health.

Once you have increased your endurance, strength, self-confidence and hope to enjoy running, you can focus on improving your speed.

If you feel your breathing is getting too shallow or out of control, you can slow down or take a break.

6 build your confidence.

But they will use targeted strategies to prevent boredom from spreading to them.

Find out what you really don’t like.

As you continue your running / walking program, try to extend your running time and reduce your walking time.

Or try an interesting race different from the regular 5K, such as relay race or mud race.

Many running injuries, especially knee and hip related problems, develop due to muscle weakness or imbalance, so regular strength training can help you resist more injuries.

You may find positive aspects of running, which will increase your enjoyment of the sport and inspire you to move forward.

If you can pass the “conversation test” and say complete sentences without panting, your speed is correct.

calf sleeves running

Some people naturally say they hate running, but few seriously think about the reasons for their dislike.

Injecting a sense of humor into your run can actually help you warm up more because you connect with other runners who admit to having the same idea.

9 reward yourself.

There are many ways to break the monotony, from listening to music or audio books, to doing interesting interval sports, to exploring new running routes.

You will be discouraged and may continue to dislike running.

Humor can help you keep motivated.

Being part of a larger running community will help you feel more connected to the sport.

Pay attention to deep abdominal breathing.

No attention? Stretch out your finger and point here — runningassistant, runner’s running micro assistant.

Once upon a time, did you have such a voice in your heart.

“Do I have to keep going? Why should I choose this sport?” for some runners, there are more or less such questions in the burnout period after their enthusiasm is dissipated.

After you reach a major goal, prepare some new running equipment for yourself, or go out and massage with a professional masseur as a celebration..

Some of my running friends also like to use funny T-shirts to express their disgust with running, such as “I only run for hamburgers” or “lazy running team”.

When you run, you should be able to breathe and talk easily.

You can also try talking to other runners about why they like running.

Don’t do too many things too early.


8 try adding new elements.

Starting with such a simple run will help prevent overtraining and overuse injuries.

3 slowly increase the running time and distance.

Don’t worry about your running speed.

Try to switch between running / walking mode, that is, run there for a short time, then take a break, turn into walking, and then run again.

You should feel abdominal distension, not the upper chest.

By KingWay