Hey, dear girl: I posted a picture of running 10 kilometers on Weibo


You asked me: how can I keep on running like this? I seldom talk about running


Just as you asked, I’ll talk about my favorite sport


People around me have two obvious camps for running: one is that they like running very much and don’t run five kilometers every day, which makes them feel uncomfortable; the other is that they can lift iron and go to the gym for a few hours of anaerobic exercise every day, and they are determined not to run a few kilometers


Like running is really like, do not like running, really do not run at all


I belong to the former, of course


At first, running was because it was the simplest of all sports


I wanted to lose weight from the simplest


Later, I gradually fell in love with running because running and I have become the philosophy of life


Every stage of running, there are different feelings


Now that I am 30 years old and in my first year of business, I would like to share with you three “running philosophies” that have benefited me in particular


First of all, the happiest part of running is to delay gratification


You have to have the wisdom to give up the present happiness


My friends who are familiar with me all know that I hate to learn every minute


I live up to people’s expectations


When I run, I am learning


I listen to all kinds of audio courses and books


I want to feel the joy of learning while running


But the fact tells me that it’s not good for me to run, because my brain needs to disperse part of my energy to think


When I run, the speed slows down


When I slow down, I feel like I’m tired, just like it’s over


Later, when I started running, I listened to music and didn’t think about anything


Because my brain was relaxed, I ran 5 kilometers and didn’t feel tired at all


After the end of running, I’m in a very good state


Many articles and courses are completed within an hour after running, which is very efficient


So don’t just focus on the happiness of the moment when running, just like I have to learn; it’s better to give up the happiness in the process, wait until it’s over, and enjoy the more efficient happiness brought by “delayed gratification” under the action of dopamine


It’s the same as starting a business


When I started my business, I always wanted to get immediate rewards


Take “writing company” as an example


If a little partner didn’t do homework once, I would be very angry


Later, after a long time, you will find that even if this person didn’t do homework several times, as long as she is serious and perseveres for a long time, you can see the difference immediately


So don’t worry about what you get now


The greatest happiness in entrepreneurship is “delayed gratification”, because every delayed gift adds a background of surprise


Secondly, the most important thing in running is not endurance, but persistent self challenge


Many people think that it’s easy for people with good endurance to run


In my opinion, good endurance is only a small factor


What really works is that you face challenges and constantly break through your attitude


I want to give up running many times, because every time I run 5 kilometers, it’s over


After a long time, I feel very boring, even if it’s very easy, even if it’s helping me lose weight


“Boring” is a taboo in sports


If a thing makes you feel boring, it’s equivalent to giving up


Later, in order to encourage myself, I set up all kinds of challenges for myself


For example, I have to run 25 minutes for 5K; I have to run outdoors; I have to run 10K a week


Just like I play games with myself, I have new obstacles and new rules, and your body will always be at its best


Isn’t entrepreneurship like this? If entrepreneurship only depends on endurance, I think many people have a much higher probability of success


The fact is: if you don’t set your own challenges, it’s hard for you to get behind the start-up


On the one hand, you will be weak and lose your entrepreneurial passion


On the other hand, if you don’t set your own challenges, the market will give you greater challenges, which are likely to knock you down


In my opinion, it’s the soul of every runner to challenge himself and win the game with himself


Finally, speed matters


A lot of people will say to running Xiaobai: you don’t need to be fast


It’s most important to let yourself run first


This sentence is suitable for Xiaobai, but not for veteran runners, because improving the running speed will make a person happier and happier


Generally, I will run about 40 minutes for 5K


The result is that I want to be lazy when I’m very busy, because 40 minutes is too long, and I don’t want to stick to it


Later, I kept improving my speed, and now 5K is about 25 minutes


What’s the result? Every time I want to hesitate, I will tell myself: is it 25 minutes? It’s not enough time to watch an episode of TV series and listen to eight songs


The speed increased and the time reduced, which greatly reduced my procrastination threshold


This is a great inspiration for my entrepreneurship


At the beginning, I told myself: just take your time, so I’m very Buddhist in planning for the future


Anyway, I’m a long-term chauvinist


Why do I care about a month and a year


After a lot of experience and seeing the development of people who started at the same time, I realized that speed is largely productivity


When others save more time than you in every aspect, it just means that your self-renewal ability is inferior to others


The road of starting a business is very lonely, and the road of self-improvement is also very lonely


I am very grateful that running, a friend, has been with me all the time


Like a teacher or a prophet, he has told me some changes that are about to happen


So here, I run not out of love, but like the Oracle, I want to hear the admonition and discipline from afar..


By KingWay