Stick to the action of protecting knee joints: squat against the wall.

It needs to bear huge weight and pressure load to provide flexible movement.

06 the larger the running stride, the better.

If it is used with high intensity for a long time, there will be problems.

A large amount of blood flows into the muscles and skin, which may lead to insufficient blood supply to the brain or heart.

For a marathon runner weighing 70 kg, every mile (about 1.6 km, about 1000 ~ 1500 steps), the force acting on the hip, knee and ankle on the ground is equivalent to the impact force brought by a cumulative 2800 tons of objects.

What we should pay most attention to is the functional characteristics of shoes.

Here are 10 running rumors that must be explained to people around you! The more expensive the shoes are, the faster you run.

Too large a stride means that your moving range is large.

Glycogen, water and amino acids are consumed more during exercise.

When the stride is too large, the knee will become more straight, and the strength of heel landing will be greater, which will significantly reduce the ability of knee muscles to absorb impact force, which will be transmitted to knee joints and spine.

Pay attention to running posture.

Knee joint is one of the few body parts that have not been strengthened in the process of human evolution.

4 ~ 6 groups every day, the goal of exercise is to have a sense of soreness in the thigh.

The higher you jump in the air, the more difficult it will be to land.

camel pack running

It should be noted that the premise of supplementing sports drinks is that the amount of exercise reaches a certain standard.

Rest for more than one and a half hours after meals and then exercise to avoid other discomfort symptoms in the stomach.

05 you must drink sports drinks when running.

08 take a bath immediately after a lot of exercise.

In the long run, it will greatly increase the risk of injury.

Choose a suitable plastic track and wear comfortable running shoes to minimize the impact and wear of knee joints; 2.

When major sports brands launch extremely expensive running shoes, they also claim that these high-tech skills make you run faster than ever before.

The function of running shoes is to protect, not to pursue speed, and has nothing to do with price.

Because if the knee exceeds the toe, the meniscus will be stressed, which is counterproductive.

Warm up before running to improve the coordination between different muscle groups and avoid additional damage caused by muscle strength disorder; 3.

It is a relatively fragile part of the body.

In addition to metabolites, there are nutrients such as minerals, amino acids, proteins, vitamins and so on.

Running shoes are a necessity for running, but there is no evidence that top running shoes are better than middle and low-priced running shoes.

If you only exercise with very low intensity or very short duration, it is not necessary to supplement sports drinks, otherwise you will only increase your intake in vain.

A good pair of running shoes should have many functional characteristics, such as cushioning, support, stability, rebound, grip, ventilation, wrapping and so on.

Because the digestive system starts to work after dinner, it is necessary to ensure that the gastrointestinal tract has sufficient blood supply for food digestion and absorption.

There is only one point, and the knee should not exceed the toe.

Some runners believe that the more expensive the shoes are, the faster you run.

07 exercise immediately after eating.

The longer the exercise time, the more energy consumption, the more fat consumption, which has no inevitable connection with the fact that the exercise must last for more than 30 minutes.

Sports drinks are prepared according to the characteristics of physiological consumption during exercise.

Therefore, running with too large a stride is easy to be injured.

At this time, if you exercise, it will increase the blood supply to the lower limbs, make the blood supply to the stomach insufficient, weaken the peristalsis of the stomach and deteriorate the digestion and absorption.

The shoulders should be relaxed, the landing should be light, the arms should swing naturally, rely on their own core to stabilize, and use the shoulders and hips of the body to send the state of the body to run; 4.

The running posture is very important.

The correct running posture should be a relaxed state.

The report pointed out that compared with healthy runners, sedentary people have a higher rate of arthritis.

If there is no weakness in the muscles around the knee, coupled with long-term high-intensity or excessive exercise, it will naturally lead to knee pain.

For beginners and ordinary runners, small strides are better than big strides.

They can supplement the nutrition lost during exercise and play a role in maintaining and improving exercise ability.

If you want to supplement the nutrition lost during exercise and accelerate the elimination of fatigue after exercise, drinking sports drinks is a good choice.

Small step fast running, fast speed, good stability, and less impact on the body, which can better protect the knee.

The stride size of running can not be generalized because everyone’s specific situation is different.

A hot bath will increase the blood flow in the skin.

As long as it is exercise, it can bring fat consumption.

If you lose a lot of sweat, these nutrients will be lost.

02 the more you sweat during running, the better.

After sweating a lot, you can drink more warm water or light salt water to supplement body water to prevent dehydration or heatstroke.

As a sport with the lowest participation threshold, it is believed that there must be rumors about running in the circle of friends of many runners, such as running injured knees, sweating more, the better, and so on.

Rest for a while after exercise, take a bath after the pulse (heartbeat) is stable, and take a warm bath..

Studies have shown that there is no conclusive relationship between expensive running shoes and injury prevention or better running performance.


The important thing to reduce fat is to let the body move and increase heat consumption, which naturally increases fat consumption.

The American Medical Journal of running Bailey only hurt the knee once published a research report on running and arthritis.

In the long run, it may cause other gastrointestinal diseases, such as gastric spasm, gastroptosis and so on.

At the same time, because a lot of sweating leads to the reduction of body fluids, if we do not replenish fluids in time, it can lead to the decrease of blood volume, the acceleration of heart rate, dehydration and even heatstroke.

Exercise immediately after eating can cause indigestion.

04 it takes 30 minutes to start consuming fat.

By KingWay