Tell yourself that when you inhale oxygen in your body in a controlled manner (rather than in a hurry), your muscles will soon recharge, and you will soon be able to push yourself to a higher intensity.

Although everyone has some subtle differences, the following model applies to most people.

Don’t let breathing interfere with your posture.

When inhaling, feel the abdominal expansion and the hand rising.

This breathing mode makes an obvious sound, so it is usually called “vocal breathing”.

Many people can’t run for long, not because they don’t have enough cardiopulmonary endurance, but because they can’t keep up with their breathing.

Control breathing so that your body can recover quickly when you run farther or faster.

Shrink the back of the throat to produce an air sound in the throat.

By retracting the navel, reduce the distance between the front of the two hips, the pubis and the navel, and tighten the abdominal muscles.

Use breathing as your fuel.

Repeat this exercise and try to expand your abdomen a little more when inhaling and relax and fall when exhaling.

If you are out of breath, tighten your chest and shoulders for breathing, or raise your head and struggle to get oxygen, your posture will be damaged and you will run inefficiently.


When exhaling, the chest shrinks and the fingertips touch together.

▍ practice abdominal breathing: 1 With the abdomen completely relaxed from the adduction state, put your hands on the lower abdomen and below the navel.

Exhale and inhale through your nose.

Breathing methods beneficial to running some yoga deep breathing or breathing alone are very beneficial to running.

Because there are more capillaries at the bottom of the lungs, more oxygen is circulated and more carbon dioxide is discharged in each yoga breath.

Breathing is life! We have been breathing since we came to the world to the end of our life.


No.2 throat breathing “Ujjayi” this breathing technique literally means “victory breathing” or “strength breathing”.

Breathing is more important and requires skills than you think.


At this time, you just need to slow down a little and focus on the way you breathe before running too fast and too far.

It should be gentle and comfortable.

If you find that you tighten your shoulders and straighten your neck in the four step suction mode, you need to speed up your breathing or slow down.

When inhaling, the abdomen expands and moves outward; As you exhale, relax your abdomen and move inward.

In order to keep your running gait and posture relaxed, you must not let breathing interfere with your posture.


Put your hands gently on both sides of your chest.


You need to adjust your breathing to keep the whole body in “steady state” as much as possible (that is, keep everything the same).

For runners, this ability determines how well you can run, how much you enjoy running, and how much room you can improve as a runner.

At the beginning, controlling breathing may not be easy.

Throat breathing can consciously narrow the channel at the back of the throat to control the inhalation and exhalation of airflow.

Don’t push the abdomen up or down.

After you test yourself, you can know how many steps you run when you breathe in and how many steps you run when you breathe out.

You can do it at any time of the day, giving yourself 10 to 15 minutes.

Yoga breathing can inhale more oxygen and exhale more carbon dioxide than normal breathing.

A slight contraction of the respiratory passage at the back of the throat produces a slight closure or narrowing of the throat.

With continuous practice, you will feel very different from before—- Sports knowledge sharing – Disclaimer: the content source from the Internet, WeChat official account and other open channels, we remain neutral to the views of the article, only share the reference and communication of runners..

▍ practice throat breathing 1 Put your palms on both sides of your torso and gently touch your fingertips.


The next time you run, remember that you run a few steps in a natural state.

Next, let’s learn two safe and easy breathing skills.

The essence of technology is control rather than force.

No.1 abdominal breathing as the name suggests, abdominal breathing requires the abdomen to participate in breathing activities in a relaxed state (just like a baby).

Yoga breathing can also: relieve chronic tension in the neck and shoulders, relieve stress, muscle tension, anxiety and even fear, release endorphins, which can help relieve the pressure caused by pain and discomfort (headache, insomnia and back pain), reduce blood pressure, improve breathing, improve asthma or other lung problems as a whole, and increase oxygen in blood cells, It is very important for cell structure and metabolism, increase blood circulation throughout the body, produce more energy, help keep your mind clear and concentrate, and is conducive to sleep.


Listen to the sound when exhaling and inhaling, so that the breath and sound are as uniform and stable as possible.

The sound of breathing should not be aggressive or loud.

How many steps do you have to run to breathe in, and then how many steps do you run to breathe out? You need to pay attention to this problem.



Breathing is one of the most basic spontaneous reactions of the human body.

If we learn how to breathe correctly during running, we can run farther.

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It can expand vital capacity, help to improve endurance and perseverance, so as to make runners run faster and not easy to get tired.


Breathing should not be oppressed.

In this way, yoga breathing can strengthen the lungs and diaphragm and enhance cardiopulmonary function.

You must find the right model for yourself.

Make the abdomen move slowly and rhythmically as the lungs are filled with and discharged.

Feel abdominal contraction when exhaling.

When inhaling, feel the chest expanding under both hands and the fingertips of both hands separated.

By KingWay