After that, the material diffuses rapidly and the temperature decreases rapidly.

How many galaxies are there in the universe? How many stars are there in each galaxy? In this spherical space with a radius of 13 billion light-years, about 125 billion galaxies have been found and observed, and each galaxy has tens of billions to trillions of stars like the sun.

We call them extragalactic galaxies.


There are 100 billion to 200 billion galaxies like the Milky way in the universe..

The universal existence of galaxies shows that they represent a level in the structure of the universe.

The Milky way is in a spiral shape, with four spiral arms extending evenly and symmetrically from the center of the Milky way.

According to the latest observation data, the farthest galaxy from us has been observed is 13 billion light-years.

It will take 12 billion to 15 billion years for light from the edge of the universe to reach the earth.

The main forms of matter are electrons, photons and neutrinos.

The protruding part in the middle of the flat sphere is called the “nuclear sphere”, with a radius of about 7000 light-years.

The Milky Way rotates poorly as a whole.

Now it is known that there are more than 100 billion galaxies.

In other words, if a beam of light is emitted from the galaxy at the speed of 300000 kilometers per second, it will take 13 billion years to reach the earth.

In 1971, British astronomers Linden bell and Martin ness analyzed the infrared observation and other properties of the central region of the Milky way, and pointed out that the energy in the central region of the Milky way should be a black hole, but there is no conclusive evidence for a massive black hole at present.

Originally, people imagined that the universe would not expand due to gravity, but scientists have found that there is a “dark energy” in the universe that will produce a repulsive force to accelerate the expansion of the universe.

According to the Big Bang Universe model, the age of the universe is about 20 billion years.

The earth is a drop in the ocean in such a vast universe.

The universe is filled with gas clouds.

As for the age of the Milky way, the prevailing view is that the Milky way was born soon after the big bang of the birth of the universe.

Fundamentals of Astronomy (I) the age of the sun and the earth? It is estimated that the age of the sun is 10 million-2000 years older than that of the earth.

The rotation speed and period of each part vary with the distance from the silver center.

The material emitted by the big bang drifts in space.

The temperature keeps falling and atoms keep forming.

Through radiometric dating, the age of the earth is 4.5 billion years, so the age of the sun is 4.51 billion years.

There is a larger sphere outside the silver disk, where there are few stars and low density.

One second after the big bang, it dropped to 10 billion degrees.


The famous fairy galaxy and the large and Small Magellanic nebula are extragalactic galaxies visible to the naked eye.

From the perspective of cosmic evolution, they are a more basic level than stars.

The scientific community believes that the “Big Bang” of the birth of the universe occurred about What is a galaxy? How many galaxies and stars are there in the universe? Most of the light spots on the sky are stars of the Milky Way galaxy, but a considerable number of luminaries are huge star groups similar to the Milky Way galaxy.

The sun is located on a spiral arm called the Orion Arm, about 25000 light-years from the center of the Milky way.

Our sun is one of these countless stars.

Cosmology holds that the universe we observed focused on a singularity with extremely small volume, extremely high temperature and great density in the early stage of its gestation.

The sun is about 23000 light-years away from the silver center and runs around the silver center at a speed of 250 km / s, with a cycle of about 250 million years.

Scientists believe it originated as an incredible big bang between 13.7 billion years ago.

It contains 100 billion or 200 billion stars.

The huge galaxy composed of many stars is composed of these materials.

The thickest part in the middle is about 3000 ~ 12000 light-years.

0.01 seconds after the big bang, the temperature of the universe was about 100 billion degrees.

Therefore, as long as you do a simple mathematical problem, it is not difficult for you to understand how many stars there are in the universe we have observed.

14 seconds after the big bang, the temperature was about 3 billion degrees.

Introduction to the Milky Way galaxy is the galaxy to which the earth and the sun belong.

The Milky way is a spiral galaxy with a spiral structure, that is, it has a silver center and two spiral arms, which are 4500 light-years apart.

In history, they were mistaken for nebulae.

How does the Milky way work? How many years does the sun go around the Milky way? What is the age of the Milky way? The Milky way is a giant spiral galaxy, Sb type, with four spiral arms.

After 35 seconds, at 300 million degrees, chemical elements began to form.

In the Milky way, most stars are concentrated in a flat sphere, which is shaped like a discus.

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About 14.1 billion years ago, the big bang occurred after the singularity, which began the birth history of our universe.

It is called “silver halo”, with a diameter of 70000 light-years.

The middle of the nuclear ball is called “silver core” and the surrounding is called “silver plate”.

What is the universe? How big is the universe? What is the age of the universe? The universe is the general name of all things and the unity of time and space.

Because its main part is projected on the celestial sphere, the bright band is called the Milky way in China.

From a distance, the Milky Way looks like a discus for physical exercise.

Under the action of gravity, they form a stellar system, which has evolved into today’s universe.

Calculated by this method, the age of our Milky way is about 14.5 billion years old, with an error of more than 2 billion years.

This is an unimaginable energy explosion.

How did the language universe come into being?   1.

The diameter of the discus is 100000 light-years, equivalent to 9460800 billion kilometers.

The center of the Milky way and the four spiral arms are places where stars are dense.

By KingWay