running sling bag

It is worth noting that as long as it is sweet, there are calories, so don’t add sugar and creamer to coffee.

Drink one hour before exercise.

Of course, the use of coffee should also pay attention to skills.

For example, for people with 60 kg, the amount is 180 mg-360 mg, about one or two cups of American coffee.

A study on cyclists who ride a long distance for two days found that the body’s ability to absorb carbohydrates increased by 66% in the group who drink coffee and supplement carbohydrates after exercise compared with the other group who only supplement carbohydrates.

A cup of coffee can improve the human metabolic rate by 3-4%, but the maintenance time is not long, only one to two hours.

For running, the study found that both long-distance running and short-distance running have positive effects.

So after a long run, take a big break and drink a cup of coffee when you supplement your calories! To lose weight, drinking coffee is helpful.

Many people like to have a cup of coffee after getting up and then go running; Some people are used to going to the cafe after running.

But is it good to do so? Recently, Hillary kigal, a high school coach from NCAA, answered similar questions raised by runners.

Running fast and far from tired, but the time should be right.

Therefore, if you drink coffee and exercise, the weight loss effect is better.

Some runners asked Hillary: when would it be better to drink coffee before or after the morning run? As a passionate coffee lover, Hillary Clinton said that drinking coffee should pay attention to skills.

In daily life, it is best to drink coffee in the morning, which can stimulate the central nervous system, boost spirit, eliminate edema and stimulate gastrointestinal peristalsis, and help defecate.

The amount should also be appropriate, about 3-6 mg per kilogram.

If you drink too much, your sympathetic nerves will be too excited, which will lead to palpitation, frequent urination and rising blood pressure, which is bad for your body.

“Be patient, you may need to let your body do some exercises to seize the opportunity, so you don’t just run to the lounge! Drinking coffee after running certainly won’t get the same state of efficiency – but it may help you keep your mind sharp for the rest of the day!”..

A cup of coffee or tea, energy gel or even caffeinated chewing gum can play tricks like this so that you don’t feel too nervous.” Intake of 200 mg caffeine before exercise, about the amount of a small cup of American coffee, can improve the excitement of the nervous system, promote the body to consume energy and accelerate fat combustion.

Drinking a small cup of coffee 30-60 minutes before running can give you the boost you need, which can help you walk out.” Hilary said, “in addition to getting out of bed for you, science shows that caffeine can have a positive effect on speed and endurance.

“As a coffee enthusiast, I would say both.

Coffee is also helpful for recovery after exercise.

By KingWay