on the 7th.

On the evening of January 6 local time, two vehicles collided in Pakistan, killing 6 people and wounding 20 others.

In contrast to sedentary, standing is a “longevity sport”.

*** Recently, the Ministry of education, the National Bureau of Rural Revitalization and the State Language Commission jointly issued the implementation plan of the national universal language popularization and improvement project and the promotion of popularization to help rural revitalization plan.

Sanjiao is one of the six internal organs of the human body and the channel of Qi of the human body.

The person in charge of the Ministry of Water Resources said that flood and drought disasters in China will occur frequently and again in 2021.

local time on January 7, bilige Saihan, director of Mongolia’s national infectious disease research center, said at a regular press conference that Mongolia had found 12 imported cases infected with the new crown variant virus Omikron strain for the first time.

At 11:00 a.m.

In 2021, China’s intellectual property development indicators rose in both quantity and quality, with 696000 invention patents authorized and 7739000 registered trademarks approved.

Each coke contains a kind of “life Qi” of the human body..

On the morning of the 7th, Chen Jingyu, a lung transplantation expert from Wuxi, Jiangsu, posted a microblog that Mengmeng’s double lung transplantation operation had successfully ended at 3 a.m.

The South African Parliament building was seriously burned down by man-made arson, which aroused people’s concern and doubt about the security situation in South Africa.

The picture comes from chinanews.com.

The World Health Organization (who) has long listed sedentary as one of the top ten causes of death and disease.

In 2021, the national public security organs achieved remarkable results in promoting drug control, and continued to consolidate the situation of steady progress and overall improvement in China’s drug control struggle.

The water conservancy tribe has implemented forecast, early warning, rehearsal and pre plan measures, launched 11 flood and drought disaster prevention emergency responses, successfully resisted the flood above the alarm level in 571 rivers, and 4347 large and medium-sized reservoirs in China have been put into flood detention operation.

If the “cage drawer” is blocked, various dangers may occur.

In addition to getting up and standing for a while from time to time, learning to stand is more beneficial! How long is sitting “sedentary”? The American Diabetes Association recommends sitting for no more than 90 minutes.

South African vice president mahbuza said during a dialogue with trade unions on January 6 local time that South Africa is indeed experiencing a period of tension, but there is no need for the people to question or panic about the country’s ability to combat crime.

It can be called the most gentle “chronic suicide”.

Hebei 18-year-old girl Mengmeng was poisoned by her brother-in-law paraquat, which affected the hearts of netizens.

According to the emergency management department, at 12:10 on January 7, the canteen of a unit in Wulong District, Chongqing collapsed, trapping many people, and the rescue work is still in progress.

camel pack running

On January 6 local time, guards fenced the building in front of the municipal government of Nursultan, the capital of Kazakhstan.

“Dear tourists, this cave is the place where the Tang Monk’s teachers and disciples took a rest on the way.” “Guide, you can really fool!” “It’s true that there are monkey dung, pig dung, horse dung and human excreta.” Keeping healthy is easier than swimming and running! Five minutes a day, change an action station, and the whole body is “connected”! All diseases run away ~ if what kind of action hurts people most on weekdays, it must be sedentary.

As of 15:41, the accident had killed two people.

With reference to the time, should you get up and exercise? Standing in a different position, Liu Jingyuan, a famous national old Chinese medicine, once publicly declared in a TV program that there is a “cage drawer” in our body.

The plan proposes that by 2025, the popularization rate of Putonghua will reach 85% nationwide.

By the end of November last year, 48 thousand drug related crimes were cracked in the country, 67 thousand suspect were arrested, 23.7 tons of drugs were seized and 1144.1 tons of drug manufacturing items were seized.

According to the Russian satellite network reported on the 7th, the Information Office of the president of Kazakhstan announced that Kazakh President Tokayev said that constitutional order had been basically restored in all parts of the country, and local governments controlled the situation.

On the morning of January 7 local time, floods and landslides occurred in chayapula, the capital of Papua province, Indonesia, killing 6 people and wounding 2.

Tang Tao, Vice Minister of China’s Ministry of human resources and social security, said in Beijing on the 7th that the vocational skills training plan for the 14th five year plan, which was recently issued and published, is the first five-year special plan for national vocational skills training in China.

There are five main innovations in vocational skills training in the plan, including encouraging more training institutions, vocational colleges Enterprises participate.

The Social Security Bureau of Yinchuan city returned the funds involved in fraud to the victims.

Use your brain to guess how blind people eat oranges every day? (the answer will be released tomorrow) the next day is not a surprise and happy moment for the English test.

This “cage drawer” is the well-known triple energizer.

At present, 120 have realized the acceptance of 90 local agents and 60 cloud agents, with sufficient acceptance capacity, and the problem of busy line has been solved.

According to the public’s response, the 120 emergency hotline was often busy during the epidemic, and Xi’an City upgraded the system overnight.

Smile every day.

The victims have been sent to the hospital in chayapula city.

On January 7, Yinchuan Public Security Bureau held a report to the people and a “anti electric fraud” fund return ceremony to return more than 4.06 million yuan to the victims of telecom network fraud.

By KingWay