If there is abscess, damage, redness and other problems in the mouth, the bacteria will enter the blood vessels from the wound and further infect the body, so as to reduce the resistance of the elderly and shorten their life.

It’s an art.

It’s unwise to run at night and in the morning.

It is sleep, but it has become a problem for many people.

Third: like dancing and show yourself dancing.

After reading the article, some people may feel that the good habit of longevity is too simple.

The number of teeth is related to your life span.

Research shows that it can reduce the risk of death, resist the weakness caused by cancer and reduce the impact of chronic diseases on the body.

For example, when to sleep, the best situation is to go to deep sleep at 11 o’clock, because Yang is weak at this time, and it is not good for your health to continue to stay up late.

As we all know, there have always been many studies on longevity.

Ordinary people can run at a constant speed.

In fact, it is not very professional.

Why is there such a saying? First of all, when there are fewer teeth, chewing food, eating and image will be affected.

Second: running is the cheapest secret of longevity.

They should prevent muscle and ligament injuries.

One drives more, and everyone will be happy together.

Only by sleeping well can energy be replenished and stored, and the damage and consumption in the body can be removed and repaired.

People often think that only professional people can dance, and non professional people’s dancing is a joke.

Fourth: look at your teeth regularly.

The habit of longevity is open, and running only ranks second.

The emergence of labels such as “stay up party”, “insomnia party” and “night owl” all explain people’s sleep problems.

First: sleep, form rules and meet the length of time.

Therefore, people with a bad heart and those who are often anxious should smile more and maintain humor and optimism.

Proper dancing can slow down the decline of the body, improve their mood, relax their muscles, and improve their coordination and flexibility.

When sleeping in winter, close the doors and windows to prevent catching cold at night.

This is not the case.

Many people know that in addition.

It’s easy to be frostbitten and catch cold.

We should develop the good habit of looking at teeth every day, timely “check leaks and fill deficiencies”, and the elderly with dentures should also check their mouth regularly, so as to be conducive to health and longevity.

Few people know all the other good habits.

Here are five good habits that contribute to longevity.

People of any age need good sleep.

It’s better to take the side lying posture when sleeping, which can relax the body and reduce pressure.

Happy things, past things and things that can’t be expressed by language can be expressed by dancing.

Therefore, don’t make excuses for your laziness.

Running is really a huge profit.

Time of orthopedic doctor: 2022-01-0405:40 times, deputy chief physician of orthopedics, Affiliated Hospital of Yangzhou University, deputy chief physician, times, creators in the field of high-quality health.

You should wear pajamas to avoid the reduction of Yang.

However, many people can’t stick to such a simple habit.

The survey found that many elderly people don’t care whether they have teeth or not.

And music has a kind of magic.

Research has also found that laughter can decompress, prevent diseases and improve physical and mental health.

However, there is also a lot of attention to sleep.

Among those who lack teeth, the risk of gastrointestinal diseases, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and dementia is much higher than those with more teeth.

Since ancient times, physicians have regarded sleep as an important habit of “maintaining longevity”.

You don’t have to split, rotate and twist your hips to dance.

I hope you pay more attention to the number of laughs rather than the degree.

I can’t help laughing when I see comedies.

Nearly 1 / 5 of them are “toothless”, and less than 20% of the elderly will go to fill their teeth.

It also has an impact on health.

When music rings, people’s emotions and memories will follow its rhythm.

Each one is not difficult to do.

There is a way to prolong life by lying still.

You know, laughter is also a good habit of longevity.

Whether a person can live long depends on good genes, More is the need to have good living habits.

If you laugh with the people around you, happiness will be contagious.

Now it’s cold in winter, and it snows and freezes in many areas.

When you laugh, the facial muscles and chest muscles become active, the blood flow speeds up, more oxygen is inhaled, and the mood becomes high.

Therefore, whether it is simple or complex, as long as it is beneficial to the body and mind, it is worth doing..

In this case, I may not experience too many times in a day.

As long as you start running, your body will benefit, which is much better than never exercising.

“Li Weng’s anthology” mentioned that “sleep should be the first secret of health preservation”.

Dancing with music can also have fitness effect.

The study was published in the British Heart Journal.

There are many kinds of laughter.

If you can exercise flexibly, humor and smile will become your weapons to encourage yourself, influence others and convey health messages.

How many do you know? Fifth: be a humorous person and smile more every day.

Smiling from time to time will help prolong life.

running rucksack

With a good sleep habit and a regular pattern, longevity will come to you.

However, before running, you should pay attention.

Other strange postures are rare.

When people get old, their intelligence and physical strength will decline, and they will often feel waist and leg pain.

When you see here, many people can’t help looking in the mirror.

Therefore, do not think that “old teeth” is normal.

By KingWay