It can promote the blood circulation of the whole body.

Leg lift benefit 1: reduce edema.

Cat stretching ▽ the key of this yoga movement is to keep the thighs vertical to the ground, raise the hips, make the chest and shoulders close to the ground as much as possible, and stretch the shoulders.


Lycium barbarum can significantly increase the storage of muscle glycogen and liver glycogen, and has the effects of anti fatigue, protecting the liver and benefiting the kidney.

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This action is a very simple and beneficial exercise for people who are sedentary and don’t like sports at work.


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Bananas are rich in potassium, which can calm nerves and soothe anxiety.

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The aroma of lemon will inhibit the secretion of related hormones in the body that keep people excited.

Try this action before going to bed to make you look ruddy and healthy! Yoga stretching before going to bed there is a saying in traditional Chinese medicine that “tendons are one inch long and life is prolonged for ten years”.

Lycium barbarum water: nourishing the liver and protecting the heart.

Two three actions beauty care / leg lifting / lift your legs against the wall before going to bed.

Standing or walking for a long time will make our lower limbs swollen and filled with water, and make us feel sour, swollen and numb.

Lemonade: moisten autumn dryness and prevent colds.

The warm fragrant banana cinnamon tea can make you feel comfortable and sleep safely.

For friends with long-term insomnia and difficulty falling asleep, you can try banana and cinnamon boiled water.

Keep moving for 5 minutes.

Leg lifting benefits 2: promoting blood circulation and beauty.

▲ according to the life times, sedentary people must insist on doing this instep hook every night.

A glass of water before going to bed} in addition to doing some soothing but not violent stretching exercises before going to bed and drinking some sleep aid drinks appropriately, we can also quickly enter the state of sleep and sleep safely all night.

Downward dog pose ▽ first stand on the ground in a kneeling position, extend your hands forward to support the ground, the distance between your hands is slightly wider than your shoulders, open your feet about the width of one foot, inhale your hips, lift and straighten your knees, keep your shoulders pressed down, tighten your hips and legs, and try to make your heels close to the ground.

Our legs can effectively alleviate these symptoms and prevent varicose veins of our lower limbs.

This action can effectively promote the blood circulation of the whole lower limb, so as to prevent the occurrence of lower limb deep venous thrombosis.

For people who stay up late for a long time and have irregular work and rest, making a cup of Lycium barbarum tea before going to bed can effectively enhance the functions of various viscera and delay the aging of body organs.

Raising the legs can promote the blood flow back to the face and upper body, stimulate the oxygen supply to the brain, improve anxiety and tension, and nourish the facial skin.

/ tiptoe / tiptoe this simple action has a good exercise effect on our legs, which we rarely move at ordinary times.

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/ hook instep / as I introduced before, there is a thrombus switch on our feet, which is called “ankle pump action” in medicine.

Therefore, before going to bed at night, standing in front and tiptoe back and forth 20 times can play a very good health care effect for the middle-aged and elderly people with cardiovascular diseases.

Every two are a group and do 15 groups.

The two actions are a group, 15 times.


Beautiful appearance and not old face are derived from self-discipline and persistence.

Sleep well and people are easy to get old.

First exhale, collapse your waist down and look up at the ceiling; Inhale again, arch your back, tighten your abdomen, and tighten your chin.

It’s cold in winter.

Maintaining this action for 5-10 minutes can stimulate the spine and improve hunchback and cervical spondylosis.

It is used to improve sore throat and colds caused by dry climate in autumn.

Sleep will not only affect our mental state, but also hurt our skin and shorten our life.

Therefore, before going to bed at night, a few simple yoga stretching movements can dredge the meridians of the whole body, help reduce physical fatigue and promote sleep.

It can dredge the meridians of the small leg, stretch the leg muscles, and stimulate all acupoints on the sole of the foot.

Banana cinnamon water: improve anxiety and treat insomnia.

Lemonade is rich in a lot of vitamin C, which can improve body immunity.

Therefore, a glass of lemonade before going to bed can improve fatigue, relax and quickly enter a stable sleep state.


Cat stretch ▽ bend down on the yoga mat in a kneeling position, keep your hands and thighs perpendicular to the ground, and breathe evenly.

Please rest assured.

I hope you can have a beauty sleep every day through these small sports.

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By KingWay