Occasionally eat some so-called junk food, or reward yourself with new clothes when you see the obvious weight loss effect# 04 normal intake of protein and carbon water many people’s diet before weight loss can be said to be chaotic, irregular and unhealthy.

#01 be patient.

If there is no gas filling quickly, the balloon will shrivel immediately, and the skin on the body is the same.

After losing weight, we should start to pay attention to nutritional balance and prepare each meal in advance.

For the majority of runners, they have good running habits.

Maybe giving up can make you feel comfortable for a while, but it will leave you regret and regret, and even erode your willpower# 02 setting a daily goal does not set an ultimate goal for yourself at the beginning, but set a small goal every day, which is highly feasible.

Everyone needs extra motivation to run.

If you blindly reduce fat, it will inevitably affect the body’s metabolism.

The accumulation of small goals helped AUB achieve his big goal# 03 reward yourself occasionally.

Running is really the best cosmetic surgery.

Protein, carbohydrates and healthy fat must be included in each meal.

Please stick to it.

Find their own mentor and support system.

Looking back at the beginning of running, do you dare to imagine that it will be like this?.

In a few months, they can run 10 kilometers at one go.

If they can be more self-discipline and healthier in diet, a healthy life will be perfect# 05 seek help from others.

Many people start with walking, first walking hundreds of meters, and then gradually join jogging.

Reasonable exercise and healthy diet can let you enjoy the highest quality of life.

He believes that he can stick to it, just relying on strong self-confidence.

The task is so heavy that he must have confidence in himself.

First, be patient.

Running is so magical.

Once you stick to it, you will see yourself different.

Therefore, muscle training is particularly important.

Reasonably arrange aerobic exercise with anaerobic exercise, and appropriately increase the muscle mass.

Have you started? If you’re already on the road, please continue.

No one can casually succeed, and so is slimming.

running beanie

In this way, you will gain weight as soon as possible, but reduce the body fat content, improve the metabolic rate, and your body will become better# 08 Shi believes that he can successfully lose weight.

For example, walk the dog for 10 minutes today, have a healthy breakfast, don’t drink any sweet drinks and snacks.

You don’t get fat overnight, So I don’t expect to lose weight overnight.

At the same time, the benefits of one sport are limited after all.

Once you give up, you will give up halfway.

Any fitness exercise has its benefits and is good for health, but I’m afraid few exercise can be compared with running for the purpose of slimming down.

Although these comparison pictures are so eye-catching and shocking, they have been exchanged with sweat for a long time.

The advantage of running is convenience without any threshold, It doesn’t need too much investment (except for equipment of course), and you can keep this habit for a long time with little effort, even when you’re traveling.

Gritting your teeth and sticking to it will make everything easier.

Although overweight is very serious, don’t be too harsh in the weight loss process.

From nutritional intake to running posture, running skills, and even safety measures to avoid injury, consult people with successful experience to avoid detours# 06 exercise diversification although walking and running can lose a lot of fat, it is like an open balloon.

Adhere to the principle of 90 / 10, that is, allow yourself to indulge 10%.

Only exercise without paying attention to nutrition, weight loss is basically difficult to achieve, but only pay attention to nutrition and lack of exercise, you can hardly be said to be a positive and healthy person.

Engaging in more sports can make your strength more balanced and make fitness fresh and interesting# 07 timely suspend weight loss.

Running is the most suitable exercise for weight loss and one of the most efficient calorie burning exercises.

By KingWay