After the performance is stable , and then seek a breakthrough platform.

Rest comes first.

Try some strength training or cross training to replace one day’s running.

There may be only a narrow difference between smart running training and overtraining.01 how do you feel about overtraining It is caused by the accumulation of physical and psychological fatigue, which will lead to poor performance.

At this time, the training intensity should be lower, and include different types of sports, such as walking, cycling and swimming.

When you train hard for a race, you may run too much, which is bad for your health.

Most importantly, don’t set goals beyond your ability, that is, overtraining.

02 how to tell whether you are overtraining? In addition to the decline in sports performance and rising fatigue, each runner’s symptoms are different, and depend on different factors 。 In addition to eliminating sudden weight loss and exercising at the beginning, how to judge whether your exercise is excessive? The following symptoms are for your self-examination.

During each training, your muscles will feel a certain degree of fatigue and take a certain time to recover.

Since it’s too much, you must stop and get your body ready again.

However, the main causes of overtraining are too frequent training, too short recovery time or poor recovery quality.

At the same time, The type (intensity) of running training increases too fast; too often participate in high-level competitions (frequency); unbalanced nutrition (insufficient nutrition, dehydration, lack of energy supply); overwork and stress; abnormal environment (too cold or too hot); unhealthy living habits; poor health.

For example, the amount of running should not increase by more than 10% every week.

In the long-term adherence to a sport, it is appropriate to find a day in a week to change a way of exercise.

You may need a thorough rest for days or even weeks.

How to ensure that you don’t exercise too much while improving yourself.

2 Making a reasonable exercise plan should not only be regular and regular, but also step by step.


3 Learn cross training.

Advanced people can moderately increase the amount of interval running, variable speed running and mountaineering running according to the mode of increasing weekly running.

5 After exercise, the sleep quality becomes worse, easy to wake up and even insomnia 6 Depressed all day, inefficient work and exercise – 7 Lack of motivation during running training 8 Bad mood, irritable 9 The sense of balance decreases, accompanied by a decrease in muscle elasticity by 10 Resting heart rate and exercise heart rate have increased significantly.


03 after running injury, what should you do? The solution is simple: strengthen muscle recovery and improve diet through adequate rest.

In order to restore your health, you can improve your lifestyle by changing your daily habits, including a balanced diet and stress relief techniques.

Get enough and reasonable sleep and try not to exercise 2 hours before going to bed.

running elastic headwear

Source: run (ID: paobu8) the purpose of running is to be healthy, but not every runner can grasp the problem of fitness.

For example, if you want to run 15 kilometers easily, you might as well run 10 kilometers several times to accumulate muscle memory before seeking a breakthrough.

05 how to recover from excessive running? 1.


Feel tired with less exercise 2 Lack of enthusiasm for exercise, loss of appetite and even nausea during exercise 3 Muscle and joint pain 4 After the same amount of exercise, the body feels very weak, takes more time to recover, and the effect is not ideal.

Muscle soreness is serious.

The only effective way to detect whether you are overtraining is how you feel.

For example, runners can choose swimming, cycling, mountaineering or yoga for cross training.

If you have more than two symptoms, it means that you have “exceeded”.

Without a reasonable work and rest time, the body will recover very slowly..

On the one hand, it increases the freshness and stabilizes the sports level; On the other hand, improve the body’s adaptability through different exercise methods 4 Reasonable dietary collocation.


04 how can runners improve without excessive running? At present, there are no physiological or psychological indicators to determine the degree of excessive running training.

Excessive running can quickly cause fatigue, cell damage, and then lead to physical injury.

Any runner, whether beginner or experienced, needs to participate in reasonable intensity training to avoid overtraining.

For running, relaxation and rest are very necessary.

After the necessary rest period, you can gradually start training again.

Even if you want to exercise to lose weight, you must ensure nutrition and meet the normal calorie consumption of the day, otherwise your body will be damaged.

They can improve your physical condition, replenish physical energy, and contribute to progress.


First of all, we should understand that the improvement of running performance is a long-term process, and there can be no shortcut.



If the heart rate can be observed, the training heart rate is generally 130-150 per minute, and then slowly increase the speed and distance as the heart rate stabilizes.

To increase endurance, you can run at a constant speed for 30 to 90 minutes each time, but the amount of running per week should not exceed 10% of that of last week, Long distance jogging is not recommended for beginners (LSD).

You not only need a lot of water, but also supplement inorganic salts and vitamins.

These methods can help your muscles and joints recover, help your metabolism restore balance, reduce stress and restore your motivation.

By KingWay