athletic compression socks

The body does not dissipate heat but produces a large amount of heat, which will lead to the rise of core body temperature and fatigue soon.

Ankle sprain is very common in running.

Pain indicates that stress load produces adverse stimulation to the body.

Many runners think it’s all right and continue to run.

The whole body is hot and does not sweat.

Previously, he felt chest tightness and out of breath during running for many times, but it was better to sit on the roadside bench for a while, so the old man didn’t care too much.

He didn’t go to the hospital for further examination and almost made a big mistake.

Acute sports injuries such as muscle strain and sprained feet ’ inadvertent muscle strain during running, the pain is often not obvious at the beginning, but the more you run, the more painful it becomes and aggravates the strain.

The sudden death events in marathon and road running from time to time warn the majority of runners that they should always put safety first.

If we feel our heart jumping, or even feel the throat coming, it often indicates that the heart rhythm is abnormal, and we should stop running and rest immediately.

It is understood that the uncle has suffered from hypertension for many years and has been taking medicine.

It can be said that he survived.

So, which symptoms should stop when they occur? 1.

click ☝ According to Internet reports, a 38 year old man in Xiamen suddenly fell to the ground during running in Bailuzhou Park.

Lose the ability of spatial orientation} if you lose the sense of spatial orientation during running, you can’t run along a straight line.

As a result, their feet are swollen like steamed bread the next day, causing great obstacles to later recovery.

Coronary heart disease is also one of the most common causes of sudden death in people over 40 years old.

However, if the body surface feels very hot but does not sweat much, it needs to stop immediately to cool down.

Syncope • if you feel dizzy, spinning and unstable during running, you should stop running immediately and have a rest on the spot.

The medical staff in the rescue room immediately relayed 120, continued to give external chest compression, and took emergency defibrillation, adrenaline, endotracheal intubation, correction of acidosis, anti shock and other rescue measures.

Immediate medical treatment is the only way.

Fainting and unconsciousness during running is a very, very dangerous situation, but the man didn’t think so.

Systemic cramp is a typical manifestation of excessive physical consumption during long-distance running.

Generally, there is not much danger.

You must stop for ice compress.

It is speculated that the tragedy was caused by sudden cardiac death.

When running, the body will sweat a lot.

If dizziness occurs during running, it is recommended to see a doctor immediately.

Pain is an important protective signal, suggesting that we have local problems or excessive load.




However, if it is not a specific part, such as thigh and calf cramp, but a systemic cramp, it is more dangerous.

Cold sweat all over the body} running is a high-intensity exercise, and you should sweat profusely.

After that, he was supported by ECMO, ventilator, IABP, hemodialysis machine and other instruments at the same time, and the medical staff took turns to guard day and night.

The doctor later said that the man suddenly fell ill during the exercise and was complicated with malignant arrhythmia.

Combined with the coronary artery examination results after hospitalization, considering whether the cardiac and respiratory arrest was caused by acute myocardial infarction combined with ventricular fibrillation.

The more painful we practice, the more painful we practice..

They immediately underwent cardiopulmonary resuscitation and were rushed to Zhongshan Hospital Affiliated to Xiamen University for rescue.

At this time, it is very dangerous, and it is very easy to fall or cause other accidents.

As a chronic disease, coronary heart disease presents progressive progressive pathological development.

It is called excessive tension in professional terms.

Coronary heart disease is the abbreviation of coronary atherosclerotic heart disease.

On the fifth day after the man was admitted to the hospital, his breathing and circulation tended to be stable, ECMO was removed smoothly, and he was finally fully awake on the 10th day of admission.

Coronary heart disease will cause stenosis or obstruction of the vascular cavity that nourishes the heart itself, resulting in myocardial ischemia, hypoxia or necrosis.

At this time, it is necessary to stop immediately and cool it in various ways, such as ice and send it to hospital for treatment.

Recently, the man whose life is on the line has been successfully discharged after full treatment by medical staff.

It is one of the most common causes of death.

After recovering, the man also said that he fainted during jogging three months ago, but he didn’t pay attention at that time.

People around him shouted 120 in time.

The man fainted for unknown reasons after running a few months ago.

He is used to running in the park at 6:30 every morning.

From these symptoms, it is likely that the old man himself has coronary heart disease, which induces myocardial infarction or fatal arrhythmia due to improper exercise.

When it comes to how to persist in running, runners must be familiar with each other and have experience.

Thank the medical staff for their superb medical skills.

Running is an endurance sport with high intensity.

It is the most common cardiovascular disease in China.

If you feel that you are not sweating hot sweat, but cold sweat all over the body, which is also an abnormal performance, you should immediately stop and seek warm keeping measures.

The causes of dizziness are complex.

The 120 medical staff who rescued the scene said that the old man had no vital signs when they arrived at the scene.

In another news report, a 62 year old man in Changde, Hunan Province died suddenly from running in the park in the morning.

Flustered when running, the heartbeat will obviously accelerate, but even if the heartbeat is fast, we can hardly feel our heartbeat.



Persistence is the most important quality of will.

This is the precursor of the most serious sports disease of running in summer – heat stroke, which is also a kind of severe heatstroke.

Nausea and vomiting nausea and vomiting is a typical manifestation of excessive intensity and exceeding personal tolerance.

Pain even if there is no acute sports injury during running, if there are obvious body parts, such as pain in the front of the knee, outside the knee, lower leg, Achilles tendon, plantar and other parts, you should stop instead of hard support.

The risk factors of coronary heart disease include hypertension, dyslipidemia, overweight / obesity, hyperglycemia / diabetes, smoking, drinking, unreasonable diet, lack of physical activity, and long-term stress, mental stress, etc.

This man is likely to be a patient with coronary heart disease, but he doesn’t know it.


Therefore, after sprain, you must stop for ice compress and pressure bandage.

When the emergency personnel arrived, they found that Mr.

But if you want to stop, it will really test your wisdom, because in some cases, stopping running in time is very important to ensure life safety and prevent accidents.

Work is often related to seasonal changes, emotional excitement, increased physical activity, satiety, heavy smoking and drinking, that is, some stress factors exacerbate cardiac ischemia, resulting in acute morbidity and even death.

Since he has fainted during exercise, which is extremely rare and dangerous, he should stop exercising and see a doctor immediately.

Chest tightness and chest pain} when running, breathing will obviously speed up and feel wheezing.

The pain at the beginning seems to ease after a while.

Rational exercise itself is an important means of rehabilitation for patients with coronary heart disease, but because inappropriate exercise itself has the risk of inducing myocardial ischemia, coronary heart disease patients should participate in the exercise of reasonable intensity allowed and recommended by doctors, rather than participate in high-intensity exercise at will.



However, if you feel that the heart is squeezed tightly, the chest is stuffy, and even there is faint pain in the precordial area, you should stop and rest immediately, because it is likely to be an acute attack of coronary heart disease.

However, after 20 minutes of active rescue, the man’s spontaneous breathing and heartbeat still did not recover.

Fortunately, after rescue and using the most advanced medical technology, the man was finally pulled back from the death line.

Peng had no spontaneous breathing and heartbeat.


The world health organization divides coronary heart disease into five categories: asymptomatic myocardial ischemia (occult coronary heart disease), angina pectoris, myocardial infarction and ischemic heart failure Coronary heart disease (CHD) and sudden death are 5 clinical types.

By KingWay