Mathilde Broberg had weighed 252 Jin when she was 16 years old, which undoubtedly brought great inconvenience to her life


Finally, after making up her mind, she decided to lose weight


Mathilde’s first method was to run


Of course, there was control over his diet


After a period of time, although lost nearly 100 Jin, but the skin has become relaxed, looks not beautiful


After that, Mathilde began to go into the gym for strength training, and her diet was more strictly controlled


After four years, she has changed a lot


Today Mathilde is not only in shape, but also a fashion model


It’s said that fat people are potential stocks, and many people have been losing weight for a while, but only a few people like Mathilde can stick to it for a long time


Although it’s understandable to be eager to lose weight, it’s really urgent to lose weight


In order to make everyone more healthy to lose weight, here are a few tips that only nutritionists know


There is no unified way to lose weight


I often see on the Internet that eating hamburger can also lose weight, eating supper can also lose weight, eating ice cream can also lose weight, not exercising can also lose weight and so on


But if you believe it, the fact is often not thin (don’t ask why, I tried many unreliable ways to lose weight when I was young and ignorant)


In this regard, New York City clinical nutritionist Jennifer cassetta said: “I hope the weight loss industry will stop promoting that weight loss is only the result of reducing diet intake and exercise


Although this method does make people who usually eat far more than their actual needs thinner, it is not always the case.” In other words, there isn’t a single method that can be applied to all people who lose weight


So weight loss must vary from person to person


You have to know yourself enough, and then read more, learn more, and learn more about scientific weight loss knowledge, so as to finally find the most suitable way for you to lose weight


When we stop dieting, we always say that dieting is like drinking poison to quench thirst


Dieting, indeed, can be thin, and there is no lack of people around us who have successfully lost weight through dieting


But it won’t be long before you find Those around you who only rely on “dieting” to lose weight, without exception, have gained weight again


According to the survey: people who start dieting lose weight (21.1kg on average)


However, in the long run, the average weight of all people is 3.6kg higher than before dieting


Although in the short run, dieting can indeed reduce weight, but in the long run, students who dieted to lose weight finally rebounded! For female friends who are “partial” to dieting, another significant harm of dieting is that dieting can cause irregular menstruation


Excessive dieting, due to the lack of energy intake, leads to the consumption of a large amount of fat and protein in the body, resulting in the disorder of estrogen synthesis and obvious lack, which affects the menstruation, even the lack of menstruation or amenorrhea


It can be said that dieting is harmful to your health in all aspects


Of course, if you have a special nutritionist’s guidance, you will match your diet reasonably according to your physical condition, and help you to cut off food


This kind of situation will be counted separately


Pay attention to a balanced diet


People who want to lose weight are willing to work hard on “eating”, but sometimes the effort is too “extreme”


If you have friends who are losing weight around you, you should often hear such words: too high calorie rice, too high carbon water, too low fruit..


In short, all kinds of “can’t eat”


Although it is necessary to control “eating” if you want to lose weight, it is very “unwise” to control like this


We have said before that in order to lose weight, in theory, we only need to ensure that the daily intake of calories is less than the consumption of calories


So even if you eat “junk food” every day, you can lose weight as long as you control your calories


Of course, we don’t mean to encourage you to “let go of eating”, but to tell you that simply giving up a certain kind of food or a certain kind of food does not necessarily help you lose weight, and a balanced diet is the right scientific way


As for balanced diet, we take DASH diet as an example, which has been rated as the best comprehensive diet of the year in the United States for seven consecutive years


DASH diet guidelines: · eat more vegetables, fruits, low-fat skimmed dairy products · recommend whole grains, fish, poultry, dried fruits · eat less saturated fat, cholesterol and trans fat foods · control the intake of sodium, desserts, sugary drinks and high-fat meat


In fact, DASH diet is consistent with the dietary guidelines recommended by the latest “dietary guidelines for residents” issued by China and the United States in recent years, and there is no difference There are too many restrictions, but they all emphasize a balanced diet, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables and meat, and eat less processed foods (high sodium, high sugar and high fat), so it is indeed a balanced and sustainable healthy diet


From time to time, we all know that the diet of dieters is often a little “miserable”, and even many people call it “grass diet”, even if it is not so miserable


On the way to lose weight, you need to control your diet and high calorie intake


However, if you always “bind” your stomach too much instead of giving it a “sweet taste” from time to time, then one day when you “give in” to your appetite, you may really lose it


After all, too few people can maintain a high degree of self-discipline for a long time


So here we can learn from the “cheat meal” that fitness people often add to their diet


Adding a certain amount of “cheat meal” to your normal weekly fat reduction meal can actually help you achieve your goal faster


It can promote your metabolism, help your body burn fat, and prevent your body from adapting to the “low calorie” diet


As long as you don’t cheat meals every day and cheat days every week


Indulgence once in a while is a small reward for yourself, and then return to the normal diet


Add protein to breakfast


The plan of the day is in the morning, the plan of three meals is in the morning, and the plan of breakfast is “protein”


It sounds wordy, but it’s true


Breakfast is the most important meal in the three meals, but it is the most easily ignored meal


The energy consumed by breakfast can account for 30% of the energy needed in a day


A nutritious breakfast can make people energetic to study and work in the new day


Academician Zhang Wenhong once suggested that we should not only drink porridge and steamed bread for breakfast, but also drink more milk and eggs


Eating breakfast in this way is not only more nutritious, but also more conducive to weight control


Because if you only have oats and fruit for breakfast, you are likely to overeat at night


In one study, people who started their day with 30 to 39 grams of protein lost 175 calories at lunch time


This is probably because protein stimulates the secretion of gut hormones, which leads to satiety


In addition, researchers at Wake Forest University have done more than 30 egg related studies and found that adding eggs to your breakfast can help you reduce your calorie intake throughout the day and help you lose weight


Brush your teeth after a meal


Brush your teeth after a meal


Not only will your dentist be happy for you, but your stomach will be happy as well


Brushing your teeth after dinner seems to be telling your stomach: I’m full and I’m not going to eat any more


This can help you reduce your craving for “Midnight snack.”


In addition, after eating, there will be residues in the mouth after chewing food


If not removed in time, it may cause gingival inflammation


Brushing after meals can not only clean the mouth, but also protect the teeth


However, it is not recommended to brush your teeth immediately after meals


It’s better to brush after half an hour.


By KingWay