Even some strains can’t heal for a long time.

The above content comes from the soft tissue relaxation technology in sports published by the people’s Posts and Telecommunications Publishing House.

With the rapid development of the fitness industry, people have a deeper and deeper understanding of fitness, more and more demand for fitness, and pay more and more attention to their own health.

Stretch the calf muscles from proximal to distal along the muscle edge.

Step 2: keep locked, ask the massager to hook his toes and bend his ankle back.

As far as the Achilles tendon, after locking and stretching at the Achilles tendon, end the calf muscle group stretching.

Step 1: in the prone position, stretch both legs out of the bed, bend the ankle naturally, and gently lock the plantar muscles with massage tools.

Step 4: gradually move the locking point downward along the hamstring muscle from the proximal end to the distal end, and stretch repeatedly.

The back flexion during passive soft tissue relaxation may be greater than that of autonomous back flexion of the ankle, so you can feel a stronger sense of stretching.

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Therefore, it is very important for us to relax our muscles after exercise, which can effectively prevent injury and relieve pain.

It is important to protect your hands in winter sports.

For example, placing the ball on the outside of the thigh can specifically stretch the lateral femoral muscle.

When locking the muscles, press the hamstrings towards the sitting bone, not vertically downward.

Calf muscle group advantages: this method can make you lock the muscles more firmly.

Keep locked and passively extend the knee to stretch the soft tissue.

Step 3: move the locking point along the calf muscles towards the ankle.

Step 2: ask the massager to lift his toes, bend his ankle back, and then stretch his toes.

Step 3: select a new locking point far from the sciatic bone, and consider the position of the midline of the thigh.

Be careful not to press the popliteal fossa.

Advantages of hamstrings: many people say their hamstrings are tense.

Advantages of sole: you can protect your thumb with massage tools.

However, from a fitness novice to a fitness expert, almost every fitness person will experience some large and small injuries.

This stretching technique can evaluate the flexibility of the hamstring muscle and find the part with high muscle tension.

If the operation is correct, the person being massaged will feel that his hamstring muscles stretch towards the tendon, and the stretching feeling will become stronger and stronger.

Step 1: lie prone on the mat, take a tennis ball under your thighs and straighten your knees.

Advantages of quadriceps femoris: if it is found that the stretching training for quadriceps femoris cannot fully stretch a specific part, you can use this operation to stretch a specific part.

Step 2: bend the knee joint autonomously.

Step 1: lie prone, bend the knee and let the hamstrings shorten passively.

Many people don’t feel much stretch in this part.

The first locking point is placed below the knee joint.

Don’t press the popliteal fossa.

After the action is in place, release the lock and move the elbow to the next position to lock again.

Today, we will demonstrate and explain the soft tissue relaxation of leg muscles.

Step 2: while keeping the lock, let the massager slowly extend the knee joint to stretch the hamstrings.

Stretch and relax repeatedly.

Step 1: in the prone position, the massager locks the calf muscles of the massager with his forearm or elbow.

Stretch each foot for just a few minutes.

You can lock the muscles in different ways.

Lock the hamstrings around the sciatic bone.

By KingWay