One end is connected to the calf muscle and the other end is connected to the heel.

The calf muscle contracts and pulls the foot through the Achilles tendon to help complete the force of the calf.

If it occurs repeatedly, it will eventually lead to degeneration and strain.

When we are ready for a new exercise or activity.

③ Avoid long-term excessive exercise, wear shoes suitable for yourself during exercise, and try to avoid exercising on hard roads.

Don’t think of the body as a machine.

Walking, especially climbing and going upstairs, will feel Achilles tendon pain; How long does chronic heel tendinitis last.

Achilles tendon is the largest tendon in the human body.

We need to start slowly step by step.

Thank you for your attention and support.

  Let’s live healthy every day and run happily forever.

In order to avoid overtraining, ensure that you have 1-2 days of rest every week to give your body time to recover.

① Acute stage: pain, swelling, red and hot skin in Achilles tendon during walking, running and other sports.

03 rehabilitation training of heel tendinitis ◆ appropriately reduce the amount of exercise, avoid running and jumping on the ramp or hard ground, and carry out weight lifting isometric training within the acceptable range (45 seconds / time, 3 times / group, 3 groups / day), so as to stimulate the growth of muscle strength and relieve pain; ◆ ice compress can be used for painful parts, and perforated pads can be used to protect inflammatory parts; ◆ after two weeks, centripetal training can be carried out (15 at a time, 3 groups / day), up for 3 seconds and down for 3 seconds; ◆ centrifugal training can be carried out after two weeks (12-16 times / group, 3-4 groups / day).

④ Improper running shoes and running on the treadmill for too long.

It is sick.

Marathon training is characterized by a large amount of running.

For example, if you are going to run a long distance, especially before marathon and other sports, you need to do special lower limb warm-up and stretching.

④ Carry out a small amount of explosive strength training, such as jumping and sprint, which can adjust and increase the strength of the muscles, tendons and ligaments of the lower leg and ankle.

If it is not used properly, it will easily lead to minor trauma.

When you officially start running, start at a normal speed and then slowly increase your running speed.

Huge force will be repeatedly involved.

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I suddenly go for a long distance on weekends; ③ Running hill or cross-country training, Achilles tendon overload.

The main causes are as follows: ① excessive running volume or intensity; ② I don’t run much at ordinary times.

So, what should I do when I encounter Achilles tendon injury? 01 what are the symptoms of heel tendinitis? Typical symptoms: pain, soreness, tenderness and stiffness above and inside the heel, aggravated after activity.

In fact, this is the Achilles tendon sending a message to us.

Stop what you are doing first to prevent the pain from aggravating! Train frequently, don’t try to learn how to prevent and adjust, be a smart runner, stay away from injuries and healthy running * some pictures and texts come from the network, we respect the original, and the copyright belongs to the original author.

If there is infringement, please contact us to delete, thank you!        Release the original beautiful articles of runners, share sports technical articles and convey the information of running events.

Heel tendinitis is is very easy to repeat, sometimes good and sometimes bad, and some will last for 10 years.

I believe that a considerable number of runners who like running, especially long-distance runners, have experienced this situation.

Whether in running or in daily life, when a specific action causes pain, the first thing to do at this time is not to think about anything.

② Chronic stage: Achilles tendon pain or stiffness, mostly in the early morning.

If the quality of rest can no longer be guaranteed, the body will be in a long-term fatigue.

It can occur in any area of the Achilles tendon, and pain usually occurs in the morning or during rest after vigorous exercise.

At the same time, the Achilles tendon bears 8-12 times the weight during the running of the lower leg.

When the two segments of the tendon are squeezed, there will be strong pain or tenderness.

This disease is Achilles tendinitis ▼ The data show that about 11% of runners have suffered Achilles tendon injuries.

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⑤ Take adequate rest.

The location of Achilles tendon has poor blood circulation, so it is difficult to recover from Achilles tendon injury.

02 what can cause heel tendinitis? Heel tendinitis is a common problem for runners.

When the lesion worsens, the tendon will swell and nodules will appear in the lesion area.

After walking slowly for a period of time, they find that the pain is relieved.

Then slowly exercise with greater intensity and longer duration.

② Avoid sudden increases in exercise or activity.

As soon as their feet hit the ground in the morning after each step, the Achilles tendon behind their heels will be painful.

Therefore, the treatment and rehabilitation process of heel tendinitis must be patient! 04 prevention of heel tendinitis ① fully warm up and stretch the muscles before exercise.

Many people think it is simple fatigue.

By KingWay