If you have any questions during the learning process, please leave a message on the background; If you have any problems during running, please tell us that we will select more knowledge points to popularize science according to your feedback.

The benefits of uphill running uphill running is very close to normal running, but it increases the difficulty.

If you only want to practice your heart and lungs and are afraid of muscle injury, you can only choose to run uphill and walk downhill; If you want to practice speed without increasing your heart rate, you can do the opposite.

When running uphill, it will push the oxygen consumption to the limit in the shortest time, effectively stimulate the cardiopulmonary function.

For more information, please continue to pay attention to the running class of China Track and Field Association-.

Xinhua, CCTV, CCTV video, new sports, Sports Weekly, Tencent sports, sina sports, Sina running, PP sports, China sports zhibo.tv and other platforms jointly push.

(China China Track China official track and field, China Marathon platform, for more “dry cargo”).

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It can be regarded as speed resistance training.

When running uphill, it is closer to the lactic acid threshold intensity training, which can improve the body’s lactic acid resistance.

Click the blue word and pay attention to us – the article comes from the China Track and Field Association – climbing is so boring.

It’s a highly specialized running training.

Downhill running can also obtain faster speed without increasing heart rate, so that lower limb muscles can adapt to the target pace.

Official account of the second season of the running science video series includes runing safety knowledge, injury coping measures and specific concerns for different groups of youth, elderly groups, women, office sedentary groups, etc., APP The duration of each issue ranges from 60 seconds to 90 seconds, and it is regularly launched every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

Downhill running benefits downhill running has to deal with stronger impact, so it’s very important to exercise leg strength.

Why do runners come to the hill for training? Don’t underestimate hill running.

According to their own demands, intelligent training is the safest choice.

China will take China China Track and Field Association official website, China Track and Field Association official website, China Track and Field Association micro signal, China Marathon platform micro signal, China National Track and field team micro-blog, WeChat, headline, and shake voice account, and Xinhua, people’s daily, CCTV sports clients, all of the contents will be passed by all kinds of official platforms of China Athletic Association, such as China Track and field APP, China Athletic Association official website, China Track and field micro signal, China Marathon platform.

By KingWay