Today, we will give you a detailed introduction to the knowledge of stretching, so as to maximize the benefits of stretching in running and make you run healthier and more efficient! There are two types of extrusions: static extrusions and dynamic extrusions.

Start in place.

Description of high leg lifting: 1.

Raise your knees at every step.

Repeat on the other side.

Description of leg swing (front and rear): 1.

Description of straight leg marching step: 1.

Dynamic stretching dynamic stretching includes moving all parts of the body through omni-directional movement, while gradually increasing the range and speed of movement in a controllable way.



Post run static stretching tips: each static stretching should be repeated 2 ~ 4 times, and the cumulative stretching time each time reaches 60 seconds.

Repeat with the other leg.

Move your legs to the left and repeat.

The left foot is in front of the body and the right foot is behind the body; The right heel is raised to help complete the action.

Slowly move your legs and move your bent knee to the right side of your body, while keeping your upper back close to the floor and your abdomen towards the ceiling (b).

During static stretching, the position of the body remains unchanged; When you stretch dynamically, the joints move continuously.


Stand about 3 feet (1 foot is 30.48 cm, the same for the rest) from the wall, put your right foot behind you, and make sure your toes are forward.

Lie on your back on the floor, bend your knees and put your feet flat on the floor.

Stand upright, sit on the floor, straighten your legs, and put your hands on your legs (a).

Many people think that dynamic stretching, bouncing or jumping is not the case! The goal of dynamic stretching is to move the joints in a controlled manner within the normal range of motion to minimize the risk of injury.

Gradually develop into high leg lifting when moving forward (walking or jogging).

Stretch your toes and hook your instep (a).

Repeat on the other side.


Lift the left leg and swing forward (in front of the body) (a) and backward (behind the body) (b).

Move forward alternately.

Warm up before running + dynamic stretching + static stretching after running is the common sense that we common runners must know.

Lift your heels to your hips.

It should be very familiar to everyone who loves running.

Remember, don’t stretch your joints to any degree that causes pain.

Standing leg extension (gastrocnemius) action description: 1.


For more stretching exercises, please refer to ACSM physical fitness instruction manual (version 2).

Be sure to keep your knees together.


Lie on the floor, face down, legs straight.


Switch to the other side.

The higher temperature of musculoskeletal system after running is a favorable opportunity for static stretching.

Step forward with your left foot in a left bow step (A and b).

Hold the right foot with your left hand and pull the right heel towards the hip.


Static stretching static stretching involves slowly moving the joint to a point where you feel tense, and then maintaining the stretch for 10 ~ 30 seconds.

Heel on the ground, lean forward and straighten your right knee.

According to the principle of dynamic stretching before running and static stretching after running, we recommend 10 stretching exercises.

Put your right hand on the seat back to keep balance.

Sitting hamstring stretch Description: 1.

At the beginning, the swing amplitude is small, and gradually increase the swing amplitude.

Rotate the ankle clockwise and counterclockwise (b).

Start in situ.

Stretching before and after running should be carried out dynamically before running, because dynamic stretching can help increase the range of exercise, improve the heart rate and increase the blood flow of muscles, tendons and ligaments.

Supine rotation and extension description: 1.

When you keep stretching, the muscle tension decreases with the stretching of the muscle.


Straighten the arm on the side of the body to stabilize the upper body (a).




Static stretching can not only relieve muscle tension and restore muscle fiber elasticity, but also help relax body and mind and get twice the result with half the effort.

The reason we don’t choose static stretching as a pre run warm-up is that some activities that require strength, explosiveness or endurance may be weakened by static stretching before the activity.

If you don’t have this awareness, you may be a fake runner! Warm up before running, we can jog for 1km to improve the body’s heart rate and adapt to the running state in advance.



Sit in a chair with your legs together and straighten forward.


Dynamic warm-up activities may reduce sports injuries and prepare for the next exercise.

Static stretching should be carried out after running.


The picture comes from the Internet.

Slowly move your hands forward and keep your chest up (b).

Description of backward hip kick: 1.

Description of hip flexor extension in standing posture: 1.

Rotate the toes slightly inward and outward, aiming at the inside and outside of the target muscle, respectively.

Effective stretching practice we should master the correct method when stretching.

Prone quadriceps femoris extension description: 1.

Raise your right arm when moving forward, touch the raised left leg (straighten), and extend your right hand to your left calf and toe.

Tips for dynamic stretching before running: dynamic stretching is usually repeated 5 ~ 12 times, and the action time varies according to the specific action, controlled at 30 ~ 60 seconds.

Or do the opening and closing jump 20 ~ 30 times, and then do the high leg lift for 30 seconds.

We are neutral in our opinions, and only share the reference and communication of runners..


Some small partners may make mistakes, resulting in inadequate stretching before running, which increases the risk of injury, or wrong stretching after running, which not only fails to relieve muscle pressure, but also increases its burden.



Gradually develop into heel kicking buttocks when moving forward (walking or jogging).

Improper stretching can easily lead to damage.

Click on the official account and join the running circle: the official account of the content, the Internet and the WeChat public.

Both stretching methods involve pulling one or more joints up to the maximum range of motion.

compression toe socks

We need to stretch before and after the run.

Ankle rotation Description: 1.


However, the types of stretching before and after running are different.


Stand upright with your hands on your hips.


Move your hips forward and hold this position to feel increased tension in your hips, quadriceps femoris and hips.



By KingWay