People walking on the earth and breathing the breath of the earth help to arouse their sleeping spirit.

When it is full, it is called dangxingman.

For running, it seems that it’s the job of athletes; For reading, we are too lazy to repeat and disdain to repeat; In short, we have lost our humility and patience.

In the 1200 year history of birui mountain, only three people have completed the “thousand day peak return trip” twice, and Sakai xiongzai is one of them.

You can meditate and organize daily until 8-9pm.

Wearing a juniper hat, straw sandals, a sword at the waist, a juniper fan in the right hand and a rosary in the left hand, he toured the old path (Walker path) of the peaks of birui mountain, and practiced Dharma at the designated Hall tower, the seven societies of mountain king, Lingshi, Lingshui, etc.

Then, on the 100th day, he toured the mountains and peaks, visited the akayama Mingshen (akayama ascetic) in Osaka, and prayed for national stability; On the 100th, I visited the shrine Buddha Pavilion (Kyoto great Hui) outside and inside Kyoto, which is not within the scope of Huifeng; For a hundred days, he patrolled the peaks of birui mountain.

On this basis, his disciples and corresponding monks absorbed some elements of Japanese culture and finally established the unique practice method of “thousand day return to the peak”.

Walking has always been a basic course of Buddhist practice.

  The first year is 100 days, and the next five years is 500 days, which is called leucorrhoea.

In Japan, there is a birui mountain, where there are a group of “marathon monks”: walking in the mountains for seven years like a day, except that you can sit under the tree and pray for a while halfway through the journey.

But we don’t want to repeat.

Japanese monks such as Nobuya Sakai and Junzhao uchihai are all known to the Japanese as “the great line of Beiling is full of ajava pears” for the purpose of returning to the peak for a thousand days.

Many reporters asked Sakai why he wanted to repair the “thousand day peak trip”.

Those who have achieved a thousand days of peak return in this way are called Shanggen man, which is called Da xingman.

After that, he entered the Mingwang Hall of Wudong temple, cut off food for nine days, and recited the Mingwang mantra of Budong for a Luo fork (100000 times).

Those who are full can go to the temple barefoot and bless the jade body of the emperor, which is the so-called “earth foot ginseng”.

  Today (1990), there are still many people practicing this Law in Japan.

Then we can get the legal interests of protecting the country and benefiting the world and the people.

It refers to the practice of the monks of Yanli Temple touring the peaks of birui mountain, Wednesday tower, nine courtyard spiritual temple, seven communes and city communes.

  Because the “thousand day peak trip” is very challenging, only a few people can complete this feat.

He completed this arduous practice twice from 1973 to 1980 and from 1980 to 1987, and won the “merit award for Buddhist preaching”, becoming a well-known practitioner in the society.

If they decide to give up, they need to give up their lives together.

Once permission is obtained, it is equivalent to signing a life and death document with the Buddha and all the monks in birui mountain.

A “falling magic sword” is worn on the practitioner.

      The sixth year: 60 km mountain every day for 100 consecutive days; The seventh year: 84 km mountain every day for 100 consecutive days, and then 30 km mountain every day for 100 consecutive days to complete 1000 marathons and super marathons! Such a practice is called “returning to the peak in a thousand days”,   38400 kilometers, equivalent to a circle around the earth; Such practice is by no means just an oath.

Sakai always answered “I can only do this”.

Practice starts from “now” and 2 kilometers later! Niu Henggang: Beijing, April 13, 2018..

      Running, need to repeat; Reading requires repetition; Repetition is actually continuous accumulation until qualitative change occurs, otherwise it is not enough repetition.

Also known as the door.

  It is said that this method was created during the reign of Zhenguan (859 ~ 877).

Practitioners must fulfill their commitments with their own monk character and life, and must not give up halfway.

Although it is not a “practice” like “returning to the peak in a thousand days”, I still need to “persist”, especially after the first two kilometers – I have the idea of giving up.

From parades and begging in India to walking tours in China, and the “thousand day peak return trip” in Japan, although the content and form are different, the purpose of being close to the earth, nature and the pursuit of harmony between man and nature comes down in one continuous line.

A bowl of rice for thousands of families can travel thousands of miles.

The person who has completed 700 days in six years is Zhonggen man.

      According to historical records, the origin of the “thousand day journey back to the peak” can be traced back to Yuanren (794-864), the second generation cijue master of birui mountain.

When the practice is the most difficult, you have to get up at 11:30 and 12:00 in the evening, pray and bathe and start the practice of the new day! These “marathon monks” need to complete 38400 kilometers in 7 years:       The first year: 30 km mountain every day for 100 consecutive days;        The second year: 30 km mountain every day for 100 consecutive days;       The third year: 30 km mountain every day for 100 consecutive days;       The fourth year: 30 km mountain every day for 200 consecutive days; The fifth year: 30 km mountain every day for 200 consecutive days;        After five years and seven hundred days, the so-called “entering the hall” is to cut off food, water, sleep and sleep for nine days in the immovable hall, practice samadhi and recite the immovable truth 100000 times.

Don’t hang in the air, but keep your feet on the ground.

Among them, Nobuya Sakai completed the second thousand days on July 5, 1988, when he was 61.

Once the seven-year cultivation enters the second year, the players will not be able to quit.

How to retrieve the lost soul? The only way is to slow down our pace.

  No matter they are injured or their willpower is broken, no matter they are thirsty or can’t fall, they can’t give up.

After running that two kilometers, I can “easily” run.

Marathon monks carry daggers and ropes to end their practice.

Together with zhiguanxing and zhana Xing, they are called the three elements of birui mountain.

The symmetry of the “journey to the peak” of the practitioners of Minmin temple and Mitsui temple.

     With the progress of modern civilization and the improvement of transportation, people’s pace of life is getting faster and faster, so that our soul can’t catch up with our own pace.

This sword is not an ornament, but is used by himself when there is a risk of failure in practice.

Take a thousand days as a period, worship the king of immobility, and practice the immobility seal secret method every day.

After I put forward my wish, I need the unanimous consent of all the abbots of birui mountain to embark on the path of practice.

Hope to get the Dharma test of Sammi blessing.

Yuanren once toured Wutai Mountain, the holy land of Buddhism in China.

When we walk on the solid earth, the earth will help us regain the sense of unity between man and nature.

As long as it starts, there will be no turning back.

   “Thousand days back to the peak” is not a compulsory subject for monks, or even anyone who wants to challenge can challenge at will.

Constant repetition is actually a kind of practice.

You can’t eat a bowl of rice, noodles or tofu soup until you finish 30km, 60km or 84km.

As far as I am concerned, running is my own choice.

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After returning to Japan, he wrote a tour of the Three Pagodas of Ruishan, describing his feelings of touring China.

In the words of Japanese Zen scholar Da Zhuo Suzuki: spirituality is the nature of the earth, and the vitality of the earth is just like the endless growth of human spirituality.

By KingWay