Tip: not everyone is suitable for strenuous exercise.

proceed in an orderly way and step by step.

Lower body    Step as far as possible and feel that the hip muscles are also involved.

The track made of plastic materials can prevent people’s knees from being subjected to large impact when running.

running rucksack

Generally, running on hard roads, such as cement ground, is easy for people to feel large impact when landing, so as to damage their knees.

Warm up before exercise, stretch after exercise, and exercise appropriately..

Methods / steps: quick walk correct guide: general principle speed: 120-140 steps per minute intensity: breathing and heartbeat accelerate, a little panting but still talking time: more than 30 minutes each time and more than 150 minutes per week, the effect is better on the upper body     Naturally look straight ahead, keep your upper body straight, don’t lean forward or hunchback, relax your shoulders naturally and close your lower abdomen.

These correct postures are easy to avoid knee injury.

Appropriate exercise after meals has gradually become a part of life, but after a long time, a few people will find joint pain, which is mostly caused by abnormal exercise posture.

When running, use the correct posture.

Professional running shoes.

The amount of exercise in running is not small.

Correct posture.

Professional running shoes can let people play the role of shock absorption when running, so as to avoid great damage to the knee caused by running.

For example, don’t keep your knees too straight when your feet fall to the ground, try to make the distance between each step smaller, and let your toes fall first when you fall to the ground.

Swing back with your steps.

Running on the plastic track can better protect their knees.

People should pay attention to a gradual process when exercising, and gradually increase it after the leg muscles adapt to the amount of exercise, so as to avoid the knee injury during running.

Gently clench your hands and bend your arms.

During running, the muscles of the legs, ankles and other parts will move.

Select the runway.

Whether it’s exercise or weight loss, running and fast walking are accepted by more and more people.

A correct guide to jogging: warm up before running.

When stepping out, the heel touches the ground first, and then move the weight to the sole of the foot.

At the beginning of running, the amount of exercise is too large, which will cause great damage to the leg joints and knees.

Therefore, it is very important to do a good warm-up exercise before running, because only by moving the muscles and joints before running, can we avoid spraining feet and knee injury during running.

By KingWay